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2018 Comic-Con Thread

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2 hours ago, Valonqar said:

I do agree that this smacks of damage control, especially since announced Resistance cartoon got tepid reaction. TCW is actually exciting fans, though that doesn't guarantee that enthusiasm will rub off on Ep IX. Different things. if anything, it further hints at they have no faith in new characters, which return of Billy Dee Williams also hinted at. 

I'm fairly certain this has been in the works for a looooooooooong time.  Animation lead time, especially this intensive of CGI work, takes a while, you know.


I suspect this was greenlit very soon after the Disney streaming service was finalized, or very very shortly afterwards.


Don't forget Iger himself mentioned "multiple" SW shows coming to the streaming service.  And, looking back, I'm fairly certain this was what Filoni was alluding to at last years Celebration.


So, no.  Damage control/not having faith in new characters this ain't.

Edited by Porthos
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I mean, not to go on a mini-rant:


Lucasfilm does something controversial:  Why don't you do things to please the fans!  Fan service isn't a bad thing, you know! 

Lucasfilm does something to please the fans: Why don't you do original things?  This is just Disney trying to coddle and suck up to fans!


(ignore the itsy teeny tiny fact that different people might making the complaints here)


I mean, folks, c'mon.  Not EVERYTHING Lucasfilm does has to be looked at through this sort of lens.  I readily admit it's going to appeal to a small slice of the fanbase.  But I also know that slice of the fanbase is going to be VERY happy about this news.


And maybe, just maybe, it's showing that LFL is still committed to telling the stories THEY want to tell, across different mediums.  Just sometimes those stories align to be more fannish than others.  


(Also, I would remind that the ONLY confirmed movies post-IX are all new properties.  Hate to keep mentioning that inconvenient fact*, but I tend to think some folks seem to forget it now and again)


* Well, actually I hate the fact that I have to keep reminding folks of this, if we want to be technical. :ph34r:

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41 minutes ago, Porthos said:

I'm fairly certain this has been in the works for a looooooooooong time.  Animation lead time, especially this intensive of CGI work, takes a while, you know.


I suspect this was greenlit very soon after the Disney streaming service was finalized, or very very shortly afterwards.


Don't forget Iger himself mentioned "multiple" SW shows coming to the streaming service.  And, looking back, I'm fairly certain this was what Filoni was alluding to at last years Celebration.


So, no.  Damage control/not having faith in new characters this ain't.

You're telling me that kind of lead time for production and lead time for animation that clone wars was set in stone before Rebels even ended?  


I'm shocked this isn't a reaction to whatever recent thing I think it is!

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2 hours ago, TwoMisfits said:

The entire trailer is the antithesis of what they should be...

Oh, I don't disagree on the whole, but like I said before, Arrow won me over eventually and he was straight up murdering people. But I do have some problems with the Avatar of Peace being explicitly, and bloodily, violent.

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33 minutes ago, Porthos said:

I mean, not to go on a mini-rant:



Forget it Porthos, it's ingrained and reflexive in a bunch these days to assume the worst and walk themselves further and further down the same talking points at every opportunity.

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So we skipped the Russo panel, because I was exhausted and they weren’t the directors. 


We we ended up at the Shadows of Tomb Raider off-site which is AMAZING. We got to play the demo, which was fun and pure Tomb Raider. I didn’t like the new controls for the healing, but I am sure I will just get use to them. There was also a GREAT cut scene with Jonah and Lara and I was all 😍😍😍.


They also were doing a raffle where If you are a big you got to spin for the raffle. So I did. And I got free food and booze. And then my friend did, and he got a free Xbox Live for a year. and doesn’t have Have Xbox live. So I got his. Huzzah. 

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39 minutes ago, RandomCat said:

You're telling me that kind of lead time for production and lead time for animation that clone wars was set in stone before Rebels even ended?  


I'm shocked this isn't a reaction to whatever recent thing I think it is!

you joke, but Dave Filoni's quip when asked if there was anything he could share about his post-Rebels activities was:


(April 16, 2017)


Now it's very possible he was in fact talking about Resistance.  Perhaps even probable.


But it's also possible that they were working on the very very VERY early planning stages of preproduction on a not-yet-greenlit TCW return.


"Boy would I love to. I would so love to tell you what... What I've... got... working... out in the future".


The stammer and the tongue tripping is something to behold there. :lol:


At the same time, the streaming service was announced in Nov 17 and Iger mentioned in Feb 18 that "multiple" SW shows were coming to the streaming service.  I find it unlikely that preproduction wasn't already gearing up before the TLJ controversy hit.


Now maybe the TLJ issues made it more likely to get that final approval done.  That I won't argue against.  But doing it to appease the fans?


Honestly, I just think it's much more likely that Iger turned to Lucasfilm and said, "Hey we're gonna have this streaming platform and we need a LOT more content.  Can you folks do anything about that?" To which Filoni would simply say "Can I ever." 

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1 hour ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

Wonder if anyone will credit Kathleen Kennedy with TCW decision :thinking:


No joke, a couple of mini-fights broke out on Reddit on that very topic.


Of course, being Reddit, a couple of mini-fights would break out over anything, up to and including the font selection of the title card. :ph34r:

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NGL, I'm not that surprised at the TCW news, as once the announcement of the streaming service hit last year, it was a pretty logical landing spot for a TCW revival.  The main sticking point I reckoned was getting the production crew back together as some of them had gone their separate ways.  Sure, many of them landed on Rebels, but not all of them.


Aside from that it was just wanting to do it and Disney giving the a-okay.  Which wasn't a small hurdle in the least, but not an insurmountable one, either.


What borderline shocks me is that it IS at a TCW level of animation.  Say what one will about Rebels getting more detailed as time went on (which it most certainly did), even at its best it was still a level or two under The Clone Wars at its prime.  In fact, near as I can tell, one of the main reasons TCW was cancelled in the first place was the prohibitive cost.


Apparently having a eccentric billionaire helping to self-fund a project greases a lot of wheels in the animation world.  Who knew?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So I figured if TCW ever had some sort of comeback its 'polygon count' (for lack of a better term) would be no better than Rebels.  Maybe a shade under.  The fact that Resistance looks to be going for a cheaper cost than Rebels did just cemented that view in my mind (not that this is bad thing, I hasten to add).


But if that trailer is anything to go by, they ain't going down the cheap road this time. Which is... interesting.  Probably part/much of the reason 'only' 12 of these are being made.  At the same time the fact that Disney is spending the money in the first place makes me wonder if they'll ask for more if these become very popular, however 'popular' is defined in the streaming world.

Edited by Porthos
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2 hours ago, Jay Hollywood said:

Met Joss Whedon on the floor today. Shock his hand. He was alone just acting like a regular dude.

You're a madman pulling a prank like that

Edited by IronJimbo
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So. New plan. Hall H didn’t max out last night. With the Walking Dead first and then an effing Trailer Park filler (Seriously, I haven’t seen one of those in years), I am 90% sure that Universal and Sony will be walk in this afternoon. 


Meaning. Eff Alita. Gonna try to get into Venom. 

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33 minutes ago, captainwondyful said:

So. New plan. Hall H didn’t max out last night. With the Walking Dead first and then an effing Trailer Park filler (Seriously, I haven’t seen one of those in years), I am 90% sure that Universal and Sony will be walk in this afternoon. 


Meaning. Eff Alita. Gonna try to get into Venom. 

:chaplin: you'll look back on this when Alita's huge

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