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5 hours ago, DeeCee said:

I know where Fury got the name from. I’m just trying to understand what the post is saying. 


Carol’s call sign was “Avenger”. I think Fury was calling his proposal the “Protector Initiative”. He looked at an old photo of Carol next to her jet and decided to change it. 

It's just unecessary and pretty much pointless. The way they handled it feels kind forced, they could leave it out and it won't make any difference, and put it in there will piss some people off. That's why I think it's bizzare. By marvel I mean Marvel studios aka the ones who make the film.

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4 hours ago, MyMovieCanBeatUpYourMovie said:

So, I haven't seen this yet so there's no way I'm reading this thread, but I do have a question for those who have.


I want to go in as blind as possible for Endgame.  Haven't watched the trailer or TV spot.  I am obviously not looking for any details, but I'm wondering. 


So, yes or no question.  Does either the mid-credit or post-credit scene give something away about Endgame that someone who wants to know as little as possible might want to not know?  If so, which one?  (I'll just skip out of the theater right after the film ends if it's the mid-credit one.)



Post credit scene is okay. Mid credit certainly is spoilery if as you said you want to know as little as possible. I mean you know that scene will surely happen in Endgame, but I am rather surprised by how lack of fanfare it is.

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20 minutes ago, Julian1410 said:

I was a Little bit dissapointed that the Skrulls turned out to be good Guys. They could have been Thanos level villains over the course of the next phase

Same here.

I felt that they have so much potential, and a Secret Invasion-type event in the future could be so cool! But then again, just because they are good people does not mean that they could not have some secret cabal of villainous Skrulls attempting to take over the earth in the future. Heck, now that I think about it, the Skrulls being perceived as good could be even better for any potential future invasion.

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I thought the ideas in the time travel story were better. Carol gets pushed back in time after Thanos' snap. Skrulls are looking for the Tesserect to stop the snap in the future. Kree are looking to obtain the tesserect and get it to Thanos. Everything almost the same except for the time travel. They learn that Carol is a 7 year old girl in the 90's time period (hence the setting of the 90's). Future Carol can't exist forever while her 7 year old self is becoming Captain Marvel. She goes into a space cacoon and tells Fury to contact her as soon as the snap happens. That way one turns to dust and the other still exists (the one floating in space) to help defeat Thanos.


That theory made the 90's timeframe make sense. Otherwise, why is the setting the 90's if not for a time travel?

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1 hour ago, LouisianaArkansasGeorgia said:

Same here.

I felt that they have so much potential, and a Secret Invasion-type event in the future could be so cool! But then again, just because they are good people does not mean that they could not have some secret cabal of villainous Skrulls attempting to take over the earth in the future. Heck, now that I think about it, the Skrulls being perceived as good could be even better for any potential future invasion.

well, according to spoilers their leader is Bendelson and Bendelson and good guy does not compute. so there's hope. :stirthepot:

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I saw CM a few hours ago. I expected it to rank in the middle tier of 21 movies from various reviews, but had hoped it could make it at least to first half (first tier or in the front of middle tier) for me. I mean I really want to enjoy a good MCU movie.


In the end I can only rank it towards the back of middle tier in my own ranking of MCU movies. 6.5/10.



1) The greatest fault is the villains (Kree), like phase One level of bad. I kinda of suspect the twist of who are supposed to be the aggressors (villians, Kree) and who are supposed to be the oppressed (victims, Skrull) even in the first act. The way Kree was portrayed as military, obeying orders, lack of "humanity", having someone who is "supreme" basically is the trope of fascist villains in Hollywood movies. Those that think the twist is fresh really don't undertand Hollywood formula (not only MCU). I am not saying this is wrong, I am saying this is predictably unfresh.


The real twist that I had hoped to see in the end is that Yon-Rogg would turn out to be on the side of Mar-Vell and Carol and rebel against Supreme Intelligence, but alas he is just a mediocre and laughable lieutenant type of villain in the end. Jude Law is one of my favorites, but he languished in this movie. Not his fault, his role is badly written.


