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Thor Ragnarok (2017)

Grade it  

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It's a good film with plenty of humor and interesting action sequences. However, I can't help the feeling that some of the premises promised by the plot fell flat when it comes to the execution aspect.
Why put Ragnarok in the title if the plot only partially treats of it? A way bigger chunk of the story revolves around Thor being stranded on some a remote planet than actual Ragnarok taking place. Don't get me wrong, I totally liked everything that happened on Sakaar, but I just wish I could have seen more of Asgard and its Ragnarok. The biggest letdown for me was the way the character of Hela was handled. We have Blanchet doing everything she can (who looks great!), but, again, Marvel cliches come in the way and prevent Hela from being an actual villan rather than a yet another, bitter, one-dimentional anti-hero who's evil just for the sake of the plot. Cate tries her best and gives a commanding performance but not once have I though "oh f*, these Asgardians are gonna die!".

Other than that, I liked it a lot. Thor and his muscles are great, humor totally worked for me (can't count how many times I chuckled or straight out laughed), plus I can't wait to see what the story has in store for Valkyrie.


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On 03/11/2017 at 9:05 PM, narniadis said:

@The Last baumer tag me when you give a review. Since we normally have similar taste I am curious why we diverge so greatly here. 


You know, I don't really have a review for it.  All I can say is that none of it worked for me.  I think maybe I'm outgrowing Marvel as I have hated some of their efforts over the last 5 years.  Doctor Strange was just white noise to me and Thor 3, while better than The Dark World, is just silly to me.  I just think a lot of it is lazy writing in the sense that it's a super hero world so anything is possible.  We've never known about Hela before (I know she's Odin's daughter but never knew anything about her being more powerful than Thor), but now that she's convenient, she appears and can kick the shit out of Thor.  In fact, everyone kicks the shit out of Thor in this movie, until it's time for him to win and then all of a sudden he finds a way to defeat Hela.  He even loses to Valkyrie.  This is a God who cannot lose to pretty much anyone.  Then he gets defeated so that we can get him to a planet so he can fight Hulk.  I just didn't buy it.  It didn't feel organic to me.  I get I'm in the minority on this and Marvel is doing something right because all the films I hate, resonate well with audiences.  


I also don't really get why Valkyrie hates Asgard, then hates Thor, then likes him, then wants to fight with him.  Again, it's just lazy imo.


I also didn't like Hulk in this.  I was always under the impression that Hulk was still David Banner, that even though he was the Big Guy, he still had the mind of Banner.  I guess I'm wrong in that.  I didn't like how he had no idea that he was friends with Thor.  It's all just for cheap humour and pay-off lines that have no pay off for me.


I hated the look of the film.  The CGI seemed bad in some places and this film looked more like you were tripping on acid when watching it.


I didn't mind the Gladiator rip-off/homage right down to the Maximus speech about being the true ruler and so on...it was tongue in cheek as it was almost word for word.


Why did Odin abandon his responsibility as Protector of the nine realms and just went to Norway to enjoy the view is completely IDIOTIC and when confronted by his sons he just says "it's your time now" and vanishes?? He isn't injured, He is still capable of doing wonders but no he chose to turn into golden dust... That's pretty helpful thanks Odin.  Also, to the best of my knowledge, isn't Odin one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel universe?  Why does he just turn to dust?


AND How come the Devils ANUS gets you Directly to Asgard? Shouldn't the Grand Master know about it ?


From the first scene to the very last one everything is a joke, I know MCU likes to make the movies a little kid-friendly with a comic relief, but Thor Ragnarok is way over the top. The movie is full with sad moments, a bunch of them, I couldn't take any of them seriously because the jokes would not stop. 

Because everything is a joke there's no tension at any point, the main character doesn't grow or learns anything new, and the villain is never something you actually worry about, the plot becomes flat and boring.  This might be my biggest problem with the movie and maybe to comic book movies in general, there is no fear of death.  There is no tension because you know Thor and his merry band of dorks are never really in any danger.  Maybe kill Loki or Valkyrie or someone somewhat important.  Instead we get Karl Urban dying, while yelling out For Asgard.  Sorry, but I don't give a shit about Karl Urban in a Thor movie.

Hela, played by the amazing Cate Blanchett, is a waste of character, she does it beautifully, as far as she can, but doesn't make a villain you will remember. The friendship between Thor and Hulk doesn't go to a really deep level; and the brotherly Thor-Loki relationship is so predictable that it just plain dull.  And how many times is Loki going to be forgiven?  He's killed millions, caused all kinds of damage in a multitude of worlds and yet he is still relied on by Thor to do the right thing.  I think that time has passed.  


