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Saw it yesterday. gotta be honest, while I liked it, it was easily my least favorite film of phase 3. the story was really weak for Marvel. it had bad pacing in parts and Brie Larson was sadly kind of underwhelming. it's 1990s setting didn't feel authentic either.  you can't just trough a bunch of product placement from that decade in and expect to magically be transported to that era. I don't know maybe I'm harder on it because I remember the 90s.  Here's hoping BW is better. 

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45 minutes ago, captainwondyful said:

You know, I keep seeing this sentiment, and I can HEAR this dog whistle.  There's nothing wrong with Carol or how Carol was presented on screen.  The Russos don't need to "change" her or "fix" her or whatever else you, and others making this statement, think they're magically going to do.  And I say this as like a Ride or Die, Russo Are Gods, Fan of theirs.

I was guilty of saying this as well after my first viewing.  Second time around I *loved* Carol from the start knowing where her story arc was going and even appreciated more what Larson was doing with her.  I think it's a very difficult role to pull off since Larson doesn't have any character history to inform her performance until 70 percent of the way through the film.  She also goes for sort of light and breezy and joyful, rather than stoic and angsty and stern, something we're used to seeing as an audience in our "strong" female characters.  


I think the charitable way to treat "I can't wait to see what the Russos do with her" is sort of the way they elevated Black Widow or Doctor Strange when they got ahold of them, or even someone like Ant-Man, who had 10 minutes of screen time in Civil War and almost stole the movie.  The Russos and Markus and McFeely are really good at what they do.

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4 minutes ago, MyMovieCanBeatUpYourMovie said:

I think the charitable way to treat "I can't wait to see what the Russos" do with her is sort of the way they elevated Black Widow or Doctor Strange when they got ahold of them, or even someone like Ant-Man, who had 10 minutes of screen time in Civil War and almost stole the movie.  The Russos and Markus and McFeely are really good at what they do.

This is also the case for SW, Vision, Gamora, Black Panther, Spider-man, Thanos, and most of all Tony Stark

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i don't think anything should be changed for Endgame and in fact I think that her being without an actual opposition in CM (save herself/her own inhibition which was manifested in Supreme Intelligence) is the whole point. You think she's gonna defeat Thanos and then she doesn't at least not before the moment when he is defeated in some way, whatever way that is. It's an element of surprise and stake-raising like, if she can't do it who or what can stop him? For that reason, it's important for her to stay the way she is powers-wise because we'll be surprised by whatever Thanos uses to stop her. 

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42 minutes ago, JGAR4LIFE said:

She’s not the most powerful hero


From Nerdist In 2017:


Here’s what Feige had to say about Captain Marvel being the MCU’s strongest player;


“All of the Marvel characters have flaws to them, all of them have a deep humanity to them. With Captain Marvel, she is as powerful a character as we’ve ever put in a movie. Her powers are off the charts, and when she’s introduced, she will be by far the strongest character we’ve ever had.”


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I do think we need to check our own biases when folks react to Thor in Infinity War taking on the power of a star and wrecking drop ships single-handedly as "Fuck yeah, finally Thor is at the power level he should have always been at!" yet we see Captain Marvel doing similar, and it's, "Oh, she's *too* powerful."

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1 hour ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

There's no reason - outside of Gunn being dismissed - that Captain Marvel will hurt the box office of Spidey 2, Black Panther 2, Strange 2, etc. Guardians 3 could be further postponed simply due to Gunn being out. It certainly won't hurt the box office of Endgame either by the way...


Now, it could definitely impact the box office of Captain Marvel 2. But, if there's fear of that, they'll just package her with another Avenger or two a la Thor 3 having Thor and Hulk. Or, swap in new director/s and/or new writer/s.

I think we mostly agree. The Marvel brand prints money partly because people know they can go to any Marvel movie and have a fun time throughout. CM broke that promise (similar to Age of Dulltron). That said, it's their first mis-step in a while, it didn't actively 💩 on the fans (like TLJ), and Endgame will wash out the taste of Captain Shazam, so the effect will be minimal.

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2 minutes ago, Pure Spirit said:

I think we mostly agree. The Marvel brand prints money partly because people know they can go to any Marvel movie and have a fun time throughout. CM broke that promise (similar to Age of Dulltron). That said, it's their first mis-step in a while, it didn't actively 💩 on the fans (like TLJ), and Endgame will wash out the taste of Captain Shazam, so the effect will be minimal.

This is some r/moviescirclejerk material right here. You even had to include TLJ in there lol.

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12 minutes ago, MyMovieCanBeatUpYourMovie said:

I do think we need to check our own biases when folks react to Thor in Infinity War taking on the power of a star and wrecking drop ships single-handedly as "Fuck yeah, finally Thor is at the power level he should have always been at!" yet we see Captain Marvel doing similar, and it's, "Oh, she's *too* powerful."

Agreed many people who love Superman hate Captain Marvel which makes zero sense to me. I like both, as well as Batman and Aquaman/Spiderman. I could care less if a Superhero is alien, a different race, or what gender. Also stoked to see Shazam, Zach Levi will crush it.

