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Most overrated films of 2012

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I watched it latter on this year when I started to grow bored of depressing films.Rather preferred he killed the wolves and got home and saved a friend and be more feel good like Taken 1.Grey is a better made film but not as fun a lets say Taken 1.

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The Hunger GamesTedThe Dark Knight RisesAll decent movies but nothing special and really flawed.As far as critics' reviews go Killing Them Softly and Seven Psychopaths. I really wanted to like them but i couldn't.

that's interesting. i really wanted to see Killing Them Softly and 7 Psychopaths.
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I really enjoyed Seven Psychopaths, but I was lukewarm on Killing Them Softly. I get what the filmmakers were trying to get at in the latter, but it didn't have much of an effect on me. That said, it was still very well made, and even though some viewers will inevitably complain about the abruptness of the ending, I dug the hell out of Brad Pitt's rant before the cut to black.Re The Grey being boring and depressing: I thought the film moved somewhat slowly, but it never bored me. The latter observation, however, is spot-on, and I actually think it's a positive quality of the film. I appreciated the fact that Liam Neeson finally got to do another really introspective performance after doing the action hero type and picking up paychecks for lame supporting roles.Getting back into the spirit of this thread, I guess I'll throw in The Amazing Spider-Man. It's a weaker choice since there are definitely detractors on the good ol' interwebs (no pun intended), but most people I have talked to away from the computer really enjoyed it; some even thought it was better than the original Sam Raimi film. I didn't, and it typically seems to raise eyebrows when I express this opinion. Then I sound like I'm trolling when I say I even (slightly) preferred Spider-Man 3 to the new one (which is technically true, even though I think there are some pretty major issues with both films).

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I hope the sequel is really good. I really enjoy the character and the universe in general (not to mention the cast and crew involved with this particular iteration), so it's not like I'm rooting against the new franchise.But the sequel has to be a complete film. Unlike this time around, I don't want to have to wait until the third film to see how the second one ends.

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It's depressing seeing TDKR on so many peoples list. TA I can stand but TDKR, for some reason I don't want it to be true. I have been in denial when it comes to TDKR. It is a great movie but not "slightly below TDK" as I led myself to believe. It's slightly better than Begins. Again, a great movie but a little below expectations. I wouldn't put it on my list of most overrated films but I think it is overrated to some extent.

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