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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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Thank you, guys, for your concern. This kind of crap makes you reevaluate so many things and puts so many things in a new perspective. I am praying for the families and loved ones of all of the victims to find strength and eventually peace and closure. Amazing how vulnerable people are in a movie theatre, sitting ducks indeed. By the way, who else here is from CO? I hope everybody is ok....

Glad you're safe. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. Yes it is amazing how vulnerable you are in movie theater.
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First & foremost in this time of sorrow, my deepest sympathies & sincerest condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy, and to all those that knew or know them. It's often difficult to comprehend(and come to terms with) the more horrible & despicable aspects of human life, particularly in these types of situations... but cope, we must. It just might be our saddest curse, but also... our greatest strength.

Second, please try to avoid making this about you, me, or any of us here on this forum, and least of all... TDKR. Out of respect, it's too early for all that, as most people are likely still shocked... with feelings at their rawest. Instead, I encourage you to take stock in your own lives today, whilst simultaneously being thankful they weren't unduly cut short by some devastating event(s) outside of your control.

Lastly, THIS:

So much stupid in this thread. ... :(

You sure got that right! Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees, some people seem like they can't even look beyond their own nose!
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For some reason I just can't get excited to watch this right now and it's REALLY bugging me,

Eh, When that WB logo comes up I'll be right back in my previous frame of mind. This has changed the nature of my wait for this evening though, that's for sure.
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Think the only ones predicting that were the handful of folks who had TDKR doing 210+, but that was unrealistic.

Not to them at the time. Even ShawnMR hopped on the 210M bandwagon.
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Well, it's not to come people. It's possible to care about both things.

To some yes but for me air's out of the balloon. This was my tied for my most anticipated weekend of all-time with TA's OW and now, I'm just meh about OW.
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Saw TDKR at a midnight showing here in Baltimore last night. My heart goes out to my fellow fans in Colorado who were doing the same thing I was, enjoying a fun night at the movies, watching a flick they'd been eagerly awaiting (casual fans don't go to midnight shows!). Just crazy...I'm very curious to see what the WOM will be on this movie. I actually attended the Trilogy last night, and after watching BB and TDK again, I gotta tell ya, TDKR disappointed. It wasn't a Spider-Man 3 level mess, but, honestly, I didn't think it was that far from it. Some of the story lines are truly eye-rolling. And, unlike the tight universe that Nolan leads us through in the first two, there's virtually no sense of time, of progression, in this one. The middle section is endured, not enjoyed. I did like the ending, at least until the very last scene, which was another eye-roller - more of a WTF? moment, actually. I'll be very surprised if people are enthusiastically recommending this to their friends the way they did the first two. I surely won't be.

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Only got 4 hours of sleep, ugh. Just everything about the shooting is so horrible and this weekend is basically ruined :(I'm still seeing it again on Sunday on real IMAX and looking forward to it, but atm, my mood and enthusiasm are tainted.Also, in relation to the $27-28m number, I'd be very surpirsed if it doesn't hit $30m+ when officials come out sometime in the next couple of hours or so.

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I'm not saying this to be insensitive, but this will not affect me at all in terms of my enjoyment of the film. As someone else pointed out about 50 pages ago, there are mass slaughters and killings and tortures that happen every day in the world. Those don't stop us from travelling, getting drunk till we don't know our name, going to movies, buying cars or eating at The Outback Steakhouse. TDKR is one of a handful of films I've been really excited to see all year. One idiot who hates the world is not going to change that.

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Saw TDKR at a midnight showing here in Baltimore last night. My heart goes out to my fellow fans in Colorado who were doing the same thing I was, enjoying a fun night at the movies, watching a flick they'd been eagerly awaiting (casual fans don't go to midnight shows!). Just crazy...I'm very curious to see what the WOM will be on this movie. I actually attended the Trilogy last night, and after watching BB and TDK again, I gotta tell ya, TDKR disappointed. It wasn't a Spider-Man 3 level mess, but, honestly, I didn't think it was that far from it. Some of the story lines are truly eye-rolling. And, unlike the tight universe that Nolan leads us through in the first two, there's virtually no sense of time, of progression, in this one. The middle section is endured, not enjoyed. I did like the ending, at least until the very last scene, which was another eye-roller - more of a WTF? moment, actually. I'll be very surprised if people are enthusiastically recommending this to their friends the way they did the first two. I surely won't be.

Baltimore in the house.
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Based on all the sell out information i was getting here, i was expecting this to take at least $40M from midnights.Color me disappointed.

Just goes to show how hard it is to match the Twilight craze for midnights, let alone DH2. Those films have crazy rabid fans that flocked to midnight.
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I'm not saying this to be insensitive, but this will not affect me at all in terms of my enjoyment of the film. As someone else pointed out about 50 pages ago, there are mass slaughters and killings and tortures that happen every day in the world. Those don't stop us from travelling, getting drunk till we don't know our name, going to movies, buying cars or eating at The Outback Steakhouse. TDKR is one of a handful of films I've been really excited to see all year. One idiot who hates the world is not going to change that.

It's different though when it's related to an activity so many millions enjoy and regularly attend.
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For some reason I just can't get excited to watch this right now and it's REALLY bugging me,

I can't get excited because the german press reported the massacre and also revealed the main plot element of TDKR with a few words... So, I know the plot already more or less. :(
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Saw TDKR at a midnight showing here in Baltimore last night. My heart goes out to my fellow fans in Colorado who were doing the same thing I was, enjoying a fun night at the movies, watching a flick they'd been eagerly awaiting (casual fans don't go to midnight shows!). Just crazy...I'm very curious to see what the WOM will be on this movie. I actually attended the Trilogy last night, and after watching BB and TDK again, I gotta tell ya, TDKR disappointed. It wasn't a Spider-Man 3 level mess, but, honestly, I didn't think it was that far from it. Some of the story lines are truly eye-rolling. And, unlike the tight universe that Nolan leads us through in the first two, there's virtually no sense of time, of progression, in this one. The middle section is endured, not enjoyed. I did like the ending, at least until the very last scene, which was another eye-roller - more of a WTF? moment, actually. I'll be very surprised if people are enthusiastically recommending this to their friends the way they did the first two. I surely won't be.

I've heard this from several people now. To be fair, I've also heard from several, including CDK, who said it was fucking brilliant.
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