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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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1 hour ago, Warmaster506 said:

One of the best episodes of TV ever.  Most movies will never be as good as GOT.

No blockbuster movie these days is as good as GoT. It has everything - real pricey spectacle, real emotion, characters you really care about (that includes dragons and wolves) or really hate, phenomenally staged action, most quotable lines, cast with tremendous, lived-in chemistry. It's the best show I've ever seen (well, for my tastes cause I'm into epic fantasy and not into stuff like Breaking Bad).


Ok, so the battle was insane but my fave scene gotta be Arya/Brienne sparring. I've watched it 100 times and still doesn't get old. 


@Ozymandias That totally redeems Mountain! My hate for Faith Militant got full satisfaction with that scene. I wasn't crazy about that subplot but the payoff was divine. That's what I love about GoT, how they turn around something that starts off as not-so-impressive and turn it into something iconic.



Edited by Valonqar
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7 minutes ago, ddddeeee said:

I loved the episode but this shit is leading to a 'all the vanilla people/weak actors come together to fight zombies' finale that I'm really not here for.


I'm going to need Cersei to have another ace up her sleeve. 


The big twist is that the White Walkers get defeated in Season 8 Episode 1, the good guys hold a major victory party in Episode 2 and get blown up by Cersei via a Wildfire IED.


Final 4 episodes of the show chronicle Bronn's search for the perfect castle while Cersei empties Westeros of all its remaining wine while giving smug looks at Qyburn doing his mad scientist shit.

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1 minute ago, 4815162342 said:


The big twist is that the White Walkers get defeated in Season 8 Episode 1, the good guys hold a major victory party in Episode 2 and get blown up by Cersei via a Wildfire IED.


Final 4 episodes of the show chronicle Bronn's search for the perfect castle while Cersei empties Westeros of all its remaining wine while giving smug looks at Qyburn doing his mad scientist shit.

I think I'd choke on my own cackle if that happened.

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I'm curious if there'll be a twist in store for how Season 8 plays out/set up so it's not Good Guys vs Ice Sauron.  D&D have said they should arrive to the same destination as GRRM, and it just doesn't seem like GRRM's style to have most of his finale be a Good vs Evil crusade.


I feel like something's bound to happen that shakes things up.  It's possible Cersei and Daenerys survive the season, and they're stuck having to work together to defeat the White Walkers.  That'd leave room for some real arm-twistings to go on.

Edited by El Panda Machos
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18 minutes ago, El Panda Machos said:

I'm curious if there'll be a twist in store for how Season 8 plays out/set up so it's not Good Guys vs Ice Sauron.  D&D have said they should arrive to the same destination as GRRM, and it just doesn't seem like GRRM's style to have most of his finale be a Good vs Evil crusade.


I feel like something's bound to happen that shakes things up.  It's possible Cersei and Daenerys survive the season, and they're stuck having to work together to defeat the White Walkers.  That'd leave room for some real arm-twistings to go on.


My (probable) theory:


White Walkers were the good guys all along. They were coming to try stop Euron and his magical boats.


S8 is Jon/Dany/Cersei/Others all trying to work together to stop Euron. Shenanigans ensue.

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2 hours ago, Valonqar said:

No blockbuster movie these days is as good as GoT. It has everything - real pricey spectacle, real emotion, characters you really care about (that includes dragons and wolves) or really hate, phenomenally staged action, most quotable lines, cast with tremendous, lived-in chemistry. It's the best show I've ever seen (well, for my tastes cause I'm into epic fantasy and not into stuff like Breaking Bad).


Agreed.   This is probably my favorite year for comic book movies ever....but I haven't given them any thought since GoT started.   I haven't been to the movies period since then.   The upcoming Thor 2 and JL have firmly moved into my "meh" category.   Not sure how they can measure up to this.

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Firmly agree w/you guys. GOT feels more like an event than any movie out there.


Arya finally coming back home, the Arya vs. Brienne fight, Jon finding the dragon glass (and that awkwardly sexual scene w/Dany), THE BATTLE SCENE... I was worried that they were setting up Tyrion to turn heel on Dany after her shouting on him, but luckily that didn't happen (rooting for Jaime to survive is not the same thing as rooting for his side to win). Incredible stuff all in all, the one-shot sequence w/Bronn fighting his way through the pit of fire was fucking insane, the Drogon vs. Scorpion match was heart pounding, and... well, Jaime is a moron to say the least but it was a very memorable ending. Epic episode.


