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2 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

On top of that we gotten to the point if you say the slightest negative thing, it’s open fucking season.

Man, when the first Infinity War trailer dropped, that shit was BAD in the IW thread. The mention of Thanos' CG not looking great set the thread on fire. 

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3 minutes ago, MrGamer said:

Man, when the first Infinity War trailer dropped, that shit was BAD in the IW thread. The mention of Thanos' CG not looking great set the thread on fire. 

To be honest as soon as IMDB closed, I sort of knew this would happen eventually sadly. 


I also remember this one member who hated one user user because they didn’t like Civil War.

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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I wish I had 'snuck' into those IMDB forums and found a little niche where I could troll infinite trolls over the silliest films for years on end (or maybe troll too?).  still have yet to venture to 4chan, reddit, img or Instagram or whatever those things are, etc.   at this point, I just assume I'd just be looking into a black hole in the internet and with that extra time might as well just wander to the beach alone and roll around in the sand.

Edited by xmathmadness
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38 minutes ago, filmlover said:

It was revealed a few weeks ago that Publix was giving political contributions to Republican candidate for Florida governor Adam Putnam, a proud NRA supporter. After that, protests (organized by Parkland survivor David Hogg) were organized in which students would pretend they were dead in Publix. Publix announced they would could their ties to Putnam not long after.

Yeah I know about all that, just didn't know about the die in protest. Vaguely heard something about a protest, but didn't read into it. Glad Publix stopped giving that nut money, but glad no one got into that protest stuff up here either. Stick it to corporate, but don't impede customers. Just my opinion.


Edited by Jandrew
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*pokes head over the parapet*


I admit to posting hardly anything since, well, you know.  Part of it was I just didn't have much to say.  I mean, what was there to say?  Not much from my perspective.


But I will also admit that I just didn't want to read much of the discussion in the various Numbers Threads because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt it would piss me off.  And at 47 years of age, and being on the web for 30 years, I've finally learned the lesson that I just don't need to read discussions that are sure to get me pissed.


So I just ignored them for the most part.  Still posting an occasional observation here or there in other threads, but I can tell I ain't gonna have much to say for a while.


As for the toxicity that's been mentioned?  Like hell I have much of an answer to that.  Well, I do actually.  But while part of it is probably the mods having to take a harder line on things, the cold hard truth is:  A community is pretty much defined by its members. 


If a community wants to have knock out drag out fights over things where point scoring and oneupmanship is the norm, there's only so much the Staff can do.  When it comes right down to it, we have to be the change we want to see and all that.  Part of that is in fact reporting things when they go off the rails so the Staff knows about it.  But most of it is swallowing one's virtual tongue and just not engaging when things start to escalate.


This isn't a call for everyone to agree with each other and not debate.  Or not have strong disagreements for that matter.  But I think most of us know the difference between vigorous and healthy debate and poking folks in the eye when they're pissed off about something. 


We're all in this together and all that other touchy-feely stuff, in other words. :)

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I don’t mind.


am a newer member. Been lurking and posting for under six months. I don’t know if I really have any say in this conversation, yet, for what it’s worth, again, from a more newer/outsider POV:


95% of the time I really sit and ask if I am contributing to the conversation before I post. Is it worth going fifteen rounds with someone when, a, you might never agree, and b, we’re talking about something speculative? 


As some who is hyper aware of how some people on this board feel about new members and/or fan-people, most of the time I find it easier to just give the retort a thanks and move on. I try not to over step, try to be mindful. 


This place is way more data focused. It is incredibly useful,’particularly On The Lot and the Tracking Thread. Coming from a lady POV, it is interesting to see what the guys are thinking. Sometimes we agree. Sometimes we don’t. Most importantly, most of the regulars are insightful and rather funny.  I enjoy reading. 


I hope I haven’t contributed to anyone’s bad experiences over the pass couple weeks/months.  (And I apologize if I set anything off in the WIR Thread with my excitement.  It wasn’t intentional.)


And lastly, if the mods are reading and taking suggestions, I would propose strongly encouraging folks to use the individual film threads instead of overtaking the Weekend/Numbers threads. I understand the weekend thread has the most traffic, but it sometimes feels like half of those conversations could be happening in the spoiler or film thread. That way people can still talk about it, and those that want to ignore the conversation, can just not go in that thread. 



Edited by captainwondyful
Added tracking thread
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It really saddens me to have to see ThatOneGuy go, as does a lot of the negativity that has surrounded this Forum lately. 


I joined BOT back in the summer between grade 9 and 10. Not the best time for me, being in the middle of the awkward teenager phase, as well as the first time I started feeling depressed. This site, the feeling of family, and the friendliness really helped me through that throughout that summer when I was a new member. And it followed me through high school, I feel like I've grown up with a lot of you just as much as I've grown up with my friends in real life. People like Tele and Baumer occasionally responding to posts I make about everyday life giving me advice on stuff, people like Han and Ethan who are pretty much my age and that I've been able to relate to on many occasions throughout the years. People like Blankments, Kalo and tons of others who welcomed me when I first joined. You guys, along with this whole site have been so important to me these past few years and I feel honoured to be a part of this family as I've grown through my teenage years.


