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Wednesday (7/25/12) Numbers: TDKR @ $13.77m

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I'm with others who are pointing out that this is a great performance for TDKR. TDK was a perfect storm of factors that included:The Joker (huge factor with Batman)Heath Ledger performance (praised before release and helped boost legs)Heath Ledger death (brought in the crowds on OW)Great reviews (RT score in the 90s)Take all that away and one should not expect the same BO performance. I was thinking 450 before the RT scored in the 80s so this is looking about right to me. (I will admit I fell for the hype and upped my prediction to 475) And there may even be some super hero fatigue after The Avengers dominated the BO in such overwhelming fashion. This is easily going to be the most successful non-Joker Batman movie. 3rd highest OW. And yet some will say "a disappointment". That's a waste of a great run.

Yup, TDKR is the most depressing and frustrating run I've ever followed...and all because of some insane asshole. I hate that I can't think about the movie without thinking about the shootings and having it affect the feeling and mood surrounding the film, and they'll unfortunately forever be linked together.

I say give that guy a giant middle finger. I'm not letting him win. I'm going to see TDKR next week and I refuse to give him the satisfaction of a thought. He loses...I win.

Exactly, the movie is behaving like a normal movie during the weekdays. If the shooting really had such a big impact, it wouldn´t be so "normal".

That's what I'm thinking. If the BO run is abnormal....why are the drops normal? I would expect to see a massive 2nd weekend or some abnormality in the run. Average drop 2-10 the weekend The Avengers opened: 55.85%Average drop 2-10 the weekend TDKR opened: 55.01%Looks normal to me for a weekend when one movie dominates. The drop was worse when The Avengers opened.

I agree with red.I wanted more batman for every single Nolan film... But I understand that he felt more comfortable and eager to tell Bruce's hero cycle than anything.

Why can't we have an actual "BATMAN" movie? I don't think it is unreasonable to have him in the cape and cowl the entire movie. We've gotten enough Bruce Wayne to last us a while, let's get plenty of Batman for once.

Sounds like me when I talk about Hulk movies. Tired of Banner boring the audience to sleep. (He's boring in the comics too...so they are doing him right) I'm still waiting for the very first Hulk movie where the Hulk character is onscreen. (i.e. a character with a personality) That includes The Avengers.

A Batman movie that doesn't show Bruce Wayne? That's an interesting idea. They desperately need to give him a more efficient Batsuit than what we've seen the last 23 years. Enough of the bulky rubber that keeps the fight scenes from ever being as good as they should be.

Agreed. That suit has held back the character all along. Batman is supposed to be a guy who can move around with quickness and grace. Most of the time, the movie Batman has barely been able to turn his head.

lol, WB better do the reboot the next few years before the 3D craze dies OS like it did in US.

Oh please let 3D die....
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That's what I'm thinking. If the BO run is abnormal....why are the drops normal? I would expect to see a massive 2nd weekend or some abnormality in the run. Average drop 2-10 the weekend The Avengers opened: 55.85%Average drop 2-10 the weekend TDKR opened: 55.01%Looks normal to me for a weekend when one movie dominates. The drop was worse when The Avengers opened.

That's an apples and oranges comparison. During Avengers OW films dropped mostly due to horrendous TC losses. None of them was going to make 10M weekend anyway, so the theaters just discarded them. This time Spidey imploded despite minimal TC loss. And also as a family flick Ace Age should have held better than something like "Think like a man".
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Yeah, pointless to even do them if demand isn't big.

Midnights are ingrained to the moviegoing culture. 100k or so people showing up for The Vow's midnights isn't insignificant. Especially in the summer, just look at Ted and Magic Mike.
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Sounds like me when I talk about Hulk movies. Tired of Banner boring the audience to sleep. (He's boring in the comics too...so they are doing him right) I'm still waiting for the very first Hulk movie where the Hulk character is onscreen. (i.e. a character with a personality) That includes The Avengers.

Hulk doesn't work without Banner and vice versa. Not even in the comics IMHO. What Avengers did and the two Hulk movies forgot to do was make Banner as interesting as his green counterpart. Here, Hulk explains it better- http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/culture/2012/05/the-hulk-on-mark-ruffalos-hulk.html
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That's an apples and oranges comparison. During Avengers OW films dropped mostly due to horrendous TC losses. None of them was going to make 10M weekend anyway, so the theaters just discarded them. This time Spidey imploded despite minimal TC loss. And also as a family flick Ace Age should have held better than something like "Think like a man".

