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The Flash | June 16 2023 | Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton | We’re stoping the count at a Nice 69% RT (it’s 72% For Real) | Please Remember that Your Enjoyment Of The Film is Not Based On Others Opinions And To Be Nice To Each Other

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It is kind of funny with such weird strategy to basically hype up people's expectation, the presale never truly exploded from the beginning. This means the strategy isn't working and large part of the crowd isn't falling for the narrative. I believe the strategy is also part of "creativity" from WB to distract people from Miller.     

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13 minutes ago, Krissykins said:


Are you guys bots? 

 I think we both made the same point because these are simply the facts. And when even WBD insiders are pointing out how it wasn't a good strategy, I think that kinda refutes the point of "Oh this is just what they do in every movie" (which... no it's not? Zaslav never claimed Black Adam was the best superhero movie ever. Hell, not even The Rock did so.)

Edited by 21C
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23 minutes ago, 21C said:


But again, anecdotes. THEY personally liked it. 

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16 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

It is kind of funny with such weird strategy to basically hype up people's expectation, the presale never truly exploded from the beginning. This means the strategy isn't working and large part of the crowd isn't falling for the narrative. I believe the strategy is also part of "creativity" from WB to distract people from Miller.     


You're right. WB should've marketed it as "this is a movie!" "it's releasing on June 16th" "a movie in theaters available for you to see! we have no opinion on this movie and nobody else does either!"

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8 minutes ago, 21C said:

 I think we both made the same point because these are simply the facts. And when even WBD insiders are pointing out how it wasn't a good strategy, I think that kinda refutes the point of "Oh this is just what they do in every movie" (which... no it's not? Zaslav never claimed Black Adam was the best superhero movie ever. Hell, not even The Rock did so.)


WBD insiders also said it was a great movie. So, who are you going to believe, WBD insiders, or WBD insiders?

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2 hours ago, ChipDerby said:


Curious who you heard this from. Because I don't recall anyone actually saying that. Are they in the room with us right now?


50 minutes ago, ChipDerby said:


Those people are entitled to their opinion!


45 minutes ago, ChipDerby said:


All of these things could be/are true!


None of those things have any bearing on any critical consensus. They're anecdotes!


4 minutes ago, ChipDerby said:


But again, anecdotes. THEY personally liked it. 

You literally asked the question and they provided the answers with sources. Not sure why you are getting all defensive about it. 

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9 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:




You literally asked the question and they provided the answers with sources. Not sure why you are getting all defensive about it. 


Because I'm a pedant. Nobody claimed it was the best CBM of all time. A few people said they personally liked it as their favorite CBM ever, or one of. And, again, those things can be true and it still have a 73% RT score.


It's just weird, to me, to claim that WB has been "pushing" this narrative that this is the best CBM of all time when 2 higher ups in WB have mentioned it like 3 times total. 

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23 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:




You literally asked the question and they provided the answers with sources. Not sure why you are getting all defensive about it. 

Yeh I got an unnecessary warning from you too. 


It was obviously a joke, asking if they were bots, because they both posted the same reply and same linked source within a minute of each other lol. 

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1 hour ago, ChipDerby said:


It was probably just a letter for the unfinished version, idk when the screening was. If the screening was after the full film had been shown to other critics, I can see that as the reason it was a document they required. But idk why they'd still screen the unfinished version.


ANYWAY, it doesn't matter, it's a standard document and is handed out at any critic screening. If it was handed out post embargo, then they're not barred from "being critical". As that literally just means reviewing the movie.

I will try to explain the context of the tweet.


Marcelo Miranda is the president of ABRACINE (short of Associação Brasileira de Críticos de Cinema, meaning Brazilian Association of Brazilian Film Critics). On the quoted tweet, he says that a friend of his went to a advanced screening of Flash yesterday, and they had to sign a bizarre document, demanding them to not talk negatively about the Flash until they saw a finished version of the film. He also points out that the document made them agree to those terms retroactively, with the document demanding them not make any sort of comment about watching the film before June 6th. 

