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Tony Scott just committed suicide

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And, BTW, I know I'm not the only person to go through things like this. But, I have seen close loved ones die from cancer(Grandfather and father), suicide(Aunt) and alcoholism, which, to me, is form of suicide(Mother). I think I've been through enough to have a very complete point of view on this situation. At the same time, I'm not Tony. I wasn't in his shoes. So, while I, myself view suicide as something that affects everyone you love, not just yourself, I also can't say I wouldn't do the same thing in his circumstances.A tragedy is a tragedy, and some of the absolutely ignorant insensitive comments I've seen across the web sicken me to my core.

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My wife and I were watching Unstoppable on cable yesterday at about the time all of this was occurring. Eerie.My grandfather died from a brain tumor that had metastasized from undiagnosed lung cancer. They told him he had less than six weeks to live. The hospital recommended that he stay there. He refused. He just wanted to go home. My grandmother took care of him at home. He ended up battling 7 months. When the end neared, a priest came to give him last rites. The priest asked him if he was ready to go. He answered that he was, but my grandmother wouldn't let him leave. They celebrated their 51st anniversary, and then she let him go. He passed on peacefully in his sleep a few days later.To me, while still very tragic, the bigger tragedy was not Scott finding out he had an inoperable tumor and then deciding to end his own life instead of going through what would obviously be a harrowing experience...the larger tragedy is that he didn't feel he had someone who wanted him to stick around as long as he could. And that he would be willing to go through it for her/him/them. I'm not saying he took the "easy way out", I'm just saying his death is tragic in more ways than what's been reported.This is just sad on many different levels.

Fuck you AA for making me want to like your post because it is eloquently beautiful.
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I do think that when faced with this type of scenario, that a person should have the right to choose whether to battle on or end their lives on their own terms.

Have you had anyone close to you commit suicide ? I can tell you from personal experience that the emotional scars left by my Aunt and the way my Mother drank herself to death are worse than watching my grandfather and father whither away. At least they gave me a chance to say goodbye and tell them how I feel. I was inspired by their fight while trying to imagine the absolute despair my Aunt and Mom must have been going through is something I will probably never come to grips with. I wept at their funerals. While I was able to celebrate my father and grandfather's lives.That's my last word on this...I'd rather focus on the loss Tony's family(Obviously, we know about his brother, but he had a wife and twin sons), friends, fans and peers are feeling right now. Tony is resting peacefully, it's his loved ones who have to live with this. And, trust me, I send my sincerest condolences to them.
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Two great interviews from Tony where he talks about his Legacy. I'm happy he didn't care the Hollywood critics hated him but he was just trying to make movie that entertain people. Tony's fans always appreciated his work and never gave a F*ck with the hating critics had to say.

on working with Scott 5 Times
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Well if he had an inoperable brain tumor, I can't say I blame him for committing suicide. That is a nasty way to go out and the family already had dealt with cancer before. Hopefully he left nothing unsaid to his family in those suicide notes.

Laugh all you want, but this song is amazing

I was being serious there. Posted Image
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Have you had anyone close to you commit suicide ? I can tell you from personal experience that the emotional scars left by my Aunt and the way my Mother drank herself to death are worse than watching my grandfather and father whither away. At least they gave me a chance to say goodbye and tell them how I feel. I was inspired by their fight while trying to imagine the absolute despair my Aunt and Mom must have been going through is something I will probably never come to grips with. I wept at their funerals. While I was able to celebrate my father and grandfather's lives.

This debate pretty much comes down to whether the feelings of the suicidal person or their survivors are what matter more. Personally, I just don't think people should be forced to suffer. They certainly should be able to fight on if they want like your father did, but if they're really not up to it, I think they should be allowed to die. Edited by tribefan695
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i vaguely knew who he was because i do pay attention to directors name when i watch a film and i did wonder if he was related to ridley scott!i've seen quite a few of his films actually, fav been "top gun" it had it all action /romance / thrill/ friendship /heartache and well i love seeing guys in their navy uniform :wub: and also "days of thunder" fun and entertaining all around! (i use to be a tom cruise fan girl a lifetime ago)among those i've also seen:crimson tide,man on fire, unstoppable, enemy of the state, domino(really good),beverly hills 2 , pelham 123.

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This debate pretty much comes down to whether the feelings of the suicidal person or their survivors are what matter more. Personally, I just don't think people should be forced to suffer. They certainly should be able to fight on if they want like your father did, but if they're really not up to it, I think they should be allowed to die.

I agree with this totally. And for the record, everyone is not up to caring for terminal family members. Everybody is not the same. One of my co workers went to the hospital to see her dad who was terminally ill with cancer and he asked her everytime to pull the plug and help him die. Drove her nuts to the point she considered doing it. He was in that much pain. Just because it ends in a beautiful story for some it could be just as ugly for another. We really don't know what drove his decision but in the end, it was his decision. He was gonna die one way or another.
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Very sad, it is being reported that he had inoperable brain cancer, what a shame, the pain he could have been in, the fact his family and friends would have watched him suffer and in turn suffered, sad all the way around, I loved many of his films, RIP.

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i kinda commented before reading the entire thread so yeah now that i know i agree that if nothing else he did have the choice to decide how to go once he knew the end was inevitable!AA liked your post because i've had 2 people in my life commit suicide, they weren't family but still the first was harder i was only 15 for yrs i tried making sense of it,we were not super close but part of the same group of friends who were always together in our neighbourhood as kidsthe 2nd one was a friend at university we were in the same english class and lived on the same floor at our dorm building so to hear he took his life when everything seemed to be going well for him [edited out] i still wish he'd have waited time does heal everything or at least make awful things not so awful and more bearable....scott will always be remembered though for his work !

Edited by ladyevenstar22
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Terrible for him.I think suicide is almost always be an incredibly selfish act because of how much it affects the ones that love you, but in circumstances like this, you really cannot blame him. However, he still does have children, and I think he could have done it in a different way. I have a friend who had a family member kill herself by cutting her stomach open. That's what drove him insane more than anything. That she went through agonizing physical pain to kill herself. It would have been slightly easier for him to handle if she had taken pills or used a gun (immediate death in most cases).I know what I'm saying will strike most of you as strange, but I keep thinking about his kids and how they'll also think of the pain Tony felt as he crashed into the waves, breaking his bones, etc. It's just a horrid thought.Anyway, RIP. Poor man.

Edited by Noctis
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I haven't seen many of his films, but the ones I have seen have been both thrilling and captivating. It's incredibly tragic to see such a praised director go out in such a horrible way. It's difficult to understand how a person can ignore the good things in life and completely foreclose every possibility of future happiness, but when it's because of an illness like cancer, you really can't criticize the persons actions until you've actually experienced the pain and emotional turmoil they must bear. I can't comprehend the pain all his family and friends must be feeling right now, but it's something no-one should have to go through. Very sad indeed.

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