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17 minutes ago, MyMovieCanBeatUpYourMovie said:

I do think we need to check our own biases when folks react to Thor in Infinity War taking on the power of a star and wrecking drop ships single-handedly as "Fuck yeah, finally Thor is at the power level he should have always been at!" yet we see Captain Marvel doing similar, and it's, "Oh, she's *too* powerful."

this. also, Thor's arc was a fantastic subversion of the "magic weapon" trope. he takes on a hero journey, does an impossible task, earns the unstoppable magic weapon and...fails. in the classic trope, the magic weapon is always the thing that defeats the bad guy cause the whole purpose of it to do just that. so we are led to believe that Stormbreaker will do the trick...and it doesn't. after all thor went through, and after proving to be the most powerful badass that ever badassed,  that just isn't how you stop Thanos.


another subversion was Luke in ROTJ. we are led to believe that he made the weapon that will destroy Vader and it's Vader who tossed the emperor to save Luke. in short, in many stories, and they also tend to be the most powerful ones, evil isn't defeated by the most powerful person or by use of power. 

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6 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

Thor's arc was a fantastic subversion of the "magic weapon" trope. he takes on a hero journey, does an impossible task, earns the unstoppable magic weapon and...fails.

So... like his previous movie.


Also beating Thanos would be combined effort before Hawkeye one shots him 

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Saw this last night.  I was going in with tempered expectations and was pleasantly surprised.


One of the main critiques I'd heard was that this was another cookie cutter Marvel Movie (tm).  I was fearing this would be a repeat of Ant Man and Doctor Strange- which I found mediocre.  They were both very predictable origin stories that just seemed to be trying to check boxes.  Anyway, Captain Marvel didn't feel that way to me.  I think this is because the amnesia plot was sufficiently different from your standard origin story that it didn't feel like a rehash.  I also appreciated that they didn't try to add a cookie cutter romantic subplot (I do enjoy romance, but I'd rather there be none at all rather than something half baked).  In addition, I thought that the twist was well done.  There was something off in how Jude Law's character treated Carol from the very beginning, so I very much enjoyed the resolution of the mystery.


As for Carol Danvers herself, I was worried that she'd be a 'stoic warrior' but was again pleasantly surprised.  She's very quippy, and while a lot of her one liners fall flat, those moments didn't really detract from her character (honestly, they just made her seem adorkable, like when she went 'rawr' at that Skrull, what a dork!).  The jokes are at their worst when she's quipping against Skrull or Kree, who mostly just stonewall her, but she shines when she's bouncing off someone else (her and Fury are hilarious together).  So no, she's no Iron Man who can crack jokes at the mooks he fights, but she's also not a stone cold Black Widow clone either.  Anyway, I think she'll fit in very well with the Avengers.


The feminism is pretty light- mostly just background stuff that informs her character- not at all like how Black Panther addressed racism head on.  Really makes the people getting triggered over this movie look foolish.  There's nothing here that anyone should find even remotely controversial unless you're literally an incel.


Cool stuff I liked- The beginning part of the movie where the heroes are fighting the Skrulls is cool- I enjoyed every reveal where it turns out a character was a Skrull.  I'm glad they didn't run it into the ground, though.  The end, where Carol blasts Jude Law's character off his feet and says she doesn't need to prove anything to him is awesome.  I also really liked the mid-credit scene- perfect Endgame tease.


Dumb stuff that bugs me- I don't like the Mohawk look.  The way Fury lost his eye is kinda dumb, but whatever.


Overall, I'd give it an 8/10.  I really enjoyed it, and it avoided all of the pitfalls that it could have fallen victim to, but there wasn't anything there that elevated it to something incredible.




Infinity War- 10/10

Captain America: TWS- 10/10

The Avengers- 10/10

Thor Ragnarok 9/10

GotG 1- 9/10

Iron Man- 9/10

Homecoming- 9/10

GotG 2- 8/10

Captain Marvel- 8/10

Black Panther- 8/10

AoU- 8/10

Iron Man 3- 7/10

Civil War- 7/10

Iron Man 2- 7/10

Doctor Strange- 6/10

Ant Man and the Wasp- 6/10

Ant Man- 6/10

Captain America: TFA- 6/10

Thor: 6/10

Thor: TDW- 6/10

The Incredible Hulk- 5/10



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39 minutes ago, MyMovieCanBeatUpYourMovie said:

I do think we need to check our own biases when folks react to Thor in Infinity War taking on the power of a star and wrecking drop ships single-handedly as "Fuck yeah, finally Thor is at the power level he should have always been at!" yet we see Captain Marvel doing similar, and it's, "Oh, she's *too* powerful."



Lets forget Thor goes through a journey:

-losing his entire family and friends-

- his homeland being destroyed

- Facing very strong enemies all the time

-Took a star to his chest

- His arrogance leads to allowing Thanos to snap

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2 hours ago, Pure Spirit said:

I always liked DS. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I was not really that into MCU till phase two, and DS was the only phase three movie that I missed seeing on theater. Firstly DS was likely  the least promoted phase 3 movie (while CM was the heaviest except AIW), and secondly I was not that fond of Benedict Cumberbatch.

I watched it on TV a year later, and quite like it and started warming up to Benedict and Dr Strange However, like many have professed, DS became one of my favorite SH only after AIW.

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8 minutes ago, NamakFiskKa said:

So... like his previous movie.


Also beating Thanos would be combined effort before Hawkeye one shots him 

well, in Ragnarok his ability to summon thunder actually worked to his advantage. he just replaced one weapon with another, basically the whole "believe in yourself not in your hammer" shtick. it's a different trope, one that was not subverted. the power is within you not in XYZ McGuffin.

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