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Water Bottle

HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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Rian Johnson should not have Luke such a focus of the film and should have kept the focus on the new characters.


Keeping Luke to the side and being more similar to his previous self with some changes would have led to a far less polarizing film and frankly would have made many of the side characters seem so pointless and forgettable.

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Maybe it’s because I am not from the u.s and don’t have such “sensitivities” but I have NEVER ABSOLUTELY NEVER judged a movie character based on his/hers colour, genre or even age. Not only that but I find these things irrelevant, I simply don’t notice them just take them for what they are. For example watching terminator 2 I never thought “hey what a strong female character” I just thought “what a bad ass this Linda Hamilton is “ just like I would think about Clint Eastwood in a Dirty Harry film or Richard Roundtree in the original shaft.

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Just now, aabattery said:


Agree to disagree then. Dude's a good actor. 


You'll get your wish though. No Han Solo trilogy for him :lol:

I feel like he's a good actor. But sometimes good actors can't pull of roles in big blockbusters and the opposite is true. You can have an actor starring in all these blockbusters but then doesn't quite hit the same way when the scale is lower. I thought he did well in Hail Caesar but there was just something off about him while watching Solo. To me at least. 

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5 minutes ago, AJG said:


And there you have it. This stuff pops up in every film franchise, I’ve just never seen it on the scale of the Star Wars fandom. 


Seriously Star Wars might be the only fandom that I have a legitimate distaste for. There’s just way too many openly sexists and racist people that cling onto the blasted thing, almost as if they’re representatives of the franchise. What’s mad to me is that not one of the big stars of the series has even addressed it. I remember when the alt-right were hyping up Punisher on Netflix and Jon Bernthal shut that shit down.



Lol you are calling me a sexist and racist for finding Finn useless in TLJ because I liked him in TFA



That's why I hate talking about SW now because I have to deal with people labelling everyone racist. 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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1 minute ago, Lordmandeep said:



Lol you are calling me a sexist and racist for finding Finn useless in TLJ because I liked him in TFA



That's why I hate talking about SW now because I have to deal with people labelling everyone racist. 

The SJW agenda runs deep my dude.

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2 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

i loved last jedi. didn't care for force awakens. roast my bigotry plz.

Admit it all you actually wanted from the new Star Wars was to see an old white male drink space cow milk, not diversity

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10 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


How does Rose being played by an Asian actress matter in the Star Wars universe? I mean really.


You can argue Rose is a bad character and a good character but if her being Asian is part of the argument, well, then yeah, that will make you sound like a bigot.


I imagine you also aren't a fan of Star Trek though.


Why are you fixated on the notion that I don't like Rose because she's asian. I don't like her because she is a shitty character.


The reason she is a shitty character, is that she is forced*. And one of the reasons she is forced is identity politics. Hence why I say that identity politics hinder good writing. This is a simple inference, I don't see what you fail to understand.


*Matter of fact here, Rian said that initially the Kanto Bight part was supposed to be Boyega and Isaac, but he thought that the dialogue of the characters was interchangeable. So instead of coming with better dialogue, he came up with Rose.

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2 minutes ago, Mekanos said:

Is there a compelling reason to see this in IMAX? Trying to figure out the best way to see it with my friends.

Watch it in your phone in pirated quality. Best way to see it.

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I cannot stand Boyega on and off the screen. Such irritating presence. One of reasons why I was stanning so hard for BP and still do is that it put more black actors on the map so Hollywood won't try to stick Boyega in everything. They'll block him cause now directors have more to choose from. He's a legit boxoffice poison in China and PRU did shit everywhere plus Detroit bombed too. He's not a star and never will be. I find him the worst aspect of ST. I don;t know whether MBJ met with LF for Finn or another role but what could have been if he had been cast! Finn certainly wouldn't be this annoying useless doofus that movies ended up with. I'm not surprised that Johnson expanded Poe/Isaac's role at his expense cause who the fuck wouldn't rather work with Isaac?

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Just now, Jake Gittes said:

Admit it all you actually wanted from the new Star Wars was to see an old white male drink space cow milk, not diversity

actually now the memory is coming back to me and i do recall at the midnight showing continuously booing with no pause for breath everytime there were no white guys in the frame.

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17 minutes ago, Pure Spirit said:

Is there fainter praise for a movie than “crowd pleaser”?

Doesn't seem particularly faint at all.  I imagine the goal of most film makers is to make movies that people enjoy.

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7 minutes ago, Thrylos 7 said:

Maybe it’s because I am not from the u.s and don’t have such “sensitivities” but I have NEVER ABSOLUTELY NEVER judged a movie character based on his/hers colour, genre or even age. Not only that but I find these things irrelevant, I simply don’t notice them just take them for what they are. For example watching terminator 2 I never thought “hey what a strong female character” I just thought “what a bad ass this Linda Hamilton is “ just like I would think about Clint Eastwood in a Dirty Harry film or Richard Roundtree in the original shaft.


One of the reason's I love Greece and its people, they don't dwell in such bullshit and they goddamn know how to live good.



Even though they're not doing that good financially.

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