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Weekend Thread - Insidious 29.6M, Jumanji 37.2M, TLJ 23.7M, TGS 13.8M, PP3 10.3

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6 minutes ago, a2knet said:

1) TFA's prod budget was 300+. Even on the high-end TLJ's was 400m. It will do 3x that ww easily. It will do around 3x of 450 if you want to use that.


2) "I have heard" is not a valid source.


3) Even though you understand that a movie has to make "three times their production costs in order to break even" (which itself is not completely true; JL for eg would have broken even at 2.5x the 300 prod budget or 750 ww) and that production costs are different from marketing and distribution costs ("separate and additional" as you mention cleraly), you still go on to use three times the "I have heard number" of 800+ which includes marketing and distribution costs contradicting your own formula.

It's very simple. It cost money to advertise this movie worldwide for one whole month to such a saturation point as was demonstrated. This cost money. There's a figure which exists somewhere and it has been said that figure is $800M+ globally.


The movie needs to make more money than it has made to break even IF that is true. Ok?


Is this not a valid argument?

Edited by TheForceuser707
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1 minute ago, TheForceuser707 said:

It's very simple. It cost money to advertise this movie worldwide for one whole months to such a saturation point as was demonstrated. This cost money. There's a figure which exists somewhere and it has been said that figure is $800M+ globally.


The movie needs to make more money than it has made to break even IF that is true. Ok?


Is this not a valid argument?



No One uses marketing costs to determine the break even point. END OF DISCUSSION 

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1 minute ago, TheForceuser707 said:

I'm sorry but you don't know what its total costs were and until you produce something more accurate I'm going what I heard.

1. What you heard about it’s total costs are pretty nonsense.


2. I do know the costs.....in fact...we know more than you ever did.


3. You’re saying this just to desperately prove yourself more right, with pointless overexplanations.

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2 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

Can someone provide the Cliff Notes for this Forceuser beef? What the are are folks talking about? TLJ breaking even? It's gonna do a whole hell of a lot more than break even, no?

He got mad when the film did not increase on opening weekend Sunday. He has had it out for the film ever since.... in addition to just plain being an actual Troll. 

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2 minutes ago, TheForceuser707 said:

It's like trying to get blood from a stone here.

Technically speaking the phrase is "from a turnip"..... 


But since it is apparently hollow up there for you i wouldn't expect anything else from you.... 

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27 minutes ago, TheForceuser707 said:

First of all Miss, I'm a lot older than you and clearly better mannered. You don't address a stranger with such impertinence. But I'll allow it since the moderators here are slack.


You say TLJ had $200M production costs. Please offer a figure for its marketing and distribution costs. As you know those are separate and additional expenses.


In some cases these expenses are double the production costs, especially on globally distributed movies like this one. I've heard TLJ had total costs as high as $800M+. I've also heard that as a rule of thumb movies aim to make three times their production costs in order to break even.


So. Assuming that figure is correct: $800M, TLJ hasn't broken even yet. This of course based upon the studios recouping in this case 65% of the North American gross and far less of the overseas revenues.


Please take your time before you attempt to respond.




So you "heard" the budget was 600 million for marketing? Surely this came from an inside source. 

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3 minutes ago, narniadis said:

He got mad when the film did not increase on opening weekend Sunday. He has had it out for the film ever since.... in addition to just plain being an actual Troll. 

It's actually kinda hilarious just how much he's convinced that a 1.3BWW+ film is a box office flop, because he's making up estimated marketing costs in his crazy mind. 600m from a "source", yeah right. 

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7 minutes ago, TheForceuser707 said:

It's very simple. It cost money to advertise this movie worldwide for one whole months to such a saturation point as was demonstrated. This cost money. There's a figure which exists somewhere and it has been said that figure is $800M+ globally.


The movie needs to make more money than it has made to break even IF that is true. Ok?


Is this not a valid argument?

just like there are different types of costs, aren't there different types of revenue streams. have you even considered non theatrical revenue? that is why people use 2.5-3x the production costs, not 2.5-3x the 800+ 'i have heard' number.

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Ho Ho Ho.


I bring you seasonal greetings and the biggest turkeys EVER!!!!


Can it be true?


Go here: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/


TLJ's only record is this:


The largest single dollar amount drop from weekend to weekend OF ALL TIME!!!!! $151M


And at time of writing ESTIMATES place the movie at $791M world wide after 11 days???? It hasn't broken even yet!!!!


It will be interesting to see the ACTUALS.


It will be interesting to see its weekend to weekend graph!!!!


Even more interesting will be this coming weekend's numbers!!!!


This movie might not even make it to $1B world wide!!!


Let's rub some salt into this turkey.


With estimated costs at $800M (and rising due to additional damage control marketing) those fingers stuck in before this movie debuted might be forced to put their slices back to keep it afloat.


I mean we are talking about a movie whose OW numbers should have been at least $50 M more than they were (based on ticket price inflation and historical trends).


Of course... the movie is atrocious (something that was not foreseen by myself) and it is plummeting at the box office. The incredible thing is by how much and how fast. And this thing has to sit in theaters for FOUR WEEKS! You know I walked past a marquee IMAX theater in these parts showcasing a very lonely looking Last Jedi promotional gate thing. No one is buying tickets.


Anyway getting back on topic... $27M for Christmas Day!!!!


Isn't that actually pretty bad? I mean in a week's time - box office figures for this movie will drop off dramatically, as in almost flat-line.


$1.1 Billion world wide is within reach, but ... shouldn't this movie be doing that DOMESTICALLY? I mean if it was a decent movie of course.


Can you believe this movie might not make it past 2012's Marvel's Avengers?


It might not even make it past Rogue One!!!!!


And guess what. For the first time in 40 or so years... I have no interest in watching the next Star Wars movie.


Perhaps these people will learn that composing insults (to "fans") isn't a profitable enterprise

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