I'm just tired of Marvel in many ways.  I guess I like the DC stuff better at this point.  I'll still see every Marvel film but since Avengers came out, there have been 11 MCU films.  Three of them have been really good imo (GOTG 2, Winter Soldier and Ant-Man), the rest have been downright horrible, imo.


So there you have it.

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Marginally better than the complete dullness of Thor:The Dark World, but it lacks any sort of emotional weight that the first Thor gave us. First of all these movies are just getting to meta and self referential for their own good. It starts off with Thor breaking the 4th wall, repeats the joke about the chain spinning three times and then he conveniently escapes to kick some random dudes ass who looks cartoony as hell. I did like the addition of Karl Urban in this movie, but his character doesn't serve much purpose in this movie. 


What made the first Thor pretty good was that Loki actually felt like an intelligent character, here he just seems like a cliche and of course he becomes good again so everybody can be reunited and theres a happy ending. Seriously, the guy tried to invade earth, killed thousands of innocent people and everybody just forgives him for no reason. This is becoming a major pet peeve of mine in the movies. Star Wars the Force Awakens was also a propagator of this stupid plot point. 


Perhaps the biggest problem with the movie is that it seems to suffer from the screenwriters attempt to throw as much at the wall as possible in a hope that a lot it will stick. Theres an absolutely great cast in this movie that is largely wasted. There was no need to have both Jeff Goldblum's and Cate Blanchett's character in the movie, neither get enough backstory or time to really flesh out their characters. Also I had no idea that was Cate Blanchett in the movie until the credits rolled.  


There is some fun action, but it gets bogged down by some really lame jokes and lack of any real stakes. The rock guy is just about the worst comic relief character ever put to film. The jokes about the devils anus and the orgies in the grandmaster's ship were completely unnecessary and not in the least bit funny. 


Overall I am getting less and less excited for Marvel as time goes on, Age of Ultron was a step down from the first, Civil War was solid but rather mundane and Doctor Strange was a complete waste of time. Additionally can I say that Doctor Strange's character was a complete waste of screen time in this movie. 


Apparently Asgard built some huge empire, but their entire planet(?) only has a couple thousand people on it. How the hell does that work? 


I'll give it a C, some parts of it are fun to watch but it never coalesces into an organic feeling film. 



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Obviously. But why you must leave NOW attitude from Strange? He handled Loki like he was barely of any threat. He got his ass beat by everyone. 


I’m saying he barely resembles the character that orchestrated the NY invasion, got Thor banned from Asgard and took the throne by tricking Odin.

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I've never seen a Thor film until now.


Out of the MCU movies I've seen this year...I think I enjoyed this more than Spiderman. The fights were certainly more easy to view are fantastically shot instead of lurking in Eternal Darkness. I don't think it was better than Spiderman, but this is the third movie, the human relationships have (probably, right) been built up before now, so that's really not something I can fault the movie for.


I like Taika's work and his humor, but I really, really wish someone had taken him by the arm and said "Your shout out CGI character? He don't need all these lines." 



There were also instances where a joke would be drawn out just a touch too long, like when Thor took the time to psychoanalyze Loki on the ground before he got into the ship.


People called these bits 'tonally jarring', but if you know Taika, you expect that. That doesn't make it any less drawn out at points.


Why do I care about GCI Rock Man when that time could have been more allotted to the ladies, who I loved?


10 hours ago, The Last baumer said:

and the villain is never something you actually worry about

There were points where I forgot Hela was even in the movie, which is a real pity. She was still a competent villain but...there just wasn't a lot of time for her.

10 hours ago, The Last baumer said:

I also don't really get why Valkyrie hates Asgard


That's a good point...



Like Hela hasn't been there for...I don't think it says, and I get not wanting to return to where your friends were slaughtered, but before the events of the movie, I got the impression that it was mostly fine. 


Speaking of, Valkyrie. (Were all the female guards in this league called Valkyrie, anyway). Tessa did the best she could with the dialogue they wrote for her. 


Re: the plot - 


I like how Thor tried so hard to protect his people, and even though Asgard was lost ("Asgard isn't a place, it's where it's people are" oh shut up)...was there any setup that Asgard or its people were important beyond simply being human (?) lives?


The Bright Gladiator Planet (I don't remember half these names, my fault) - another pretty, bright planet with sinister intentions. Just like some GOTG planets. Kind of tired of it. 


Also yes some of the CGI was not great;



When Hela held Thor's head over the balcony, when she repeats "What were you the lord of, again?" his head looked like shit, so surprised was I that I ended up pointing at the screen in confusion.


