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The Mandalorian | March 2023 for S3

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Yeah I don't see the point of getting mad about being spoiled on twitter, Luke Skywalker is trending fer cryin' out loud, stay your ass off that until you can watch it, people should know by now what happens. This is coming from someone who avoided it for ages due to TRoS spoilers, so like 🤷‍♀️


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Ok initial thoughts so may be a bit raw.


I quite enjoyed the fight between Gideon and Mando and clearly S3 will be part of Mando struggling to accept his new role as potential leader of Mandalore. Don't forget Gideon already took part of Grogu's blood so that plotline is still in play.



ok firstly the CGI was ok not great. I got used to it and look totally get that it can be 100% perfect so willing to suspend some major disbelief. Now as someone who isn't a big fan of how Luke is in the ST i don't see this as a refute or a contradiction of the Luke we see in TLJ. There are plenty of years to go from how we see Luke now to his state in TLJ. I just feel bad for Grogu if he has to experience another purge. Also can't wait to hear the story Mark Hamill tells about the cameo. 


The Book of Boba Fett

So this is why they couldn't announce the show huh? I'm pretty confident in the miniseries idea there's too many plot threads dangling to not do a Mandalorian Season 3. But this just solidifies Mandalorian as the foundation of this era of Star Wars storytelling moving forward



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Big downgrade from the previous episode. Probably my least favourite episode this season and one of the worst of the show imo.



Luke's intro in this is probably the most shameless piece of fanservice I've seen in this franchise since the Vader scene in Rogue One. I mean it literally is just that scene all over again lol. And the episode (along with most of the season) solidifies the fact that this show isn't really self-contained anymore but mostly just fanservice and a bunch of backdoor pilots for spin-off shows.


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41 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

Big downgrade from the previous episode. Probably my least favourite episode this season and one of the worst of the show imo.


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While I absolutely don't agree with your thoughts about the show, I 100% agree with your last line. 


Edited by Madhuvan
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Im totally fine with this beeing the


ultimate fanservice. When Luke showed up, i actually raised my fist and said "fuck yeah". So i would be a total hypocrite to criticise the writers. I do think the vast majority of people will absolutly love this episode.


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I didn't care for the actual episode itself (the way it's written / acted). As for everything in the plot / story, I expected it in one way or another.  




Big moments of fan service do not make something good. The whole thing with Luke and the situation that led up to felt really 'meh'. I definitely didn't hate it, but I wanted it to be done better. After Boba broke off his "attack", did he just go chill in fucking space and wait for something to happen? 


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36 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:


I didn't care for the actual episode itself (the way it's written / acted). As for everything in the plot / story, I expected it in one way or another.  



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I do agree that there is way too many people that equate fan service with quality. 

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6 hours ago, Ahsoka said:

@Porthos go to bed or I will thread lock you omg lololol

You can't stop me from reading a thread though. j1aUlyv.gif


(I stopped replying to/reading new posts on this thread long before I saw this post just now, but I wasn't able to fall asleep 'till around 5:15am my time. :ph34r:)

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Dont know why people on here are being so negative, I thought it was great. Yeah it's fan service, to an extent. But if you had forgotten, we had 2 episodes that told us Grogu was reaching out in the Force, for a Jedi to hear him. When Ahsoka said that in ep 5, ofc we assumed this person would make an appearance in the finale.

The great thing about this show is that I had gotten so swept up and focused on Mando et al. that I'd forgotten my reactions to episode 5. So I still got the 'Moving off my sofa and getting closer to the TV' reaction when I saw the ship docking.


Uncanny Valley yes, but as someone said above, I could suspend my disbelief.


Those Dark Troopers are proper scary.

I think Giancarlo Esposito has been kind of wasted in this show. This was the only episode (along with s1 finale) where he got to really do anything and still I don't really have many feelings towards  his character.



Really enjoyable finale and conclusion IMO. Final moment was moving.


Edited by Avatree
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Without getting into spoilers, I do hope we get some clarification from Disney/LFL about (SPOILERS DELETED) sooner than later, as being an open question runs the very real risk of overshadowing discussion of what I personally feel was an excellent season finale.


I'd rather discussion be about the episode itself in other words.

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3 minutes ago, Avatree said:

Dont know why people on here are being so negative,

While I personally don't think reaction on this thread is all that negative, I feel I must remind you of this:





Was true 40 years ago and is still true today. ;)

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It's like poetry, it rhymes:


(major spoilers follow)





very well done edited clip of the hallway scenes in Rogue One and The Rescue at the link.  Far too large for me to make into a gif and host it there so y'all will have to click the link to see the vid.


There's quite a few edits of this on YT already, but they don't match up quite as well due to folks employing blind idiot translation copying of the scenes in question.


But if one follows them side by side and cuts out a couple of reaction shots, they are nearly mirror images.  Including using the Force to choke/crush/slam folks/droids.


A CLEAR homage there, if not exactly shot-for-shot.


Somewhere, out there in the Cosmic Force, Anakin is sayin' "THAT'S MY SON!" 👍

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