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ROGUE ONE WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals R1 155.09m, Moana 12.7m, OCP 8.58m, CB 7.1m, FB 5.07m

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13 minutes ago, James said:

The OT is unwatchable. ROTS and AOTC are good. TFA is decent/meh, TPM is bleah.


Opinion is entirely subjective, but there are some that are factually wrong. This is one is wrong.









No movie is unwatchable, everybody can see films w/their eyes (except blind people). :bop:

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16 minutes ago, Treecraft said:

Given that harry potter is a kids series and Star Wars is for mature adults, I understand why the prequels appeal to those people more than the adult-aimed original films.

Wait, what? Star Wars is for mature adults?? Lol man, I mean, get yourself together

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16 hours ago, AABATTERY said:

I just want to say I'm really proud of everyone's spelling of rogue. Not once have I seen anyone spell rouge in this thread. So props to you, BOT. And to Disney for getting it through everyone's heads emoji23.png.


edit = Rogue from Marvel I like, Rouge the make up I hat (I hate make up in general, counting only for myself, no opionion about females or males using it)


17 hours ago, Sam said:

So I don't have the patience to read the whole thread, can someone provide a cliff notes version of MovieMan89 beef with Rogue One? 

Inquiring mind wants to know and catch up with the class.


Hates Godzilla, hates the director, thinks additional SW story films (or all of them?) dilute the franchise (example: in 5 years no one will care for SW anymore...) aka Disney $cash whatever the word is.


13 hours ago, AABATTERY said:

Anecdotally, a bunch of guys at my work saw it last night and they had nothing but good things to say about it. Except one guy who said a cosplayer sat next to him and smelt really bad so he had trouble paying attention.


The clothes they (Disney) offer in the internet have an inusual high % of non-cotton like Sweatshirts only 50% cotton, a certain design of Finn only available as pure 'plastik' (not sure about the term, no cotton at all). = Depending on what kind of metabolism somone hs or... you'll stink like really bad after only a short time.

I reallly hate that about Disney's merchandise of recent times, a few years back (oK some years back), they had a lot of good quality clothes, now it isn't worth to buy.


12 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

If this only does around 3x multi that is poor WOM for December. No other way to cut it. If it truly has this amazing WOM some of you are saying it will, 4x should be a breeze given the time of year and how much lower it's opening than TFA


Disagree. It can be based on changed genre and mood of the film impressions of the GA, like great film, but too war, not for X-Mas,... plus some other details that might play into it.

If it doesn't make a 3x multiplier, at first I'd start to collect data, articles about that theme and look for details and impressions and... incl social media reactions and other possibilities to get insight into the GA

= take a look at the complete picture, than judge the WOM impact on it.


12 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

And regardless of what adults think, I can tell you for sure that kids will hate this. There is not one thing about it that's for them. So there goes 50% of what makes SW a phenomenon. 


comscore says 90% of the kids will recommend it to their friends, that is higher than e.g. the female's adult % for e.g. Jones (I think that might have been around 84%, I can look it up if needed)


12 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

Wow you speak to people the way you do and you're a parent? That's extremely irresponsible of someone so emotionally immature to take on such an important job as parenting. 


Empire was sometimes a bit over the line (as others as well), he seems to be a bit open for getting provoked too (not sure about the terms: reacts maybe a bit faster and also stronger than others), but I have never seen something like this from him or giants or... in said discussions = that here is in my understanding / cultural background POV disgustingly over the line/limit.


11 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

Which is 120-130m, exactly the number some of us in Baumer's club have been saying for weeks only to get told how in denial we were. 


At least some of the reasons given will not be the probably reasons, if happening.

Btw, I do not predict, but think Baumer's club sounds sound (it can go both ways, even in bigger steps, but the named reasons have merit in my POV, especially out of the then not knowing some of the details like war film....)

Can't wait for Monday!


11 hours ago, Alli said:

Only 30M? so the 50% OS drop will happen domestic too. disappointing


I still do not understand why you see a -50% +/- as a disappointment. I think it was @eXtacy who gave IMHO a great example:

Avengers made Avengers $207,43 OW, Ant-Man made $57,22. Did we expect Ant-Man to do Avengers like? I doubt rather strongly, that anyone was expecting Avenger's numbers.

Ant-Man vs Doctor Strange is maybe a bit interesting to think about:

Ant-Man had too bad social media reactions long before the release. It is a heist CBM.

Doctor Strange did not have similar social media 'hysteria', has another kind of cast, another genre-mix... and did as such considerable more than Ant-Man, but still way less than Avengers.

Both are about new characters and newly added genre-mixes.

There is IM 3 with it's $174,14 OW, but that one is not only the 3rd of an established character, but also the next film after Avengers and as such had probably huge 'want to see again' factor beforehand. The MCUs also play in the correct time-line and some other little details a few GA people might prefer, and more for all ages than SW R1 seems to be.


8 hours ago, miketheavenger said:

You guys are killing me with your reactions (well, some of you). I can't see R1 until Sunday. :( Hopefully I'll enjoy it as much as Tele or druv10.


For me it will not before Wednesday evening next week.... I really want to get an own impression after all the posts here (and see RT ...too)


6 hours ago, YourMother said:

Seems to me someone doesn't like Star Wars.


Not since it 'dethroned' Avatar's BO in dom ;) (I love in principle both, but see non of them as 10/10)

Edited by terrestrial
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Roger Friedman seems to be a legit journalist.  So that 40 mill looks like it could be true.  If it did 40 million in previews, I'll admit defeat on the under 450 club.

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1 minute ago, Christmas Baumer said:

Roger Friedman seems to be a legit journalist.  So that 40 mill looks like it could be true.  If it did 40 million in previews, I'll admit defeat on the under 450 club.

Never give up! Never surrender.


(Probably my favourite quote from Star Wars :) )

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2 minutes ago, Christmas Baumer said:

Roger Friedman seems to be a legit journalist.  So that 40 mill looks like it could be true.  If it did 40 million in previews, I'll admit defeat on the under 450 club.

He maybe but why hasn't any other outlet pjcked up on it. I don't want to jump the gun and find out it only did 31M so it's best to wait until we've more sources.

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21 minutes ago, James said:

The OT is unwatchable. ROTS and AOTC are good. TFA is decent/meh, TPM is bleah.


Just genuinely curious (I respect your opinion, and I am not gonna condemn you for bucking the trend in terms of SW-related conventional wisdom): what do you dislike about Star Wars: A New Hope ?

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