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Official BOT top 150 Animated Movies Countdown

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Mary&Max got "only" 7/10 from me because overall I found it just too depressing (and that includes the colour palette), however it's got its funny moments, too, it's extremely intelligent and biting AND its admirable in the stop-motion approach to very adult themes and the very non-animation genre of drama. Definitely highly recommended for adult animation fans, just a film I don't plan to rewatch anytime soon.

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87th - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

87pts - 8 votes, 1 top 10 (2014: 129th Up 42)




It is a Ghibli film and it isn't a Ghibli film. It's like Scroedinger's anime. 


Well nothing from Miyazaki is going to be bad is it (well except for that one film I will get to later). This one always sounded like a pretty interesting concept and I would be shocked if it is lacking in imagination and whimsy. 


A 40 place increase is pretty good going also and yet another sign of strong showings in the offing for Japanese animation.  



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86th - The Little Prince 

88pts - 6 votes, 1 top5, 1 top 10 (2014: N/A)




okay, in my defense for this one, it came out in like December with no USA release in sight so I assumed it was one of those shit animations that us poor rest of the world folk get shoved into our local cinemas.


... and also it was dubbed. So yeah have had next to no chance to get to watch this and that probably will not change for a while. It is the penultimate film on our list to receive 6 votes and so its per vote average is pretty damn strong suggesting that it is something to be sought out by folks in a more condusive situation than I for that task.





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85th - Alice in Wonderland 

89pts - 10 votes,  (2014: 62nd Down 23)



Disney at (close to) its maddest. 


When you think how old this film is, the animation is breathtaking. So much colour and madness in one film, there is so much going on in some of the cells that it's hard not to enjoy what is put on screen. 


The songs are also pretty great for the most part and the recent live action incarnations show how easy it is to turn Alice into a nonsensical, horrible mess. 


Dropping 23 places is a little sad in my opinion, but we are now hitting the land of continuous great animation and something has to lose out. 


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2 hours ago, chasmmi said:

88th - Only Yesterday

87pts - 7 votes, 1 top 10 (2014: 191st Up 103)




Another film to make me feel bad about my lack of watched films. 


To be honest, I would be more surprised by Ghibli films not making the list, than making them, the studio has consistent high quality and this one more than many received a pretty strong points per vote ratio. 


A 100 place plus increase is also testament to the strength of foreign films on this year's list and also maybe suggests that this is one of the better less recognised Ghibli films out there. 


Or that Star Wars Loonies wanted to see what Daisy Ridley was doing after TFA. this was completely off my radar until I heard she did the English voice over, I still haven't seen it but I would have if it was available to rent somewhere. I will probably cave and buy it eventually.

Edited by Kalo
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17 hours ago, chasmmi said:

86th - The Little Prince 

88pts - 6 votes, 1 top5, 1 top 10 (2014: N/A)




okay, in my defense for this one, it came out in like December with no USA release in sight so I assumed it was one of those shit animations that us poor rest of the world folk get shoved into our local cinemas.


... and also it was dubbed. So yeah have had next to no chance to get to watch this and that probably will not change for a while. It is the penultimate film on our list to receive 6 votes and so its per vote average is pretty damn strong suggesting that it is something to be sought out by folks in a more condusive situation than I for that task.






As much as I admired and loved Zootopia this is my favorite animated film if the year.



Edited by TalismanRing
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84th - Kung Fu Panda 3

90pts - 11 votes, 1 top 10 (2014: N/A)



The third installment of the best animated trilogy of all time. 


I mean it too, in my humble opinion, the Kung Fu Panda series operates at a level of quality it has no right being at. Each story has a character progression, beautiful visuals and comedy that really works. Jack Black is so good in the role of PO and his co-stars more than ably support him. 


This is still my favourite animation of 2016 and the last 20 minutes is just wonderful storytelling. It is a franchise I would happily see get a part 4, 5, 6 and 7 as things stand.  




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83rd - Monsters University

90pts - 12 votes, (2014: 58th Down 25)



By default, the second best part two Pixar film.


Monsters' Uni came during the 'low point' of Pixar films to date.  It's nowhere near as good as the elite films that we will be seeing later in this list, but it is certainly an enjoyable film. It is a lot of fun and not a totally aimless sequel (prequel).


