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3 minutes ago, boomboom234 said:

No Young Griff is worse in my opinion that removes the whole second dance the books are doing plus still haven't forgiven what they did to Stannis

That's just streamlining really.


But to take away what the North is most famous for? To equal the North to the South as just a bunch of petty, scrabbling houses? There's no bigger shame than that, sorry.


In this show the North forgets, apparently. And it's the saddest thing ever.

Edited by Arlborn
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8 minutes ago, Arlborn said:

That's just streamlining really.


But to take away what the North is most famous for? To equal the North to the South as just a bunch of petty, scrabbling houses? There's no bigger shame than that, sorry.


In this show the North forgets, apparently. And it's the most sad thing ever.

That's true they completely removed the aftermath of the red wedding which is compounded by the LS the north remembers even roose's allies want to butcher the frey's and giving Jon Stannis storyline is lazy IMO

Edited by boomboom234
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2 hours ago, K1stpierre said:

I still think Bran is the most interesting character of the show now, which is ironic considering he's limp.


It's absurdly obvious the Starks are going to regain control of the North whatever is left of it after the war of the White Walkers. It's a shame due to all the unexpected turns since the opening scene of the show season 1.

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That was a really great episode, and I'm not entirely getting the complaints


1.The Littlefinger thing is being addressed next episode, plus Sansa likely didn't know the Vale was coming until they came.  Sure, she wrote the letter, but she had no guarantee and given how personal that was for her, it's understandable from a character standpoint why she didn't.  Also, that rescue is probably how it'll happen in the books, only Sansa will have riden in with Littlefinger, so it's a way to bring her storyline back on tracks.


2.Yes, there's stuff cut, there has to be.  There's some stuff that I would have preferred to have not been cut, but you can either further convolute the visual medium with more characters or streamline the main points (especially when the show hadn't really given viewers a reason to care about the other northern houses in the past).


3.Jon getting played by Ramsey was completely in character for both of them.  Yes, it was idiotic of Jon, but Jon doesn't always act rationally.  I also think this battle had to happen (which felt much more like a defeat until the very end) to advance Jon's character and help him grow for the wars to come.


4.Yeah, it's "predictable" for the Vale to swoop in, but that didn't make it bad.  Are you trying to tell me this episode would have been better if Ramsay won the battle?  That would have been terrible storytelling to bring Jon back, only to massacre him and his army and let the most hated character on the show continue on.  The show breaks conventions, but if it always breaks the convention than it isn't as meaningful when those conventions break.  Sometimes, you need the plot to move along in a crowd pleasing manner.  


Plus, if Jon had the Vale to begin with, Ramsay wouldn't have come out of Winterfell to meet him in battle, and we would have had a siege instead (which, given it's Winterfell, would result in a major loss).


The episode was exceptional, and the actual battle was one of the best sequences ever put on television.  There were so many great things about this episode, some of the complaining really seemed silly for this one.

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2 hours ago, Arlborn said:

That's just streamlining really.


But to take away what the North is most famous for? To equal the North to the South as just a bunch of petty, scrabbling houses? There's no bigger shame than that, sorry.


In this show the North forgets, apparently. And it's the saddest thing ever.


No they didn't. They explained perfectly well a couple of weeks back how blind loyalty to Robb fucked them up pretty hard. And unlike Jon and Sansa, he was the legitimate male heir. If he could get them into so much trouble, there was no telling how ill-advised an allegiance to Jon/Sansa may prove, especially considering Jon and Sansa's own incredibly spotty records.

Edited by Spidey Freak
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3 hours ago, K1stpierre said:

So do we know what is going on with House of Martell? I feel like after the assasination they've been zero lined. 


After the Dany/Yara exchange today, I think it is clear that Ellaria too will align with Dany's cause as Khaleesi's motto falls in with her own "No weak men" tagline. 


If Margaery manages to save Loras and gets him to the safety of Highgarden like she did with Olenna, I think the Tyrells may also switch to Dany. Even if it means Margaery losing the position of queen, I don't think Olenna would prefer the Sparrow mess over Dany. And if Loras and Margaery die before Dany reaches KL, then Olenna would definitely want to align with Dany to get back at the Lannisters and Sparrows.

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4 hours ago, The Pandaren said:

4.Yeah, it's "predictable" for the Vale to swoop in, but that didn't make it bad.  Are you trying to tell me this episode would have been better if Ramsay won the battle?  That would have been terrible storytelling to bring Jon back, only to massacre him and his army and let the most hated character on the show continue on.  The show breaks conventions, but if it always breaks the convention than it isn't as meaningful when those conventions break.  Sometimes, you need the plot to move along in a crowd pleasing manner.  




I would have quit this show had Ramsey won. Call it predictable if you want, but the alternative (killing Jon again just after bringing him back) would have been the dumbest and most pointless shit all series.

