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Phil in the Blank

Unpopular movie opinions.

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Rocky Balboa is incredibly overrated and a bad end to the Rocky franchise.

Toy Story 3 is mostly annoying and dull.

X-Men: Origins Wolverine is actually pretty good and underrated

Iron Man is overrated but not bad ((7/10)) and Iron Man 2 is slightly better ((7.5/10))

Thor: The Dark World is one of the best Marvel movies ((8.5/10))

Man of Steel is on Batman Begins' level ((Both are 9/10 IMHO))

Rocky IV is a great and emotional film ((8/10))

Spider-Man's good but not great

Pixar as a studio is overrated and is losing their touch

All three of the Star Wars Prequels are at least good

TLW is almost as good as JP is

ATJ wasn't bad in Godzilla 2014

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Godzilla is better than Jaws. B)


I am seeing Jaws tonight on the big screen so I will see if you are right.  But the big question which Godzilla?


Obviously I have seen Jaws many times


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Im going to go walk off the end of the earth now, thanks. 


Does the original Jurassic Park have Dr. Grant being woken by a raptor saying his name? No? Then clearly, it's game, set, and match for the threequel.  ;)

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Plot is far too valued by movie-goers. Don't get me wrong, I like a good plot/story like anybody else, and I dislike a bad plot/story like most people. But to me, characters, acting, and directing are far more important elements when it comes to making a film good or not (with a few exceptions). The thing with plot is that it becomes less rewarding the more times you watch a film because you already know all the twists and turns. However, characterization, performances, and directing (especially directing) are far more rewarding because you can always interpret these elements in different ways since they are often not spelled-out for you by the script and require some analysis to understand.


thiiis. honestly story really isn't that important at all compared to bold direction, photography, scoring etc.

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I really liked Prometheus, even the incredibly stupid decisions the characters make to move the plot on doesn't bother me, Visually I find it gorgeous and I'm a fan of both Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace.

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The thing with TLW is that when it's on the island, it's really good. But when they get back to the mainland.....


It's crap on the island too. The "bad guys" are way more likable than Goldblum & co. At least they don't put human lives in danger. Plus, they have actual motivations unlike the boring heroes. I've seen better films on the SyFy (lol) channel.


JPIII is no artistic achievement, but if you compare the talent behind TLW and JPIII, it's no question as to which was the bigger waste.

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