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That One Girl

BLACK PANTHER WEEKEND THREAD | Current Estimates - 202.4M 3-day / 242.6M 4-day | Record 40.167 Monday; more than TFA!

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1 minute ago, That One Guy said:


old mod tele would've deleted that post for """"""""""spoilers""""""""""

ah fuck i didn't think of this


don't ban me please; all of this was in the trailer!

Edited by WrathOfHan
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8 minutes ago, ronisssantos said:


This must be a "feast or famine" type movie for areas...I know my area is performing like a $200M+ OW movie (up to 35 showings at 1 of my 2 locals is insanity)...and yet, the numbers go down.  I know I heard Canada is not over-the-top insane for this, but it's more like a normal super intro movie...I wonder where in the US this is also not going totally gangbusters and performing like that type of $100-$120M OW movie (thus bringing the average down overall) b/c it's not here...

Edited by TwoMisfits
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3 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

This must be a "feast or famine" type movie for areas...I know my area is performing like a $200M+ OW movie (up to 35 showings at 1 of my 2 locals is insanity)...and yet, the numbers go down.  I know I heard Canada is not over-the-top insane for this, but it's more like a normal super intro movie...I wonder where in the US this is also not going totally gangbusters and performing like that type of $100-$120M OW movie (thus bringing the average down overall) b/c it's not here...

Seems like a fair theory. That said, if it hits $73M OD, an OW of $175M+ is very doable which is insane.

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7 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

This must be a "feast or famine" type movie for areas...I know my area is performing like a $200M+ OW movie (up to 35 showings at 1 of my 2 locals is insanity)...and yet, the numbers go down.  I know I heard Canada is not over-the-top insane for this, but it's more like a normal super intro movie...I wonder where in the US this is also not going totally gangbusters and performing like that type of $100-$120M OW movie (thus bringing the average down overall) b/c it's not here...


I am here in Canada and its doing really big here but not on the Ultron, TA, JW level.



To me its more on the Iron Man 3 level here. 


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8 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

I remember reading about a theater showing The Last Mimzy that accidentally screened The Hills Have Eyes 2

My theatre one time accidentally played Kill Bill instead of Brother Bear

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16 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

I wonder where in the US this is also not going totally gangbusters and performing like that type of $100-$120M OW movie (thus bringing the average down overall) b/c it's not here...


I'm guessing it's performing more like an average blockbuster outside urban centers and AA-heavy counties. People in Middle America probably aren't turning out on the same level as more wide-reaching event films like TFA, JW, etc.

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