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Inherent Vice is a really weird film. Feels like it has a too much plot (to the point that I had no clue what was happening for almost half the film) while also feeling largely plotless. One of the very few PTA movies I appreciate but don't love or even find engaging (the only other film of his I feel similarly about is The Master). Clearly has its fans but just not my kind of film.



Edit: Phantom Thread, on the other hand, works very well even with his more restrained and methodical style of Inherent Vice and The Master (maybe because I felt like there was more heart and emotional value in Phantom Thread than those two other movies).

Edited by lorddemaxus
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7 minutes ago, Plain Old Tele said:

Taking a moment to promote my own shit here, but this is fun and lighthearted and a nice alternate 2020 reality where things are normal. Comes out on April 6.



You had me at Jaleel White

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2 minutes ago, Madhuvan said:

Random thought:



It's really amazing that even aftee winning an Oscar, Brie Larson career never took off. 


The main reason : Brie Larson is beautiful but she is nowhere near the Hollywood beauty standard. Sad but real. 


 She only has MCU.



🤔🤔🤔 Never seen an oscar winner actress with such a small filmography. 




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she's certainly not close to a failure but brie larson is sort of a funny case as an oscar winner who headlined a billion dollar hit because i still feel like most people have no idea who the hell she is.

Edited by CoolioD1
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4 hours ago, Plain Old Tele said:

Taking a moment to promote my own shit here, but this is fun and lighthearted and a nice alternate 2020 reality where things are normal. Comes out on April 6. @MCKillswitch123 @75Live @CJohn




Nice.  I didn't k ow you were involved but I already planned to watch and now I definitely will 

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