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Resident Evil: The Final Chapter | 1/27/17 | Trailer on Page 10

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Final Chapter currently stands ant 42% at RT and this is by far the best result of the series! Movie is really enjoyable and some low scores at IMDB type sites are mostly from people that hate these movies just because they are not like the games. This movie deserves attention from people, as it's one of the most tense, fast and gripping movies I've seen in past few years. Good job everyone, I hope it crosses 200 worldwide.

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Saw this yesterday afternoon. I enjoyed it, I got exactly what I paid for. The screenplay must be about 75 pages long. The amount of time that passes without any dialogue was noticeable, but I'm not complaining, I went for action. I don't think Alice says anything for the first 7-8min of the film, then when she does it's a cliche, "Anyone here?", yes Milla there are about 30 of us here watching you! HaHaHa!


Seriously, fun movie, I did have an issue with one jarring plot hole that I've tried to reconcile but can't.


Lock the Hive down, Shut it down: So why are the big spiked doors still open when Team Alice/Claire get to them? Wesker only closes the doors(which were to be locked down hours ago per handless Dr.Issacs) when he sees the cerberus dogs didn't get them. 

Yes, Alice makes a comment about power being intermittent in that area but Wesker was able to activate the doors when he wanted and had time to have them closed. 

I thought the Red Queen might be why but manual operation was given to Wesker.


If they never get in the Hive, problem solved. I just feel there was lack of explanation on this or a better way into the Hive should've been crafted. 

It's been too long since I've seen them all so I can't do justice to a ranking. 


It does feel like the story is largely concluded. I can see where the ending allows for some stories but only tangential type adventures. I think Boom!, Dynamite or IDW could probably do something with it. I mean, Dynamite is doing a Charmed comic starting next month, I have to believe the fan base would be there for RE comics. 


Also, Ruby Rose is the queen of B-level franchise involvement 1Q of '17. 

She was in XXX:RoXC, this and upcoming John Wick 2! How did she not find time to be in Underworld: BW!!!

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Yeah, they're fairly forgettable and ludicrous.  I'm in for Milla, and nothing else, really.  I have no investment nor care whether they adhere to the games or not.  A movie is a movie is a movie.  It should be allowed to operate on its own terms.  I did a marathon over the past week and finally caught up with the middle few...I had only really seen the first two.  The first film is very different from the rest, as it treated this whole thing more "realistically" (not to the concept's benefit), and the second one is the worst of all of these, in my opinion.  The third one (in the desert/Vegas) is probably my fave overall (and I like Alice/Milla's 'look' here the best), and I like the low-key nature of the fourth one (in the prison), but Wentworth Miller is kind of wasted.  The fifth one feels redundant. 


Haven't caught this yet, but will try to catch a matinee before it leaves theaters (which is soon)...All the rest I've seen on home video. 

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Just go back to the basics. The mansion. Make it small,  small group of people (STARS team) cut out of the world on the mission, claustrophobic feel of tight halls  and make ordinary zombies scary again. With bigger picture going on in the shadows, finding logs and information as you explore mansion. As same group of STARS trying to survive with limited ammo in creepy mansion and trying figure it out what is wrong with it, giving many doors are locked and work on principe of the puzzles. Only to realize through exploring and surviving it's actual secret umbrella facility for BOW.  


As someone from the group is traitor and purposely trying to keep them in mansion, and cover it up.  I just desribed first Resident Evil game. Do it, damn it. 




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If it's not your cup of tea, that's fine, but I don't see how you can not think these are some of the coolest, most entertaining action movies out there. They're a hell of a lot of fun. It was a great series, from start to finish, and I can't really say which ones I like the most. I liked them all. They're not masterfully innovative, intelligent movies, no, but they're pretty much exactly what you'd expect -- a lot of fun. When people say they are "dumb," I really don't know what that's supposed to mean. It sounds like the viewer is dumb, to be honest, too dumb to have fun at an action movie. The same type of person who years ago thought Crash was a good movie, even though it's a giant turd and anyone with even one ounce of self-respect understands what shitty filmmaking that is. But nope, those same idiots come to bash a movie like Resident Evil for being "too dumb" even though they're personally promoting a bunch of the most idiotic movies on their "top whatever" lists. Give me a Resident Evil movie over half the bullshit Oscar movies every year.

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17 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

If it's not your cup of tea, that's fine, but I don't see how you can not think these are some of the coolest, most entertaining action movies out there. They're a hell of a lot of fun. It was a great series, from start to finish, and I can't really say which ones I like the most. I liked them all. They're not masterfully innovative, intelligent movies, no, but they're pretty much exactly what you'd expect -- a lot of fun. When people say they are "dumb," I really don't know what that's supposed to mean. It sounds like the viewer is dumb, to be honest, too dumb to have fun at an action movie. The same type of person who years ago thought Crash was a good movie, even though it's a giant turd and anyone with even one ounce of self-respect understands what shitty filmmaking that is. But nope, those same idiots come to bash a movie like Resident Evil for being "too dumb" even though they're personally promoting a bunch of the most idiotic movies on their "top whatever" lists. Give me a Resident Evil movie over half the bullshit Oscar movies every year.


I like the movies but I'd argue, The Underworld, Blade and Hellboy movies are all in the same vein as this in terms of "dumb supernatural B movie genre" fun but all have clearer story,  better filmmaking techniques and stronger characters. 



But bad acting/non sense plot and no characterization are what make RE fun at times. 


In the 6th one the group legit saves 2 dudes, then Alice says your free, They say we want to stay and fight, 90 seconds later both are killed in the next set piece. I legit think each side character gets like 3 lines not longer than a sentence. Is that great writing? no, can it be fun, yes. Enjoyment of films can have little to do with quality 

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7 hours ago, Jay Hollywood said:

After rewatching them all









5 is pointless storywise. It exists for them to have an excuse to not jump straight to the final movie.

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