And now that I'm 19 and moving out in a few months, about to start a new life, I am so grateful to have BOT be able to follow me in a way, remain a common thread in my life that I will be able to go back to when I'm feeling scared or unsure or alone in the future. Despite the fact that this site has grown a lot bigger in the 4 years since I've joined, and there have been some... undesirable posts here and there, I still think this place is one of the friendliest on the internet. And that is all thanks to the amazing regular family we have here. And to see a member of that family, as in TOG, leave us even for a bit, while it does make me sad, also reminds me that we all do have lives outside of this site. Which makes being able to communicate together about something we all love, movies, all the more special. 


So thank you BOT. I hope to remain on this site for the foreseeable future, and really look forward to the next 4 years with you guys. And to newer members such as captainwondyful who just posted above, and the countless others I have yet to learn the names of but hope to soon, welcome to the family:)

Edited by DAJK
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I think it is good to challenge yourself with what different people post on the internet, but I do think that ignoring people can be correct thing to do.  


Also, when the anticipated Transformers 2 opened, I think a lot of people walked away with a shrug.



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Also @captainwondyful I never directly responded to your post but there’s no shame in being a new member, and I’m afraid that’s kind of a stigma that sort of comes off from these forums, but it isn’t true at all. We all here love to hear new insights, and your post count in no way defines you on this site whatsoever. Sure, there’s apprehensiveness when a huge wave of new members arrive when a big CBM or SW movie premieres, but honestly, new members are what help this place be able to evolve into something better (even though it’s already pretty great IMO)

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To add something to this current conversation tho:


I'd bet I'm the newest poster in the last 4-5 pages and I've never felt like I was treated differently for it. I've lurked for a while, though, so there's that. I think this is a pretty chill community even if some fans feel the need to carry their favorite franchise/director/studio with them like a weight to show off, as if to say "look at me, and my dedication to this corporate product!" I guess on a box office forum it's natural that it breeds brand loyalty and competition, and some of that can be cute and fun, but it gets tiresome after a while. It's why I avoid the fanboy wars thread, it's just an extremely unpleasant atmosphere of people slinging shit while ardently defending their favorites, like it's a game of Capture The Flag or something.


I don't have any big ideas or great fixes for the community, but I do think it's important for people to disconnect emotionally from what's being posted on an internet forum, if only occasionally, for their own sanity. Some people here are bonkers, but I do what I can to not internalize what they say because it reflects on them far more than what they speak to others.


Let me say this... I'd still way rather be here than the current state of /r/boxoffice. That forum went full redpill ever since Solo came out. It's nasty. 

Edited by Mekanos
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Dont know what I have missed @That One Guy but Empirecity [Mod Edit] He insults and swears at people every single day and gets away with it because he works in the industry and gives the forum information. The pathetic mods on this forum just give him a free pass because they're too scared. Moderation on here used to be very well done, but since a few of the older mods have left and new ones replaced them, it's gone really downhill, now they overact to the stupidest stuff and let certain people get away with murder. Empirecity is the only person on the forum I have on ignore [Mod Edit]. It pisses me off to no end that he is not banned. They are happy to ban people for holding "offensive" opinions but Empirecity aggressively harasses, attacks and insults individuals directly to them and suddenly the mods' balls shrivel up and crawl back inside them as they wet themselves being too scared to do anything about him. he is a black mark on the forum.


Just ignore him. I know I am not the only person on the forum who feels this way.

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Guys calm down a bit. It is of cource necessary to constantly improve the site but this forum is very very good by the typical internet standards. Nothing is perfect but trust me I have never been in a more friendly and more mature community than this on Internet. I am very happy I found this place and the goods far outweigh the bads.

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I haven't thought about it a lot  but in a forum that I used to visit they were closing registrations every time things went very bad for a period. I don't know If it can work but I am just throwing it over here. Maybe we can do it every time there is a very big release which can attract many trolls.

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12 hours ago, Ranger Tree said:

Dont know what I have missed @That One Guy but Empirecity [Mod Edit. He insults and swears at people every single day and gets away with it because he works in the industry and gives the forum information. The pathetic mods on this forum just give him a free pass because they're too scared. Moderation on here used to be very well done, but since a few of the older mods have left and new ones replaced them, it's gone really downhill, now they overact to the stupidest stuff and let certain people get away with murder. Empirecity is the only person on the forum I have on ignore [Mod Edit] It pisses me off to no end that he is not banned. They are happy to ban people for holding "offensive" opinions but Empirecity aggressively harasses, attacks and insults individuals directly to them and suddenly the mods' balls shrivel up and crawl back inside them as they wet themselves being too scared to do anything about him. he is a black mark on the forum.


Just ignore him. I know I am not the only person on the forum who feels this way.

he's been banned you can relax.

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