2) the first act turned out not as bad as I expected from reading some reviews. Still the overall pacing is rather patchy. Most scenes are not engaging, some quite dragging and boring.


3) A lot of things (including messages it tries to convey) are being "told" rather than being "shown".


4) many action and fight scenes are among the lest interesting or engaging in MCU movies. Hand to hand combat is mediocre, and all the blasting just meh. Ironically, Marvel promoting CM as all powerful SH actually took away quite a lot of enjoyment in watching this movie (for me), because I kinda of expect her to easily kick-ass or blast through all fights. The lack of vulnerabilities lowers the stakes and make me less concerned and rooted for her.



1) Ben Mendelsohn is brilliant, MVP for me. SLJ is great. Brie is good, but somehow there is this aloofness (even after CM regained memory) that make her less relatable to me. I have rooted for Shailene Woodley to be Captain Marvel because she has a unique endearing sweetness while being stoic.


2) Kree is very relatable. The scene of Talos with his family is the best scene in the movie for me.


3) Great chemistry between SLJ and Brie, SLJ and Clark Gregg


In conclusion, IMO most of the faults are with the directing, and to a lesser degree the script. The actors are commendable. I believe in the hands of Russo Bros, CM would have scored above 7.2 for me.


Edited by justvision
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Sorry, don’t go nuts people. This is about a brief moment in CM that tangentially relates to Alita. The first part is in the trailer but what happens straight after isn’t. 


The first thing she does when arriving on Earth is crash into a Blockbuster. She looks around and is startled momentarily by one of those large cardboard movie displays. 


The display is for True Lies. She blasts Arnie’s head off. Clearly Arnie’s head is a proxy for James Cameron who is in turn a proxy for Alita. 


Put your tin foil hats on people. Shots fired. The conspiracy is real. 


(Please do not respond to this post. Accept it’s existence and move on with your life.)


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10 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

Sorry, don’t go nuts people. This is about a brief moment in CM that tangentially relates to Alita. The first part is in the trailer but what happens straight after isn’t. 


The first thing she does when arriving on Earth is crash into a Blockbuster. She looks around and is startled momentarily by one of those large cardboard movie displays. 


The display is for True Lies. She blasts Arnie’s head off. Clearly Arnie’s head is a proxy for James Cameron who is in turn a proxy for Alita. 


Put your tin foil hats on people. Shots fired. The conspiracy is real. 


(Please do not respond to this post. Accept it’s existence and move on with your life.)


NO !

The fight is ON !!!


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1 hour ago, Valonqar said:

@justvision great review! thanks! yeah, most critics agree with you that better directors would have made a better movie. 

I did not read any reviews (except just a few lines of summary of them that were posted in this forum) before or after I watched CM. Just wrote whatever come to my mind. This weekend I will see it again, this time with my family. I hope I can enjoy it better on second viewing and score it higher.


Also,  CM's role in Avengers: Endgame will be limited, Russo Bro know Original 6 are going to take center stage. However, she may very well appeal more to me in Endgame than her first solo movie. For me, and many others, Dr Strange in AIW, Spidey in AIW are more relatable and endearing than their respective solo movies. Russo Bros just have this magic touch.

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I think it's interesting that so many reviewers praising Mendehlson made everyone believe that this was another CBM that managed the seemingly rare feat of having a great villain (like Thanos, Loki, or Killmonger), but as it turns out, the actual villain of the film is yet another bland, whocares? type of bad guy that nobody will remember once the movie ends (like Ronan, Red Skull, Whiplash, Malekith, Yellowjacket, Ultron, Ego, et al).