Edited by cookie
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4 hours ago, Spidey Freak said:


No they didn't. They explained perfectly well a couple of weeks back how blind loyalty to Robb fucked them up pretty hard. And unlike Jon and Sansa, he was the legitimate male heir. If he could get them into so much trouble, there was no telling how ill-advised an allegiance to Jon/Sansa may prove, especially considering Jon and Sansa's own incredibly spotty records.

That's really crap considering the north remembers isn't about the starks its about the boltons and frey killing off the head of almost every other northern family in a betrayal so heinous to the culture that everybody is shocked its not really about blind obediance so much as revenge but the show ignored any consequence of the red wedding they just had it happen.


Plus on the battle they could have had jon just win on his own in a tough battle, which is what grrm is looking like stannis will do in the books

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Yeah, also the complaints about the show getting more predictable are also Ill-warranted.  There's much more set-up that's happened now than previous seasons, fans are theorizing every possible thing that could happen, not every trope can freaking be broken all the time and make for a good story.


Yes, the Starks should have Winterfell back proceeding forward, because it would have been bad writing to continue to have the villains win and continue the show in an endless loop.  The ending probably won't be a happy one, and yes some things are getting more obvious, but it's not because the show is worse.  You can't kill off the characters you've now set up for the end game randomly, because then you've made that set up pointless and a waste of time, there was more room at the beginning of the story to, but not really the end.


Theres a difference between complaining about everything and actual critiquing.  And I swear the majority of the complaints/critiques the last few pages weren't critiques they were people whining because the story isn't going exactly in the direction they would have wanted.

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4 minutes ago, The Pandaren said:

Yeah, also the complaints about the show getting more predictable are also Ill-warranted.  There's much more set-up that's happened now than previous seasons, fans are theorizing every possible thing that could happen, not every trope can freaking be broken all the time and make for a good story.


Yes, the Starks should have Winterfell back proceeding forward, because it would have been bad writing to continue to have the villains win and continue the show in an endless loop.  The ending probably won't be a happy one, and yes some things are getting more obvious, but it's not because the show is worse.  You can't kill off the characters you've now set up for the end game randomly, because then you've made that set up pointless and a waste of time, there was more room at the beginning of the story to, but not really the end.


Theres a difference between complaining about everything and actual critiquing.  And I swear the majority of the complaints/critiques the last few pages weren't critiques they were people whining because the story isn't going exactly in the direction they would have wanted.

No they were mostly holes in the story or things that honeslty made no sense and choosing plots that are honestly shit. 

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21 minutes ago, boomboom234 said:

No they were mostly holes in the story or things that honeslty made no sense and choosing plots that are honestly shit. 


There weren't any big plotholes in last night's episode, especially considering you don't know the direction of the story.  It would have been bad writing for Littlefinger not to come in, because of the set up they did to foreshadow that he would. 


The miscommunication between Jon and Sansa was set up from the beginning as well.  Sansa had been holding back information because she didn't want Littlefinger's help, and she was never sure he was coming, a mistake that cost lives.  Jon also didn't take Sansa seriously (which probably  helped further stem the latter) and didn't listen to her when she said, "Rickon was as good as dead, don't play Ramsay's games."  Jon's mistake made sense, nearly cost him the battle, and it's something the character can develop from.


You want complain about Dorne?  Sure that plot line sucks.  The show isn't perfect (neither are the books).  But we had a phenomenal hour of television and some of the same people can still do nothing else but complain about something new.  

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6 hours ago, The Pandaren said:

That was a really great episode, and I'm not entirely getting the complaints


1.The Littlefinger thing is being addressed next episode, plus Sansa likely didn't know the Vale was coming until they came.  Sure, she wrote the letter, but she had no guarantee and given how personal that was for her, it's understandable from a character standpoint why she didn't.  Also, that rescue is probably how it'll happen in the books, only Sansa will have riden in with Littlefinger, so it's a way to bring her storyline back on tracks.


4.Yeah, it's "predictable" for the Vale to swoop in, but that didn't make it bad.  Are you trying to tell me this episode would have been better if Ramsay won the battle?  That would have been terrible storytelling to bring Jon back, only to massacre him and his army and let the most hated character on the show continue on.  The show breaks conventions, but if it always breaks the convention than it isn't as meaningful when those conventions break.  Sometimes, you need the plot to move along in a crowd pleasing manner.  


Plus, if Jon had the Vale to begin with, Ramsay wouldn't have come out of Winterfell to meet him in battle, and we would have had a siege instead (which, given it's Winterfell, would result in a major loss).


I think a better way would have been, if Sansa had told Jon about the Vale, was that they planned to feign weakness and draw Ramsey out to hit their army, which would allow the Vale forces time to arrive and take them out.


Then Ramsey's Rickon gambit screws the plan up by goading Jon (and his army) to start the battle early AND by meeting the Bolton army on Ramsey's terms. Add into that the Vale army being late, which creates some uncertainty about whether or not Littlefinger has decided to screw them over, and you get a more satisfying feel to their final arrival, since instead of a deus ex machina of sorts it's more of a relief that in the end the plan worked and Littlefinger resisted any urge to betray them for his own ends.

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