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Eric Prime


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Was there any deaging done on William Hurt? Something felt off with his scenes but considering it's only been a couple of years since they did Civil War I can't imagine any deaging was needed.


The nerd in me just wants to question what exactly happened after Natasha gets caught presumably by Ross and co. I assume they didn't want to show that so they could just do the time skip and have Natasha already have her hair changed.


I think Taskmaster works well for the purpose of the movie but ultimately the character doesn't really do that much which is disappointing unlike what TWS accomplished with Bucky as Winter Soldier even though they have roughly the same screentime.


It's that this was originally supposed to be the first appearance of Valentina as Falcon and Winter Soldier does a better job of explaining who she is. But seems like Yelana has been working for her for a decent time. 


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Despite saying many times i'm over mcu i ended up watching this on wednesday at the first available showing. I didn't realize how much i've missed watching marvel movies at cinema, it's just a special energy. I enjoyed it and would place it somewhere in the midtier of marvel films. Directing felt less 'marvel-y' than usual and more unique. Action and Yelena's and Red Guardian's characters were great in particular, but i felt the third act was a bit meh. I also felt like Nat was slightly side lined in her own story and yeah, this movie should have come out between IW and Endgame at latest. It feels too little too late and the stakes feel kind of low when you know Nat survives. This sounds more negative than i really am, again, i did like it but it could and should have been more yk? Marvel stans at reddit at least seem unusually meh about the whole film but i think casual audiences may like it more since it's pretty straightforward and entertaining

Edited by bleachella
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The movie was enjoyable. Aside from the hideous greenscreen and weightless choreography in the gulag/avalanche action sequence the first 2/3 were a pretty good MCU facsimile of a Bourne movie


Then in the third act, Feige gotta Feige I guess

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59 minutes ago, Last Man Standing said:

People are clowning a certain scene from this movie on twitter.


30 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

ScarJo finally had her "kal el no" moment. Also, how do scenes with this kind of CGI this even make it through (Wonder Woman 84 also had terrible VFX work and it doesn't seem any better for any of the upcoming superhero movies)? Quality of CGI in major $150 mil+ blockbusters has been slowly declining over the past few years. Even recently, PWSA's Monster Hunter had better CGI and it was made for 1/3rd of the budget these films are made for.

what scene?

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3 minutes ago, Lokis Legion said:


what scene?

The person made their account private so can't share it, but it's a scene where Florence Pugh's character jams a pole into something which explodes and Black widow screams "no!". Have not seen the movie so can't be more specific than that.

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Saw it. Very underwhelming. I haven't seen any Twitter reaction yet but I'm not surprise that the scene being mentioned in the couple above posts is being heavily criticized. The special effects surrounding this moment were atrocious. The late 3rd act had some of the worst fire effects I've ever seen. Looked like stock assets thrown on top at the last minute at a couple points.


Script felt like a first draft. Direction was entirely generic, a poor imitation of the Russo's (this is what I'll point to when people say the Russo's don't have their own style). Acting was great across the board, in the moments when the actors were given something to do.


4th best MCU product of the year.


18 hours ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

Was there any deaging done on William Hurt? Something felt off with his scenes but considering it's only been a couple of years since they did Civil War I can't imagine any deaging was needed.



He felt off. He's not acting much anymore. Dating back to 2016, 4 of his 7 film appearences have been Marvel. His physical appearance stuck me as a little gaunty. I know he was walking around the Black Widow set with a cane, it was photographed. He's just getting old unfortunately.

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Fun movie, typical Marvel solo stuff so great acting, interesting bits, tone-deaf action, too many Avengers references, funny humor, and good story.


The 3rd act was really exaggerated though, like really dumb. They could have went for a Bourne-style 3rd act and it would have worked much better if you ask me.


Florence Pugh is a godsent btw, amazing actress



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On 7/7/2021 at 10:38 PM, Wormow said:

I know people won't be happy about how Taskmaster is portrayed, but I don't read the comics so I hold no attachment to how that character is in the story so don't care.

May be this is why MCU work so well with non-comics people like me. We don't care about comics and the movies give a general audience vibe.

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On 7/7/2021 at 1:08 PM, Wormow said:

 (also why are we bringing back opening credits?)

Because they’re awesome. I actually wish the whole movie had been more like the opening. Yeah, I know the silly comic book stuff sells but I would have preferred a straight spy thriller without the magic dust that instantly frees people from mind control and the obligatory sky battle at the end.

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I think first 2 acts were good, the third with terrible CGI action is awful. It felt like CGI was improving really well in MCU movies till Endgame and post that its just been downfall. FFH was awful, let's not even talk about god awful TFATWS.


I hate all these "government/non-government" agencies MCU is showing us in Phase IV. SWORD, whoever the fuck is Valentina, making bigger fuss about Red Room then it need be and whatever the fuck they are doing with Sharon.


Yelena falling for Hawkeye being responsible for Nat death is dumb. At this point there will be legends about how she sacrificed herself for universe and what not.


Marvel need to figure their shit out. Phase IV has been really off for me.


If this wasn't MCU movie may be 3/10 or 4/10, but now 6/10.

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I would have thought that Alexei is lying in  prison about facing Cap but he asked Nat as well. Now if he was that Black Cap (sorry I forget his name, and I am not gonna google that either to show just how forgettable it was), wouldn't he know its not Steve rogers. Anyhow, even if we assume he wasn't aware, wasn't the black cap in jail back then?


or did they make many many more Cap Americas.

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On 7/9/2021 at 6:59 AM, Cap said:

THAT SAID, this like LITERALLY taking place two/three weeks after Civil War meant that Natasha was only away from Sam and Steve for like A MONTH MAX.  That meant my OT3 really did spend two years together in bad hotel rooms. 

Couldn't they just stayed in Wakanda.

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