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2 minutes ago, LouisianaArkansasGeorgia said:

I think it's interesting that so many reviewers praising Mendehlson made everyone believe that this was another CBM that managed the seemingly rare feat of having a great villain (like Thanos, Loki, or Killmonger), but as it turns out, the actual villain of the film is yet another bland, whocares? type of bad guy that nobody will remember once the movie ends (like Ronan, Red Skull, Whiplash, Malekith, Yellowjacket, Ultron, Ego, et al).

yep, though difference is, since we are in a spoiler thread so it's safe to say it, he lives and likely will return. so possibly they are going to improve him in sequels or wherever they plan to use him next. after all Thanos was crap prior to IW so never bet against a spared villain. :)

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1 hour ago, justvision said:

I saw CM a few hours ago. I expected it to rank in the middle tier of 21 movies from various reviews, but had hoped it could make it at least to first half (first tier or in the front of middle tier) for me. I mean I really want to enjoy a good MCU movie.


In the end I can only rank it towards the back of middle tier in my own ranking of MCU movies. 6.5/10.



1) The greatest fault is the villains (Kree), like phase One level of bad. I kinda of suspect the twist of who are supposed to be the aggressors (villians, Kree) and who are supposed to be the oppressed (victims, Skrull) even in the first act. The way Kree was portrayed as military, obeying orders, lack of "humanity", having someone who is "supreme" basically is the trope of fascist villains in Hollywood movies. Those that think the twist is fresh really don't undertand Hollywood formula (not only MCU). I am not saying this is wrong, I am saying this is predictably unfresh.


The real twist that I had hoped to see in the end is that Yon-Rogg would turn out to be on the side of Mar-Vell and Carol and rebel against Supreme Intelligence, but alas he is just a mediocre and laughable lieutenant type of villain in the end. Jude Law is one of my favorites, but he languished in this movie. Not his fault, his role is badly written.


2) the first act turned out not as bad as I expected from reading some reviews. Still the overall pacing is rather patchy. Most scenes are not engaging, some quite dragging and boring.


3) A lot of things (including messages it tries to convey) are being "told" rather than being "shown".


4) many action and fight scenes are among the lest interesting or engaging in MCU movies. Hand to hand combat is mediocre, and all the blasting just meh. Ironically, Marvel promoting CM as all powerful SH actually took away quite a lot of enjoyment in watching this movie (for me), because I kinda of expect her to easily kick-ass or blast through all fights. The lack of vulnerabilities lowers the stakes and make me less concerned and rooted for her.



1) Ben Mendelsohn is brilliant, MVP for me. SLJ is great. Brie is good, but somehow there is this aloofness (even after CM regained memory) that make her less relatable to me. I have rooted for Shailene Woodley to be Captain Marvel because she has a unique endearing sweetness while being stoic.


2) Kree is very relatable. The scene of Talos with his family is the best scene in the movie for me.


3) Great chemistry between SLJ and Brie, SLJ and Clark Gregg


In conclusion, IMO most of the faults are with the directing, and to a lesser degree the script. The actors are commendable. I believe in the hands of Russo Bros, CM would have scored above 7.2 for me.



I dont want to waste a lot of time writing a review when i agree with most if not all of this above. 7/10 for me

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3 minutes ago, LouisianaArkansasGeorgia said:

I think it's interesting that so many reviewers praising Mendehlson made everyone believe that this was another CBM that managed the seemingly rare feat of having a great villain (like Thanos, Loki, or Killmonger), but as it turns out, the actual villain of the film is yet another bland, whocares? type of bad guy that nobody will remember once the movie ends (like Ronan, Red Skull, Whiplash, Malekith, Yellowjacket, Ultron, Ego, et al).

Ultron and Ego are interesting, complicated and unique villains for me. A sarcastic AI Android, a megaloblastic sentinent Planet that tried to propagate by cross breeding? Way above the villains in this movie. And Yellowjacket is quite menacing. Villains in this movies just killed a few Skrulls, I can't even recall they killed any earthlings! And as I said earlier they are just so lame in front of CM. 

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