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6 hours ago, TwoMisfits said:

If I were you, I would make an appointment with a mental health specialist.  I have personally seen similar symptoms in 2 people in the midst of a full blown undiagnosed mania (they were both later diagnosed as bipolar)...but that is not the only thing that might explain them.  And getting a true check and diagnosis would be the 1st step to helping you through this issue.  In fact, it may also later help with your issues with substances.  Many folks self-medicate using those substances.

Hey :) yeah I saw my GP and they've made a referral to the psychiatric clinic. And yeah it is substance related. 

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4 hours ago, Avatree said:

Hey :) yeah I saw my GP and they've made a referral to the psychiatric clinic. And yeah it is substance related. 

But be careful...substances can and do cover up other underlying issues...so make sure your symptoms are truly due to substances and not other underlying issues...both people I know weren't diagnosed until they were well into their 20s...

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8 hours ago, Ozymandias said:





Props to the Truck Driver for going into the ditch...


Cars can hit each other and be fine but its the trucks crashing into cars that causes the real damage and death in these situations.


I been in a close call about this in Ontario, I had to drive into a ditch, luckily a cop was right there and was able to slow down traffic and stop a huge pile up. 

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on LinkedIn, someone asked what The Favourite was about, and when someone said "lesbians!" they got indignant in a "Hey man I don't know if you're trying to insult people......>" kind of way.




Until someone said "No, it's really about lesbians" lol. 

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22 minutes ago, Porthos said:


That's a whole lotta years.  Allegedly no opt outs/full no trade clause as well.


Also, your annual reminder that Scott Boras is VERY good at what he does. 

And by the end of that 13 years the Mets will still be paying Bobby Bonilla

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28 minutes ago, Porthos said:


That's a whole lotta years.  Allegedly no opt outs/full no trade clause as well.


Also, your annual reminder that Scott Boras is VERY good at what he does. 

You say that, but the Phillies got a better deal than the Nats offered Harper before he became a FA...


The rejected Nats offer of $300M for 10 years is better for the player than $330M over 13 years...especially since it's unlikely salaries will go down...and Harper is only 26, so at 36, he might have had 3 okay years left, vs a normal FA player who'd be older at that type of contract point...


I think Boras gambled on the market being a seller's market and thought he'd easily get 10 years at $330M (and was probably aiming for $350M)...and he ended up in a buyer's market with only one buyer...I think the Phillies could have done under $300M for 10 years with the position Harper was in (since all the CA teams only wanted 4-5 year deals)...but they wanted the player to be happy to be with them, so they made the "number saving" move by adding years...

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12 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

You say that, but the Phillies got a better deal than the Nats offered Harper before he became a FA...


The rejected Nats offer of $300M for 10 years is better for the player than $330M over 13 years...especially since it's unlikely salaries will go down...and Harper is only 26, so at 36, he might have had 3 okay years left, vs a normal FA player who'd be older at that type of contract point...


I think Boras gambled on the market being a seller's market and thought he'd easily get 10 years at $330M (and was probably aiming for $350M)...and he ended up in a buyer's market with only one buyer...I think the Phillies could have done under $300M for 10 years with the position Harper was in (since all the CA teams only wanted 4-5 year deals)...but they wanted the player to be happy to be with them, so they made the "number saving" move by adding years...

Nats offer allegedly had deferred money while this doesn't.  Also while salary will continue to climb, I don't think it'll climb so much that in ten years when Harper is entering his Age 35 season that he'd make more money then.  Especially with salaries for post-age 30 players cratering.


Maybe a couple of years ago, you might have been right.  But the last two years has seen a massive correction to the post-28/29 year old free agent market.  Even a three year opt-out for Harper might have been dangerous if the current trends hold.


Taking in all the factors, I think 330 guaranteed with no deferrals over 13 years is superior to whatever deferred money the Nats were offering over 10.  Maybe he could have squeezed out a bit more with a short term contract with the Dodgers on a four or five year deal with an opt-out on year three. But then he runs the risk of injury (he's not exactly a careful player after all) as well as the free agent market continuing to "evolve".

Edited by Porthos
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2 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Nats offer allegedly had deferred money while this doesn't.  Also while salary will continue to climb, I don't think it'll climb so much that in ten years when Harper is entering his Age 35 season that he'd make more money then.  Especially with salaries for post-age 30 players cratering.


Maybe a couple of years ago, you might have been right.  But the last two years has seen a massive correction to the post-28/29 year old free agent market.  Even a three year opt-out for Harper might have been dangerous if the current trends hold.


Taking in all the factors, I think 330 guaranteed with no deferrals over 13 years is superior to whatever deferred money the Nats were offering over 10.  Maybe he could have squeezed out a bit more with a short term contract with the Dodgers on a four or five year deal with an opt-out on year three. But then he runs the risk of injury (he's not exactly a careful player after all) as well as the free agent market continuing to "evolve".

But 2021 has the potential strike coming...and the players may force all the teams not spending money (like about 3/4 of them now?) to have mandatory roster minimum salary floors (like $150M for a team, for example)...if that happens, there will be a lot of money floating around that's currently on the sidelines lining owner's pockets...


A 3-4 year deal, enough to get him past the next labor unrest and in the driver seat, could have really paid off...now in 5 years, if he performs at the level the Phillies are hoping, he might turn into a true bargain...

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I would also add that we have no idea what the baseball landscape will look like when the new CBA (eventually) gets agreed to in a couple years.  Especially if there is a huge labor disruption as is getting more likely by the month.  


The biggest question mark, IMO, is if the love affair with prospects will continue and if the new CBA will continue to attach draft penalties for going over the luxury cap too much.  If both those things happen, then I suspect the free agent market for "older" players will continue to fall.  Thus locking in 330 now is at least as good as 300 with deferrals and opt-outs.


I get what your saying, @TwoMisfits.  Just think this deal is a reflection of the rapidly changing FA market, with the lack of opt-outs being perhaps the biggest tell.  In fact, I won't be surprised at all to see opt-outs start to fade away unless they are of the one or two year variety (since the market is still probably guessable a year or so away).  

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