It always makes me laugh a bit when people say There are no real stakes in these movies, which is something I heard a LOT re: this film. because I'm like...I didn't know people actually expected any.




Like is there any REAL doubt that Thor wouldn't escape Saakar? Or that Valkyrie wouldn't have a heel face turn.


I thought they knew what they were getting into, that it's enjoyable but not long-lasting despite all the continuities and overlapping. The heroes would win, even if they lost some things, but oh there's a new problem so we can't really ruminate on what we lost. Even though I think GOTG 2 was 90% abysmal, I do like that the group wasn't hunky-dory in it when it's just, what, two months later.


But that is some serious digression I just did, but it's kind of my (Admittedly half-observed) thoughts on the MCU as a whole.


tldr; This was just a ride of a film, and for the most part, I liked the ride. I liked the humor when it didn't overstay it's welcome. The lack of serious moments or impact didn't bother me because those are two things I don't expect from the MCU.


Edited by Morieris
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On ‎10‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 6:17 AM, The Last baumer said:

Discuss and gush over the latest Marvel phenom

the strengths are the pacing and humor. Jeff Goldblum was amazing. ONLY if you like him should you wait for the final scene after all the credits. It's not much but still something not to be missed by diehard fans. This film is more of a stand alone scifi story that is bigger because we care about the ramifications these events will have on future Marvel films.  There are plenty of problems as well. The cameo of Dr Strange showcased his powers that work over the gods of Odin. The only titan on titan was the highly anticipated thor hulk fight. It was long but didn't ever finish the uppercut-to-the-chin cliffhung in the trailer. An opportunity was missed. The thought of all those refugees coming to Iceland or wherever sounds to political and wrongfully puts thor issues at the center of avenger issues. Thor should assist them, not become the central drama. Losing an Eye is so Empire Strikes Back and Like Father Like son.


Since the previews show the motley crew assembled to reclaim Thor's world, I was bored watching him slowly turn people over to his cause. The middle section lacked humor and motion. Overall I was enjoying the film, and I look forward to more MCU

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I'll say more on this movie later. For the most part it was the usual Marvel fun and forgettable spectacle. But even disregarding the incredibly poor timing of the Texas church shooting I really think they should've known better than to play the acquisition of assault rifles for laughs. And I just know gun enthusiasts are going to use the heroic sacrifice at the end to push their agenda.

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Sakaar is a huge waste of time and Hulk's super unneeded. The jokes are done in a very obtrusive way as well. Surtur was good and Hela was cool but tbh the biggest issue with Thor: Ragnarok is how at odds with itself is. It can't decide if it's a sad character driven drama or if it's a fun wacky road trip with Thor and Hulk.

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Yeah this didn't work for me, almost at all.  It's not terrible, but overall, nothing hit either.  The crowd I was with wasn't too into it either.  Not saying there wasn't some laughs, but mostly giggles and one big laugh with Banner just smashing into the bridge when he jumped out.  That did get a good reaction.


Other than that, Hulk was horrible, the movie trends to almost being a spoof of itself, the humor wasn't all that great, typical horrible Marvel villain. and there really was no point to the whole film, which sometimes works, just didn't in this instance.


I know I'll be in the minority on all that, but I've seen every marvel movie in the theaters so far so I wanted to like it, but there wasn't much to like for me.  I have to say that they are 0 for 3 on Thor movies.


I get they wanted to get away from the other two to try to change it up, but I think they went too far to the other side


C+, if I am generous B-

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Best Thor movie by far. It's not even a competition. Second best SH for me of the year behind GotG2. It's funny but no where near as many jokes and stuff as Guardians had. But the jokes and funny stuff is of the better type than guardians. And the action and music is great. The use of the led zeppelin song is perfect. Gave me goosebumps when it played for the second time. 


It's a great movie and that is reflected in its very high ratings almost everywhere, it's huge openings in most countries and great holds in countries where it already opened. 


1 mid credit scene and 1 after credit scene

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Meant to review this awhile ago but just have been so busy at work. Overall this is a fun film. It’s a typical Marvel film that you don’t take seriously. Coming from someone who hasn’t seen any of the thors, I still found this movie pretty straightforward and easy to follow.


I do think at times (as with typical marvel films) the humor is forced to the point where some jokes aren’t funny and are just “weird/awkward” moments. The villain is good, though there are times that because the film is heavily revolved around humor, I don’t feel really any threat from her. And at the end, after loki time after time again he betrays thor, why does thor act like all is well with him? I just dont get it, i guess it must be a comic knowledge thing.


Overall Thor 3 is a fun movie but not overly great. It’s a film that’s great to pass the hours by if you’re looking for a fun upbeat movie. I’d give it a B, 7/10 overall.

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