Is it shocking that a flick in direct competition with the movie that had the 3rd biggest OW of all time imploded? Who is surprised? Anyone? Hellboy "imploded" the weekend TDK opened by almost the same percentage. That's kind of an "apples and oranges" thing too. You just picked the one movie everyone knew was going to take the biggest hit and grouped it in with the rest.

Let's look at theater count losses.

2-10 Avengers weekend- 1904 total screens lost. 5 movies lost screens. 1 movie lost none. 3 movies gained screens.

2-10 TDKR weekend- 2610 total screens lost. 8 movies lost screens. 1 movie gained screens.

A bit of spin there on your part? Looks like the TDKR weekend had the far bigger hit to screencount.

The drops are normal becsuse the number of people up to now staying awsy from theater has been consistent since friday

I have to assume this claim will remain in place until the end of TDKR's theater run if the drops never show any abnormal behavior?

Hulk doesn't work without Banner and vice versa. Not even in the comics IMHO. What Avengers did and the two Hulk movies forgot to do was make Banner as interesting as his green counterpart.

Here, Hulk explains it better- http://www.newyorker...falos-hulk.html

Agreed that Ruffalo was the best Banner. But I'll predict right now that another Hulk movie...with Ruffalo...will bore the crap out of audiences if they continue to not include the Hulk character. I can almost see it now, "Why is the Hulk boring in this movie? He was awesome in The Avengers!". That's because you can afford to focus the entire narrative on Banner in lieu of the Hulk when there are constantly other interesting characters in the scene. You can make the Hulk a mindless mute brute and get away with it. But do that for an entire movie with no other characters to keep the audience interested and the same problem the other Hulk movies had will crop up again. They will again wonder why they bought a ticket to see a movie named after the Hulk and instead got another Banner movie. Mark me down for 150m at the box office at most.
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Completely agree. This film's biggest box office achievement is going to be solidifying Batman as a global brand. 7 years ago, BB made $166m overseas. TDKR is going to make in the neighborhood of 4 times as much. It will be the first time we see a big Batman film at the domestic box office end up with 60% or more of its worldwide revenue coming from foreign markets. For a character that has been so iconic in America for 73 years, it is about time that the rest of the world started figuring it out. I'm glad to see it.

That's really not such a big achievement with the way the OS BO is nowadays. The Avengers, despite doing phenomenal in the U.S and having mostly "unknown" charcaters also did much better OS and almost EVERY big blockbuster-type of movie does beter OS nowadays .
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That's really not such a big achievement with the way the OS BO is nowadays. The Avengers, despite doing phenomenal in the U.S and having mostly "unknown" charcaters also did much better OS and almost EVERY big blockbuster-type of movie does beter OS nowadays .

TA had 3D, and 3D always works better OS than DOM.
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That's really not such a big achievement with the way the OS BO is nowadays. The Avengers, despite doing phenomenal in the U.S and having mostly "unknown" charcaters also did much better OS and almost EVERY big blockbuster-type of movie does beter OS nowadays .

The Avengers didn't really do better overseas. It made more money overseas than in the US, but that doesn't mean it did better, it just means international markets are bigger.
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The Avengers didn't really do better overseas. It made more money overseas than in the US, but that doesn't mean it did better, it just means international markets are bigger.

Eeeeh, that's exactly what i meant and the reason TDKR doing better OS isnot an achievement.
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Eeeeh, that's exactly what i meant and the reason TDKR doing better OS isnot an achievement.

Yeah, but that's been true for a long time. Ten years ago, only two of the worldwide top ten made more money in the US and Canada than internationally. Compare that to 2010, where only one of the top ten made more money domestically. The difference isn't that big. And the majority of top worldwide grossers still made more money overseas than domestically even in the 90s. So it isn't exactly a new trend.On the other hand, superhero films have not really conformed to this trend until very recently. Spider-Man 3 has the highest international percentage of its gross, and that's only 62%. If Dark Knight Rises beats that percentage, it will be ... well, not an achievement really, but something that hasn't been done before.
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That's really not such a big achievement with the way the OS BO is nowadays. The Avengers, despite doing phenomenal in the U.S and having mostly "unknown" charcaters also did much better OS and almost EVERY big blockbuster-type of movie does beter OS nowadays .

For Batman it's a big deal. Go look at the history of the franchise mate.
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