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Weekend Thread 7/7-7/9 | ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS ALLOWED | SMH 117M, DM3 34M, BD 12.5M, WW 10.1M, TF5 6.3M, Biggus Dickus 3.65

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The Towering Inferno felt big. Shot in a building with decades old tech. They don't know how to make them like that anymore. Compare The Poseidon Adventure with Poseidon. The old one has an epic feel that the new one cannot capture with modern film-making tools.


LOTRs felt big. After that nothing. Raimi also did a great job with SM1 in that regard.

JW falls short in that department and captures half the scale of JP (even though I liked JW a lot).


Edited by a2knet
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7 hours ago, Cmasterclay said:

I might try to fit in a rewatch of the Raimi movies Saturday morning before I see this. There's something intangible about those movies I can't put a finger on. They feel like BLOCKBUSTERS. The tone, the music, the style all blend together to create an epic, truly blockbuster cinematic experience. I can't explain in words why, but they just feel bigger than movies do today. The way they create a universe and stakes combined with how they were shot to feel like the biggest thing you'd see on screen in years. That's my problem with the MCU, DCU, SWU, XU, etc...even at their very best, they feel kind of like high-end TV episodes instead of large-scale blockbusters, despite their budgets. This is probably the biggest compliment I'd pay Wonder Woman, for what it's worth. 



My last unabashed "blockbuster-y" movie experience was Fury Road. Everything about the direction is just bold, bigger than life, production design implies life beyond the scope which is already grand despite happening in the middle of a desert between 2 rocks as the characters play out the drama amped to 11 like a matter of life and death even though it is being set in a silly post-apocalyptic background. It reminded me that a blockbuster could be shot and edited tight as fuck, streamlined and breezy, not meandering placeholder mess in which plot beats and characters make no sense from scene to scene thinking cynically that audience is too dumb too care about those pesky things like coherence, dramatic set-ups/pay-offs, kinetism, character ethos.


You see every dime of the money on screen to create that outlandish sensation projecting you into the midst of the Wasteland for 2 hours of your life hanging on the edge of your seat. That's what pure "blockbuster" is, escape in a world where everything feels bigger than mundane life and the characters world is at stakes both at a micro and macro level striking that balance, the emotions, the sensations, the action, you feel the ginormous money spent heighten those things on a subconscious level for a mind-blowing 2 hours ride leaving your senses agape and elated, it's both operatic and visceral. Something I could never experience watching TV but only in theaters.


(Funny but I don't put King Kong 2005 in that category. For me, it always felt like a bloated studio movie trying to be bigger but reeks on soundstage green screen at every corner. It's like Jackson wanting to have his cake and eat it as feels like an old Hollywood golden era soundstage-y epic with lavish artificial background like B.De Mille and being a big David Lean scope epic with big sweeping natural vistas that it doesn't showcase because CG monsters + CG jungle + CG 30's NY overwhelm the frame and I didn't care about Naomi Watts nor Adrien Brody so...)


Edited by dashrendar44
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4 minutes ago, KJsooner said:

Whoever said The Avengers felt small in scale has lost their fucking minds. Holy crap. Can't believe some of the crap I'm reading. 


Ive watched a lot of epics from the 40s to the 70s and (ofc thats just my personal opinion) and compared to them The Avengers feels smaller in scale. The scenes themselves contain a lot more "big things" (i mean a whole city gets crapped on in the last act) but it just looks like really good CGI for me. Dont get me wrong, i love most Comic book movies and TA1 is one of my favourites - but no scene has the pure awe-inspiring scale of Lawrence of Arabia. Because i know, there really were thousands of people clashing -  and i know the actors in TA1 just looked at tennis balls.

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1 minute ago, Orestes said:

All this talk about King Kong '05 being big and all i remember is the actors running in place infront of green screen dinosaurs.

Still loved the New York scenes with Kong. Those felt big to me.

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1 minute ago, cannastop said:

Still loved the New York scenes with Kong. Those felt big to me.


I dont recall. The other scene knocked me out of the movie and I was never able to get back in.

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4 minutes ago, Nova said:

Damn just read that Stan Lee's wife of 70 years just passed away. SEVENTY YEARS. Really feel for him right now. 



:( Jesus...seven frickin' decades of sharing your life with someone. His heart must be beyond broken; I would not be shocked if we lost him soon...

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Just now, cannastop said:

I'd think that over $130 would also look good.

Well I said $120M+ officially so over $130M would be covered :ph34r: 


But low key would not be shocked by that....it's been selling better than SS here so $15M should mean anything over $120M and getting over $130M would depend on how front loaded the movie is 

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