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Ghost in the Shell | March 31, 2017 | Scarlett Johansson | Paramount | New Trailer on page 43!!!

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Just now, DamienRoc said:



Yeah, with names like Kusanagi, Aramaki, Saito, Togusa, and Ishikawa, it's readily clear that they're not Japanese.

You could have a white person born in Japan and give that person Japanese name.



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4 minutes ago, Klingo said:

You could have a white person born in Japan and give that person Japanese name.


Tortured logic to justify whitewashing. Japan is a pretty homogenous country. Foreigners who live there account for under 2% of the total population, and the vast majority of those are either from other East Asian countries (Korea, China), or have some Japanese ancestry already. Even if you assumed that everyone from a majority-white nation living in Japan was white (which isn't the case), you'd still get... ~100k people. In a country with a population of over 125m. That's, um, .08%.


4 minutes ago, Klingo said:




Yeah. Those people aren't white. You may project and think they look white, but you're making the same mistake as people who watch Avatar: The Last Airbender and think that Aang is white.


(Well, I've thought that Batou could be half-Chinese/half-Russian, but even in such a case he'd not necessarily be white at all; Russia covers a lot of races, many of them not white. Still, at best you could get away with a token white person.)

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5 hours ago, DamienRoc said:


Yeah. Those people aren't white. You may project and think they look white, but you're making the same mistake as people who watch Avatar: The Last Airbender and think that Aang is white.


(Well, I've thought that Batou could be half-Chinese/half-Russian, but even in such a case he'd not necessarily be white at all; Russia covers a lot of races, many of them not white. Still, at best you could get away with a token white person.)


They look like characters who could be in Baccano, to me at least.

Edited by RandomJC
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Aside from Takeshi Hikano as Chief Aramaki they also have Kaori Momoi, Chin Han, Danusia Samal, Yutaka Izumihara, and Tuwanda Manyimo as Section 9 members in the cast. So the setting in the Japan and keeping their names is completely justified. 


And Batou is actually european, so having Pilou Asbaek who is european himself makes sense.


So any complains about whitewashing in this movie is complete utter bullshit.




Heck, even in the original movie she ended with the body of a 12 year old child while sounding like an older women for pete sake. With a character like that you can get away with anything 

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7 minutes ago, Boxx93 said:





I seem to recall one episode where she had to switch bodies, and Batou asked her "why didn't you pick a male this time?"


Not sure how some people don't get it.

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8 hours ago, CJohn said:

This would never get made without Scarlett as the lead actress.

This. It's Hollywood people. If it was made with an actress without a big draw the budget would have been much smaller. Can't you just be happy they're making it at all? Plus you've still got your Japanese versions of the stories, just consider this a bonus.


Also, what about Mitsuhisa Ishikawa from the studio that has made all of the anime shows and movies being a producer in this?

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27 minutes ago, grim22 said:

This keeps getting better and better



 Before the shittalking begins here I would like you forum posters to READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE before making an opinion out of context.


The article says that yes, they did those VFX test in pre production, but Paramount immediately rejected the idea of making Scarlett more Asian looking, and Scarlett herself wasnt even involved in the process.



A test was done related to a specific scene for a background actor which was ultimately discarded. Absolutely no visual effects tests were conducted on Scarlett’s character and we have no future plans to do so.



What a clickbait tweet.


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1 minute ago, Boxx93 said:

 Before the shittalking begins here I would like you forum posters to READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE before making an opinion out of context.


The article says that yes, they did those VFX test in pre production, but Paramount immediately rejected the idea of making Scarlett more Asian looking, and Scarlett herself wasnt even involved in the process.



What a clickbait tweet.



It doesn't really change the mindset behind it, though.

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Love Scar Joe, really do but the whitewashing has to stop.  "Ghost is the shell" is JAPANESE PERIOD.   There is no debate, there is no dispute and people trying to defend it exactly why Hollywood continues to get to called out by Asians, blacks and other minorities.  There's rumors they are trying to whitewash "Akira" too which is why it's in development hell and will be D.O.A. if they go through with it.  "Gods of Egypt" should be the final wake up call.   Just like how disasterous "Dragon Ball" Was, I mean you have a  franchise that's HUGE that could of generated Hundreds of millions at the box office and serveral sequels but Hollywood decides White Washing the characters was a better idea.   


Does any of this mean the movie can't be good? Of course not but I expect anime fans to reject it and those are the fans this movie needs because they know the source material. There are plenty of asian actors that could of been cast for the role and the movie has other characters that you could of casted as White if you really wanted to.   Of course Scar Joe is a known name but that doesn't excuse this.  This idea that audiences would not have watched a Japanese and or Asian lead is B.S.   It would be like casting a white woman in makeup for "Memoirs of a Geshia" but did they do that?  No they didn't, they had an Asian lead because that's what the source matieral was about.  


Just because that was autobiograhpical and this is a cartoon doesn't change my point.    "Ghost in the Shell" source material is why Scar Joe is a miscast for this role.  The whole story takes place in Japan and deals with Japan's advancement in technology and all the characters have Japanese names.    We are in 2016, we have progressed.   This isn't the 1950's so yellow face is unnessary just as it was back then.   It's also been leaked they were trying to use CGI to make characters look more Asian.   Even if they didn't go through with it, the fact that it was even considered is pathetic.   These are the same excuse they try to use against Black Actors (Sony Leak) as far as Box Office and using Non-white leads.   The Girl from "Pacific Rim" would of been perfect for this role:






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I just found out that originally Kaa in the jungle book was male, so Scarlett also got caught up in womanwashing in that movie. Utterly despicable. Kaa is an iconic male character, can't believe they would do that to him.

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