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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 | May 5, 2023 | The 9th most profitable film of 2023

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17 minutes ago, John Marston said:


You have to admit it is weird  why these Gunn people seem to have this strange fetish 

It's probably odd to strangers but don't a lot of friend groups have inside jokes that make absolutely zero sense to anyone else? I mean, my group of friends had some really gross ones that would probably horrify outsides but it's just something we laugh about in private. Their mistake is treating twitter like their own living room.

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8 minutes ago, Boxx93 said:

I don't care that those tweets where a million years ago or who resurface those. The stuff that James Gunn wrote in those tweet are straight up disgusting.


And to make matters worse, it wasn't just a couple of "edgy" tweets, he wrote 10,000 tweets joking about raping and jerking off to little boys. That shit is just not normal.


I world not be surprised if the FBI is investigating this guy right now.

fellas i don't think he L I T E R A L L Y had 10k tweets about child rape since i'm only seeing the same handful of tweets pop up over and over. i think he probably just blanket deleted all tweets from a certain time period. not defending what he said but i feel like people would've caught on sooner if he had 10000 child rape tweets. that's like a couple years worth of tweets on nothing but the subject of child rape.

Edited by CoolioD1
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Yeah, I believe you can delete tweets between Date 1 and Date 2 or at least older than Date 2 which is obviously more effective than deleting them one by one. It's a wonder he didn't do it before given the current climate.

Edited by Cynosure
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6 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

fellas i don't think he L I T E R A L L Y had 10k tweets about child rape since i'm only seeing the same handful of tweets pop up over and over. i think he probably just blanket deleted all tweets from a certain time period. not defending what he said but i feel like people would've caught on sooner if he had 10000 child rape tweets. that's like a couple years worth of tweets on nothing but the subject of child rape.

Begone, Logic! You are unwelcome here.

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42 minutes ago, Blankments said:

don't worry guys, they're going after Sean Gunn now too, so we won't have to worry about Kraglin:



Love that tweets from 2009 back before any of these people even knew what a Guardian of the Galaxy was can destroy their career!!



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I loooooove the fact lots of people are talking about James Gunn as if he comitted a crime.

Really says it all IMO.

It confirms what I said ealrier, in religious terminology, he is seen as a sinner and he must repent to his new Gods.

People of Faith are intolerant by nature.

If you really believe, there can only be one Truth.

Edited by The Futurist
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Shame he was stripped of his baby and now someone else will get to take over, but those tweets were...ew. In the end it's his fault, he should've been purged everything, or maybe have not said it at all considering he was already in Hollywood back then, not somebody hoping to break in. He could've even used Timehop, smh.

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10 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

We don't need to quote every MAGA account's heinous tweets. They don't care. They didn't do this cause of moral outrage. They did it to fuck with the opposition.

This i doubt Cernovich can loose fan's from tweets, except if he get caught has a previous Clinton supporter or pro-gun control or something like that.


It is still good to point it out to have reader not expect those guys to present stuff necessarily in a fair context.


But the Cernovich guy is probably all about some Pedophilia giant circle in Hollywood and among democrats/pizzagate narrative anyway, not sure he pretend to care about rape joke, probably all about the kids stuff.

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5 hours ago, StevenG said:

"Edgy jokes"


Condoning pedophilia, rape, and transphobia is not edgy or funny.

But carry on, Gunn apologists ("But he made two fantastic films!!! OMG...Leave James alone!!!")...

Rape jokes were literally all the rage among stand up comedians a few year ago. People made so many pedophilia jokes after the Catholic church scandal I honestly couldn't even keep track on late night. If you're saying it's only OK if it's funny, well I think people have very different sensibilities about what they find funny? Fat jokes were all the rage before - I don't think you could watch any episode of a sitcom without fat jokes.


I think you're going to find that a lot of popular entertainers have that cross to bear simply because trends change and what people find offensive will continue to evolve. 

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I really thought big corporate companies like Disney already had some people who take care about counseling their employees to purge their social media accounts.

Even tho only ONE screen capture is enough to save tweets for a very long time.


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4 hours ago, Porthos said:

"Wow, it sure is a shame folks can't say horrible shitty stuff in public anymore lest they maaaaaaaaaaybe face the consequences for it" sure is an interesting viewpoint to push.

I think it could be a cultural american/anglo-saxon ultra puritanism vs rest of the world a bit in play here.


Many podcast for example make many rape and pedophilia jokes all the times (and because they are long form audio content just listened by actual fan that have the context, when they are not celebrity podcast, can still get away with it), that put into a text form and read alone could pass a horrible shitty stuff.


There is more to the right to say horrible shitty stuff in play here, but also a who decide what is terrible shitty public stuff, there is really funny rape, murder, pedophilia, slavery, Shoah, 9-11/pearl harbor, Hitler, cancer, etc.... name it joke. Who decide which are good one, which are bad ? Specially when they were obviously made without trying to generate any harm or victim here (Those I have seen were victimless tweet, not at someone, no character assassination and so on)

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