It has dropped a bit since the last list, but that list I feel came at a time when this film was about as fresh in the mind as it can be, so perhaps this will be the ultimate spiritual position for the film. 


(also films receiving votes in the double figures is about to become very much the norm.




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82nd - The Illusionist

91pts - 6 votes, (2014: 93rd Up 11)



Looking this clip up on Youtube, I almost panicked that this was a live-action film 


Another French animation I believe with admittedly some pretty simple but lovely visuals. Apart from assuming that this is a film about a magician, I know pretty little about this film except to know that it gets mentioned a lot and that it has received very strong support from the people who voted for it. 


An 11 place rise is a good result as we start entering the films to have been voted for by members in the double digits. There are a few more films out there with 8 or 9 votes, All but two of them are not in the English language though, thus reduce their potential total audience. 


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i'm loving the list, but to see KFP3 and MU above Nausicaa makes me want to gouge my eyes out.


By the way, could someone make a list of the movies that were already mentioned?

I'ill be a bit surprised if Summer Wars didn't make the list, did it make the list, @chasmmi?

What about Arrietty and Anomalisa?


Edited by JohnnY
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2 hours ago, JohnnY said:

By the way, could someone make a list of the movies that were already mentioned?


I've been keeping a list, spoiler-tagged below. @chasmmi if you'd prefer to wait until the end to post a master-list, feel free to use those mod powers to edit/hide this post.

150th - Erneste and Celeste
149th - The Pirates: Band of Misfits
148th - Madagascar 3
147th - Madagascar
146th - Transformers: The Movie
145th - Flushed Away
144th - Megamind
143rd - Oliver and Company
142nd - Hotel Transylvania
141st - Rise of the Guardians
140th - Titan A.E
139th - Fantastic Planet
138th - All Dogs Go To Heaven
137th - Frankenweenie
136th - An American Tale: Feivel Goes West
135th - Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
134th - A Goofy Movie
133rd - The Good Dinosaur
132nd - Arthur Christmas
131st - Monster House
130th - Meet The Robinsons
129th - Road to Eldorado
128th - Winnie The Pooh (2011)
127th - Cars
126th - Puss in Boots
125th - The Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki
124th - Anastasia
123rd - The Aristocats
122nd - Yellow Submarine
121st - Ducktales: The Movie
120th - It's Such a Beautiful Day
119th - Watership Down
118th - The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
117th - Shaun the Sheep
116th - The Rescuers
115th - The Polar Express
114th - Despicable Me 2
113th - The Rescuers Down Under
112th - Tokyo Godfathers
111th - Team America: World Police
110th - Pocahontas
109th - The Adventures of Tintin
108th - Ice Age
107th - Kubo and the Two Strings
106th - Whisper of the Heart
105th - Paprika
104th - The Corpse Bride
103rd - Castle in the Sky
102nd - The Secret of the Kells
101st - Waking Life
100th - Ghost in the Shell
99th - The Triplets of Belleville
98th - The Peanuts Movie
97th - An American Tale
96th - The Fox and the Hound
95th - Happy Feet
94th - Millennium Actress
93rd - The Croods
92nd - Sword in the Stone
91st - The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
90th - Porco Rosso
89th - Mary and Max
88th - Only Yesterday
87th - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
86th - The Little Prince
85th - Alice in Wonderland
84th - Kung Fu Panda 3
83rd - Monsters University
82nd - The Illusionist


Edited by Jason
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1 hour ago, Jason said:


I've been keeping a list, spoiler-tagged below. @chasmmi if you'd prefer to wait until the end to post a master-list, feel free to use those mod powers to edit/hide this post.

  Reveal hidden contents


Good news for you and everyone here! Chas likes it.


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81st - When Marnie was There 

91pts - 7 votes, 2 top 10 (2014: N/A)



My personal Best animation of 2015


Yay it is one of the six or seven Ghibli films I actually saw and it is for me, the second best film of theirs that I have seen. The film is simple to the point that one may feel that pretty much nothing happens. There is pretty much nothing in this film that warrants an animated style, but yet it has a beauty to it that live action would never have recreated as well. 


The ending is so good and when I happened to watch this for the second time a couple of months ago, the whole film feels even more emotional the second time around when you know and and why everything is happening. 


I hope this isn't the end for Ghibli Feature films, but if it sadly is, then it is a damn good send off. 


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