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Weekend Estimates (Page 92): Pets 103.2M (biggest OW ever for an original movie) | Tarzan 20.6M | Dory 20.3M | M&D 16.6M

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11 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


It IS a bad, dumb movie, but I'm glad Fox put up the money to make it. 


For all the crap Fox gets for stuff like Fant4stic, I feel like that studio is the best chance to have diversity. Maybe because Dreamworks was just bought by Comcast, and Disney and WB have all the franchises basically locked up. To contend,  Fox will be putting money in different avenues.

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9 minutes ago, CJohn said:

The Revenant is fantastic. 


Maybe 15-20 minutes of it is fantastic. The other 2 plus hours in an interminable, hollow, meandering, self important slog populated by cardboard characters and Looney Tunes level action without the humor but with Yosemite Sam.

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2 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


Fantastic in the way IDR is fantastic, amirite?





Full Definition of fantastic

  1. 1 a :  based on fantasy :  not real b :  conceived or seemingly conceived by unrestrained fancy c :  so extreme as to challenge belief :  unbelievable; broadly :  exceedingly large or great

  2. 2 :  marked by extravagant fantasy or extreme individuality :  eccentric

  3. 3 fantastic :  excellent, superlative <a fantastic meal>


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4 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


Fantastic in the way IDR is fantastic, amirite?

I feel like you just stopped liking movies all together Tele. I feel so much anger in you. 

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IMHO that Dory Saturday number almost guarantees 500 million.

Its having a better hold against SLOP opening weekend than IO did against Minions. IO went on to make another 70 million off of a 17 million weekend.  Dory is looking at a 21 million weekend, possibly 22 if it continues to hold like IO.  It will be at 422-423.  It's still daily tracking well ahead of IO which would put it comfortably past 500.  

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6 minutes ago, Jack Nevada said:

Just been super pretentious and hostile all day, feeling bad about it now. 


But when are you not, Jack? 

Edited by Noctis
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1 minute ago, Planodisney said:

IMHO that Dory Saturday number almost guarantees 500 million.

Its having a better hold against SLOP opening weekend than IO did against Minions. IO went on to make another 70 million off of a 17 million weekend.  Dory is looking at a 21 million weekend, possibly 22 if it continues to hold like IO.  It will be at 422-423.  It's still daily tracking well ahead of IO which would put it comfortably past 500.  


500 is dead Jim.  

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