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4-day Weekend Thread: 5-day numbers per BOM - TLJ 99.0M, J:WTTJ 55.4M, PP3 26.4M, TGS 14.4M, F 10.1M, C 8.2M, D 7.7M and an incredible $5,480,000 for Father Figures

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Can't compare Star Wars to Marvel.   Star Wars has plenty of source material most of which however they refuse to use.  Marvel has literally hundreds of characters and 50+ years of source material to draw from.  Marvel can go in any number of directions moving forward.   Star Wars should have an expanded universe as well but we see no signs of them exploring it.   The first two spin offs are of an event surrounding the first film and a Solo chapter. Marvel gave audiences Guardians of the Galaxy and made a near billion dollar brand out of them.  

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53 minutes ago, Chewy said:


Yea there's a perception that it's a male-dominated industry when it's not, that's true. Which makes it an even worse look that women have gotten so few opportunities to direct these bigger movies. Outside of a docu from 30 years ago a woman has never directed a sequel to their film, lol. NEVER

It is not a male dominated industry ?:


Women comprised 13% of directors on the top 700 films, but just 7% on the top 250 films. They made up 13% of writers on the top 700 films, and 11% on the top 250 films. And 27% of producers on the top 700 films were female, while 23% on the top 250 films were female. And women accounted for 9% of cinematographers on the top 700 films, but 5% of cinematographers on the top 250 pictures. The number of female editors stayed consistent at 18% in both test samples.


I am not sure there is many role not dominated by males (say 60% or more of the employee) in that industry, maybe casting director and talent agents/accounting and some place like that.

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4 minutes ago, Barnack said:

It is not a male dominated industry ?:


Women comprised 13% of directors on the top 700 films, but just 7% on the top 250 films. They made up 13% of writers on the top 700 films, and 11% on the top 250 films. And 27% of producers on the top 700 films were female, while 23% on the top 250 films were female. And women accounted for 9% of cinematographers on the top 700 films, but 5% of cinematographers on the top 250 pictures. The number of female editors stayed consistent at 18% in both test samples.


I am not sure there is many role not dominated by males (say 60% or more of the employee) in that industry, maybe casting director and talent agents/accounting and some place like that.


Definitely not talent agents, they're predominantly male, but certain departments (casting, costuming, etc)

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9 minutes ago, Johnny Tran said:

Can't compare Star Wars to Marvel.   Star Wars has plenty of source material most of which however they refuse to use.  Marvel has literally hundreds of characters and 50+ years of source material to draw from.  Marvel can go in any number of directions moving forward.   Star Wars should have an expanded universe as well but we see no signs of them exploring it.   The first two spin offs are of an event surrounding the first film and a Solo chapter. Marvel gave audiences Guardians of the Galaxy and made a near billion dollar brand out of them.  

Disney turned a 2 million dollar property into a near billion dollar property (GOTG) that is impressive marketing.

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22 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Except for the 90% of us on this forum who weren't even alive yet. :ph34r:

ROTJ marketing was ESB’s jaw dropping revelation. That alone was enough. 


Honestly TLJ marketing wasn’t that amazing, the trailers were fine but views were mostly getting beaten by Marvel stuff. TFA’s cliffhanger certainly helped. 

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1 hour ago, Johnny Tran said:

Star Wars should have an expanded universe as well but we see no signs of them exploring it.   The first two spin offs are of an event surrounding the first film and a Solo chapter. Marvel gave audiences Guardians of the Galaxy and made a near billion dollar brand out of them.  

To be fair, GotG came, what, ten films in to the current Marvel line.


Also SW seems to be doing something a little different, and frankly borderline insane, with its own expanded universe: They are trying to make it ALL a cohesive whole.

Actually,  that's not borderline insane, it is FLAT OUT FUCKING LUNACY. :insane:


Think about it.  Lucasfilm is attempting to do what only comic book publishers have ever considered doing and that is having literally dozens of projects all work together, except with it being over all media and not just various comics. And it's even more insane when one considers the varying lead time for movies, TV episodes, books, games, comics and everything else.


Even Marvel is employing something of a one way street between its TV series and movies where the movies affect the TV series but not so much vice versa (so I understand at least).


