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Avengers Nitpicking Thread

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That is the living proof, you didn't understand at all what I wrote or didn't bother to pay attention...I explained it perfectly. Loki's sceptre messes with Banner/Hulk's mind, at the same moment Loki's minions attacked the Helicarrier so he's wreaking havoc out of stress and manipulation, fighting every single thing that could harm him, meaning Thor that tackled him to seek his attention away from Black Widow and the Jet fighter who opened fire against him.

I think Goffe got confused because the film didn't explain it well enough, it just showed banner getting angry and holding the sceptre then the next minute he goes crazy. Fair play for working it out but I think the film could have explained how the sceptre could mind fuck someone without Loki even being there, and if it could, why didn't he just mind fuck everyone in the room??? Edited by Jessie
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I think Goffe got confused because the film didn't explain it well enough, it just showed banner getting angry and holding the sceptre then the next minute he goes crazy. Fair play for working it out but I think the film could have explained how the sceptre could mind fuck someone without Loki even being there, and if it could, why didn't he just mind fuck everyone in the room???

His plan was always Hulk as BW figured it out. Hulk was also the most susceptible. Remember when Loki is arrested and walks by Banner, he seems to have a flinch laying the ground work for uncontrollable Hulk.
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I don't know, Whedon showed that in an explicit way (for me at least, maybe not enough for you people :lol: ) as soon as Loki is brought inside the Helicarrier. Banner seem to have some headache when Loki walked past him. He's also working on the sceptre for some time. The heated argument scene between the team members is kind of the product of the sceptre mischievous influence too. (There's a shot when Stark seems to feel the same kind of "headache" too).

Edited by dashrendar44
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I don't know, Whedow showed that in a explicit way (for me, maybe not enough for you people :lol: ) as soon as Loki is brought inside the Helicarrier. Banner seem to have some headache when Loki walked past him. He's also working on the sceptre for some time. The heated argument scene between the team members is kind of the product of the sceptre mischievous influence too. (There's a shot when Stark seems feel some kind of "headache" too).

I actually remember this.
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My biggest complaint was the terrible Villain. Loki was just there to get his ass beat.

Mine as well. He was basically just like bitching around for a while, and then getting slapped by everyone. That was one lame-ass villain. And the alien army was lame as well. It was fun to see Hulk smashing everything around tho.I hope the Thano guy in TA2 can really kick ass. And give Hulk more screentime as well! :whip: Edited by vc2002
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TA voted most overrated movie of 2012 by a landslide according to the readers of LA Times:http://www.latimes.c...0,7295260.storyBtw, I don't agree with this.

Not surprised. It will automatically get some backlash due to it being the "big movie", plus now that it is further away from the whole experience, people tend to lower grades. So not that big of a deal really
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Not surprised. It will automatically get some backlash due to it being the "big movie", plus now that it is further away from the whole experience, people tend to lower grades. So not that big of a deal really

Plus a lot of DC Comic/Nolan loonies read the LA Times. :hi5:
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