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Ezen Baklattan

Friday & Early Wknd Estimates (9/21/12): END OF WATCH Solid, everything else soft...

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http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/jennifer-lawrence-clint-eastwood-box-office-373016End Of Watch, Trouble With The Cuve, and House At The End Of The Street are looking at 11m-14m, though House may possibly go higher.Dredd could make 7m-8m.The Master could get to 5m, but they underestimated it last weekend, so keep that in mind.
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Considering HATES was going to be a DTV release until Lawrence started gearing up for The Hunger Games, anything over 10m seems like a win I guess. Curve might have an okay run but it doesn't seem like the so-so reviews and the Eastwood controversy helped.Dredd shouldn't have opened against End of Watch. Hell, I don't know why they didn't bother putting it in the late Summer.Another meh weekend but I'm curious to see how high The Master goes.

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I still think HATES is going to win the weekend. PG-13 horror plus Jennifer Lawrence plus what seems like a more extensive marketing campaign than the other 3 (though obviously channels and shows that I don't watch may have featured other movies instead) should be enough to attract the teen crowd all weekend long.

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Dredd shouldn't have opened against End of Watch. Hell, I don't know why they didn't bother putting it in the late Summer.

Dredd had been basking in great reviews for the past 2 weeks. But that still wasn't enough to bump up any interest in this film. I think it's safe to say that nothing would have saved it, release date or otherwise.
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Is there interest in any films right now? The box office has been dead for about 6 weeks now. The last good weekend was the August 10th weekend when Bourne made 38 mill. Ever since then it's been one disappointment after the other.

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If initial estimates hold then EOW is the only movie that can claim any sort of win. Underwhelming for everything else including The Master. The Apparition made $3 million from same number of theaters and that was a movie that the studio had left for dead.

Edited by TLK
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Is there interest in any films right now? The box office has been dead for about 6 weeks now. The last good weekend was the August 10th weekend when Bourne made 38 mill. Ever since then it's been one disappointment after the other.

Yeah its been a pretty lousy time at the box office. I'd argue that its been downhill ever since TDKR opened.
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Yeah Dredd not currently doing even 1/2 of TWTC and its looking like being lot less then RE5 last friday maybe 5-6m mark (very rough not working anything out), then #2/3 got HATEOS & EOW neck and neck and then RE5/Dredd (might do 3ish if evening pick up a lot) , FN3D. top film could just as easily end up being EOW/HATEOSRight now don't have time to work anything out and have to return to Asgard :)Yeah Dull and I didn't mind Dredd

Edited by Rth
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