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2 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

Thoughts and prayers to everyone in LA. Hopefully you can get through this unprecedented deluge. 



we had some nasty flooding around these parts a couple years ago so i know what it's like to go through this. stay safe angelenos.

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30 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

Thoughts and prayers to everyone in LA. Hopefully you can get through this unprecedented deluge. 



People in SoCal forget driving when it precipitates. If it ever snowed here like the end of Crash, we would probably be living in Mad Max the next day.

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I'm studying in the library right now and these two guys walk past me literally arguing about TLJ. Not about if it was good or bad, but about what the worst part was (I think)


"Admiral Ackbar dying so unheroically was just a fuck you to fans"

"Luke dying for no reason was so much fucking worse"


I always thought the internet would be the internet, and real life would be real life, but I guess not :apocalypse:


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Counsell over-managed this game.  :sadno:  Should have left Miley in longer (to eat up more outs) and yanked Jefferies sooner (when it was clear he didn't have his good stuff).


Now we have a series.  Probably going to go all the way to the end.

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2 hours ago, DeeCee said:

Thoughts and prayers to everyone in LA. Hopefully you can get through this unprecedented deluge. 




Heh. When we lived in the Mojave Desert, the lakebed we were surrounded by would fill up. So I can sympathize and understand with this.

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55 minutes ago, DAJK said:

I'm studying in the library right now and these two guys walk past me literally arguing about TLJ. Not about if it was good or bad, but about what the worst part was (I think)


"Admiral Ackbar dying so unheroically was just a fuck you to fans"

"Luke dying for no reason was so much fucking worse"


I always thought the internet would be the internet, and real life would be real life, but I guess not :apocalypse:


Still cracks me up how these morons are whining about Ackbar. Y'all only like him because he's a meme.

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Back home tomorrow, there's a local dude coming by who can patch our roof before the rain comes. The one perk of living in the boondocks is that so many people are handymen.


Can't wait to make coffee by boiling water on the grill out back and doing a pour over like we're camping. So back to being off of the grid for who knows how long.

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Gran Torino is a very good movie. Didn’t expect that good of a movie because Clint is so hit or miss this millennium, but it’s a good redemption story. Tbh it’s kind of made me more and less excited for The Mule. The movies look very similar stylistically, but I worry Eastwood has nothing different to say because the whole failed father thing was already touched upon here. Dunno. Will be interesting to see unfold.

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15 hours ago, DeeCee said:

Thoughts and prayers to everyone in LA. Hopefully you can get through this unprecedented deluge.

40% of an inch? At first I thought I misread. 😉

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13 hours ago, PANDA said:

To all on this forum:


You are loved.  You are worthy of love.  You are made of love and from love.  You are love.

is this is serious and not a film quote thank you mr Panda. Even the infallible Jimbo can have slumps and this week has been bad

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8 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

Gran Torino is a very good movie. Didn’t expect that good of a movie because Clint is so hit or miss this millennium, but it’s a good redemption story. Tbh it’s kind of made me more and less excited for The Mule. The movies look very similar stylistically, but I worry Eastwood has nothing different to say because the whole failed father thing was already touched upon here. Dunno. Will be interesting to see unfold.

It’s a great movie.  It often makes me conflicted because it’s also a subtly racist one (even though on the surface it acts like it’s not).

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15 hours ago, DeeCee said:

Thoughts and prayers to everyone in LA. Hopefully you can get through this unprecedented deluge. 



In DFW, if it even began to snow traffick would suddenly become the worst in the country (literally) and all schools would be cancelled.  Some areas of the US have some crazy reactions to what’s considered minor weather in other areas.

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