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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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That sound you are hearing is hair being split.

Realistic means "

depicting or emphasizing what is real and actual rather than abstract or ideal." Grounded means that it has elements of reality but also has fantasy elements as well. If this was a realistic movie, The Bat would not exist. Sad that I have to give a vocabulary lesson on a movie forum.
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I love both portrayals of the catwoman. They both are so different and exist in different worlds, so it's seriously moot point to compare the two imo. Pfeiffer's catwoman performance will always be iconic though. Anne did an amazing job fitting the character into Nolan's universe. Sometimes I forget that Halle Berry was Catwoman. I think I like to believe that movie never existed.

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Realistic means "

depicting or emphasizing what is real and actual rather than abstract or ideal." Grounded means that it has elements of reality but also has fantasy elements as well. If this was a realistic movie, The Bat would not exist. Sad that I have to give a vocabulary lesson on a movie forum.I'd say the sad thing is that you're actually going so far as to start debating the difference of "realistic" and "grounded", and not only that, but you'd actually post a damn definition to prove your point. The failed attempt at acting pretentious just caps off the epic fail post.
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Sigh ... what a huge bunch of arguing going on here.I have a big review that I wanted to write along with a big explanation of so-called "plot holes" and an explanation of why this "feels" different to some people compared to Nolan's other Batman films. Nolan had a unique circumstance and limitation working with this film that he didn't have with his other two Batman films. If everyone knew this, I think they'd appreciate the film more than they do now. I'm just too tired to write all of this now, and will do so at a later time.For now, here is one of my favourite lines from the film:"WHHHHEERRRREEESSS THHEE DETONATOR? WHHEEERREEE IIISSSS IIIIIT?!" :)

Edited by ACCA
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Pfeiffer is very classy when she's asked about Hathaway. She has praise everyone who has portrayed Catwoman. She's a lovely person and a stark contrast to Nicholson's pissy responses when he's asked about Joker, he thinks he owns the role.

Even Halle Berry? I am for being class but sometimes you can not name someone. It be like Burton or Nolan saying they loved Batman and Robin. Bad shit should get mention just ignored. You do not need to be nice to it or mean to bad movie or performance just do not say anything.
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He's also a guy that gave so much for the city that hunts him down. He also lost a loved one in an attempt to save her life. He is also a guy that has been essentially forced to live a lie for so long. He saved an entire city and countless lives on many occassions, yet is hated. Considering the magnitude of all this, yes. Yes, I think audiences will empathize.

Problem is, he was whining for EIGHT years. Two years, okay. But with eight years the overall reaction will just be: Gee, get a life again. Wake up, man. This was just a terrible character set-up.
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Nolan had a unique circumstance and limitation working with this film that he didn't have with his other two Batman films. If everyone knew this, I think they'd appreciate the film more than they do now. I'm just too tired to write all of this now, and will do so at a later time.

No, I won't appreciate it more just because they worked with the second draft or whatsoever and didn't write a third draft and so on. Yes, maybe we have a QOS situation here, but that doesn't help.
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Sam Strange does it again!


My favorite bit:

Their failure to catch the cat burglar upsets Alfred so much that he starts crying and never really stops, forcing Bruce to fire him. It's really heartbreaking.

The next day Bruce decides that he should be Batman again since apparently Gotham's lousy with sexy cat burglars all the sudden. First he needs to find his suit, so he calls Alfred. All Alfred wants to do, though, is cry and talk about how he hopes to see Bruce in the tropics but not actually talk to him. It's hard to tell what he's saying because he has a Cockney accent and he's crying.

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