But, yes, I do think Lucasfilm could be a little riskier with its Standalone Films.  That's one reason I personally am not buying any rumors about any of them post-Kenobi.  If the Kenobi film actually ever happens.


It also might depend on just what germinates inside its own EU.  Characters like Doctor Aphra, Ahsoka Tano, Iden Versio, and Rae Sloane are all fast becoming fan favorites. Then there is the crew of the Ghost over in Star Wars Rebels.  Any one of them could possibly be the focus point of a movie and have it tread new ground.  Not to mention old favorites like Thrawn, who has been reintroduced to the series.


And that's not even getting to go back go fertile territory like the Old Republic era.

So I agree, but I think there is still plenty of time for their Standalones to go in different directions.

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8 hours ago, meriodejaneiro said:

There are other franchises drops in 2017


POTC5 vs POTC4: 795 vs 1045 = 76% retention

Transformers 5 vs TF 4: 605 vs 1104 = 55% retention

Apes 3 (war) vs Apes 2 (down): 490 vs 710 = 69% retention

Lego 2 (batman) vs Lego (movie): 312 vs 469 = 66% retention (i don't even compare it with Ninjago 123M ww)

Alien Covenant vs Prometheus: 240 vs 403 = 59% retention

JL vs BvS: 647 vs 873 = 74% retention

Interesting, thanks!

So if SW8 makes 1.35B, its retention rate will be even lower than JL and BVS.

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1 hour ago, Xinau said:

RJ said something yesterday or the day before that I thought was really illuminating. Words to the effect of, whether it was because of TLJ or not, the conversation we're having now about the franchise -- i.e., when does the past die and how & who does the killing -- was going to happen sooner or later.


I think LFL figured the band-aid had to come off eventually, and I think they're actually trying to have it both ways. TFA, RO, the Han Solo film, and the Obi-Wan (?, I'm presuming) standalone are the nostalgic fan service. I think they are hoping that TLJ will lay the groundwork to tell new stories that won't be hamstrung by all that nostalgia, and in the process, bring new fans on board. 


Thats what I’ve been saying since I first saw the movie. 


I dont understand why so many fans feel that none of these OT characters can ever change and that going through some traumatic event wouldn’t affect them in any way shape or form. 


Also, what do people think was going to happen when this trilogy was over? Can’t go into spoiler in here but I hate to tell people, shit was going to start changing anyway. If not in TLJ then probably in 9. Either way the changes were coming sooner rather than later. 

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1 minute ago, MinaTakla said:

Interesting, thanks!

So if SW8 makes 1.35B, its retention rate will be even lower than JL and BVS.

The difference is most of those films listed didn't make much profit other than Transformers, and SW will make tons of profit, retention rates are nice, but the Drop is a lot like previous star wars sequels. I'm not sure retention rate is a good metric for this.

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6 minutes ago, NoLegMan said:

The difference is most of those films listed didn't make much profit other than Transformers, and SW will make tons of profit, retention rates are nice, but the Drop is a lot like previous star wars sequels. I'm not sure retention rate is a good metric for this.

DM3 vs Minions with 89% retention made huge profits

FF8 vs FF7 with 81% retention made crazy crazy profits

SW8 ws SW7 with 65% retention will make big profits, but its audience retention will look very weak compared to the above franchises which had much lower budgets and may end up being more profitable.

Retention is a very important measure of a future of a franchise - is there an audience for it? Is there a captive recipient or is it falling apart. 

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1 minute ago, MinaTakla said:

DM3 vs Minions with 89% made huge profits

FF8 vs FF7 with 81% made crazy crazy profits

SW8 ws SW7 with 66% will make big profits, but its audience retention will look very weak compared to the above franchises which had much lower budgets and may end up being more profitable.

I was referring to movies you listed, JL won't make more profit than TLJ, the third planet of the apes underperformed, Batman Lego was fine it made a lot of profit, Transformers did as well. You added, did Alien Covenant even make profit?

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1 minute ago, Rebeccas said:

Despicable Me is one of the most profitable franchises around, lol they spend like almost nothing on those films compared to other $1b properties 


The budgets for Illumination films are always very low (which you then also see on the sreen :P), but they spend gazillions on marketing. In the end, that doesnt matter since they swim in money but its one of those cases where the marketing budget is way way above the actual film budget.

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