What he is trying to point out is this:



What he says on this tweet: "An embargo document it’s commonplace with blockbusters, there is nothing new. The twist here is demanding to embargo "an unfinished film" when the finished film is already been watched across the country". Maybe WB Brasil screwed up and is showing the unfinished version along with the finished version here in Brazil, or messed up the documents, I don’t know.



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18 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

Yeh I got an unnecessary warning from you too. 


It was obviously a joke, asking if they were bots, because they both posted the same reply and same linked source within a minute of each other lol. 

Guess it was not a great joke lol because that post got reported by other users. 

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10 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

Yeh I got an unnecessary warning from you too. 


It was obviously a joke, asking if they were bots, because they both posted the same reply and same linked source within a minute of each other lol. 

You've been ridiculously defensive of this movie, it wasn't just a joke.

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14 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

I will try to explain the context of the tweet.


Marcelo Miranda is the president of ABRACINE (short of Associação Brasileira de Críticos de Cinema, meaning Brazilian Association of Brazilian Film Critics). On the quoted tweet, he says that a friend of his went to a advanced screening of Flash yesterday, and they had to sign a bizarre document, demanding them to not talk negatively about the Flash until they saw a finished version of the film. He also points out that the document made them agree to those terms retroactively, with the document demanding them not make any sort of comment about watching the film before June 6th. 

What he is trying to point out is this:



What he says on this tweet: "An embargo document it’s commonplace with blockbusters, there is nothing new. The twist here is demanding to embargo "an unfinished film" when the finished film is already been watched across the country". Maybe WB Brasil screwed up and is showing the unfinished version along with the finished version here in Brazil, or messed up the documents, I don’t know.




No I understand, I'm just pointing out the document does not say they can't be negative of the film. When it states to withhold critical reaction, it's simply talking about their review. Not critical in the sense of "bad". 

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1 hour ago, 21C said:

Scott Menzel gave The Flash a 9.5/10 so maybe he thinks that the movie is one of the best superhero movies ever.


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So, this is what WB / DC should do, in a nutshell:


1) Celebrate. Yeah, celebrate the fact this movie isn't ROTTEN on RT. WB was in need of a "not rotten" DC movie. Enough of rotten. 


2) Treat Aquaman 2 and Blue Beetle as "elseworlds" movies. 


3) The new universe starts with Gunn's Superman.


4) Did I say they must fire Ezra Miller? No? So, there you have it! :)

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2 hours ago, Macleod said:


Jeff Robinov (at Warner Bros. at the time) boasted that MAN OF STEEL would gross $1 Billion.  And of course we have the now-infamous stories of test screenings of BvS receiving a "standing ovation" 

Disney seems to have made the same  mistake with Indy 5.Too soon to t


1 hour ago, Krissykins said:

Seeing a lot of this upset.

It’s strange for me to see people so frustrated and annoyed by this, as if they were lied to. Some people said *in their opinion* that it was one of the best superhero films of all time. Of course WB are going to quote it. 

Maybe it’s because I’m a horror fan lol. But I’m so used to almost every single poster for those having “scariest movie of the year, decade, all time” in critic quotes. 

It’s just hype and marketing. It’s been done since the beginning of films. You pointing at a website score saying “that’s not the best of all time” is just tiresome and lame lol. 

If you choose to let it upset you or hurt your feelings, that’s on you. 

I am amazed how some people don't get that Studiio Marketing/PR exists for one reason: To sell tickets, and they are willing to distort, slant , or out and out lie to do so. Everything coming out of a studio's PR.Marketing should  be tiaken with exctreme sketpcism.

BTW this applies to just about any product:They are trying to sell you somethingk and are willing to bend or throw out the truth in order to do so.

What is is amuisng is how many fans become basically unpaid employees of a studio's Marketing derpartment and push the party line. And  the studios publicity machine has become very good at exploiting these people.

The Hype for the Flash does not bother me becuase I expect it for every big buget tentpole, and I always discount it.

For the record, I think WB Publicity has done a very good job marketing this film, managing to get arund the problem that you have a leading actor with a dark cloud over this head.

I suspect the film will be a mid level sucess as far as actual profits go; DC will get a decent return on their investment, but not the blockbuster cash cow they had hoped for.


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