If the last episode is a feature-length theatrical release as I presume, I think it could honestly light the box office (ehh, box office... Home Box Office = HBO) on fire... no pun intended.

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9 hours ago, ddddeeee said:

I loved the episode but this shit is leading to a 'all the vanilla people/weak actors come together to fight zombies' finale that I'm really not here for.


I don't think so. I think that Men vs WW is not going to be the Season 8 finale but Jon vs Dany. Because, unless showrunners are too bent on pleasing shippers, there's no reason for Dany to do cartwheels once it's revealed that she is not the last Targaryan and the rightful Queen and even Azor Ahai (Jon is Ice and Fire aka Stark-Targ not 2 of them together). No sir. Some terrible change of character, like, "I'm totally OK to share the throne with Jon or have him be the King and I his Consort cause I'm so much in love" would be, well, terrible. So they should address the fact that a) she does enjoy burning people, B) that Jon's existence as a Targaryan is a threat to her, love or not, c) that oft-mentioned madness of King Arys surely points out at inheritable madness and Dany should have it cause Viserys was just a dick and Raegar was the finest man that anyone knew, so his son wouldn't be mad like his grandfather. Still, I fully expect that Aunt Dany's character arc will be closed by her accepting to share the throne with her true love Nephew Jon. :lol:


However, I do agree that they are obviously saving as many characters as they can for inevitable Season 8 bloodbath. Hence why we had so many near misses in this episode and why so many characters who should have been dead by now (Fuckin Sir Friendzone and Sam's miracle cure) are not.


So I'm thinking that first half of Season 8 will be Men vs WW with significant purge (likely swan song for not-main characters such as Tormund, Bronn, some dragons who are not Drogon, etc, well, whoever survives this season and I think many will cause of obvious Season 8 Purge set up) and then the aftermath including Cersei's little brother killing her as prophecized (should be Jaime for his character's full circle, not Tyrion cause he and Cersei hate each other so there's no emotional payoff). 


Characters that I absolutely don't want to die:


Drogon - screw people, I was, like, "Nooo, Bronn, don't shoot my boy Drogon, shoot Dany!"










Characters that cannot die soon enough:


Sir Friendzone, er, Jorah - most boring character ever

Littlefinger - ever since he fucked that disgusting crackpot Lyssa, I can't stand the sight of him

Dany - I can watch Arya's super assassin antics forever cause Arya is likable, stays on target (doesn't off people who don't deserve it) and doesn't burn them alive. There's something so icky about death by fire that I simply can't stand and Dany obviously loves to burn people. Also, she emotes like a robot and her list of titles is pure mustache twirling shit. hard to buy her as the good guy. 

Mel - she burned Shireen, nuff said. 

Grey Worm - second most boring character ever


@aabattery I don't think that WW were good guys but I could see the ending with Bran becoming the new Night King and thus WW becoming good and never attacking Men anymore. Pure speculation on my part and probably way off but based on semi-set up that Night King saw him and branded him.





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13 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:

I'm just waiting for the payoff of Bran warging a dragon. Too much setup at this point with his growing powers.

Oh that's gonna happen. :)


Also, there's a list of characters who have Valyrian steel blades:


Jon - Longclaw

Brienne - Oathkeeper

Jaime - Widow's Wail

Arya - LF's knife

Sam - Heartsbane


I don't expect all of them to engage WW or slay them but they are certainly candidates.



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Valyrian steel is less prevalent in the show than in the books. I mean it was still rare in the books but there were a bunch more blades floating around. But that's also because there was 10x the amount of characters in play.

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10 hours ago, ddddeeee said:

I loved the episode but this shit is leading to a 'all the vanilla people/weak actors come together to fight zombies' finale that I'm really not here for.


I'm going to need Cersei to have another ace up her sleeve. 

I have a feeling that she'll be the ruler that won't want to fight the White Walkers and the Night King and underestimate them. I fucking love Cersei, but she'll undoubtedly end up killing herself along the way. 

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1 minute ago, Noctis said:

There is no way Daenerys or Cersei are dying this season. 

Of course. They aren't even subtle about it since someone like Bronn dodged so many bullets in one episode. Of course that main characters of Dany/Cersei stature are going to live through it, duh.

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5 minutes ago, Noctis said:

I have a feeling that she'll be the ruler that won't want to fight the White Walkers and the Night King and underestimate them. I fucking love Cersei, but she'll undoubtedly end up killing herself along the way. 

I hope she goes on her own terms. All these Jamie/Arya killing her theories are weak. I want a grand, full-blown Shakespearean end to Cersei.

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