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Ghost in the Shell | March 31, 2017 | Scarlett Johansson | Paramount | New Trailer on page 43!!!

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52 minutes ago, Treetrunk Special said:

I just found out that originally Kaa in the jungle book was male, so Scarlett also got caught up in womanwashing in that movie. Utterly despicable. Kaa is an iconic male character, can't believe they would do that to him.

Join the boycott with me! Let's show Hollywood what we think of it! I'm sure we can make a dent at its numbers!

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I do not see anyone complaining about a caucasian playing a russian character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


I do not see anyone complaning about Japanese actors playing european characters in the live action version of Attack On Titan.


And I saw almost very little complains about Jhonny Storm being black, or Nick Fury being black instead of white like in the comics.


So much Hipocresy from SJW, it makes me sick.


Guys, movies are a business, not a charity work. Get over it.

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5 minutes ago, Boxx93 said:

And I saw almost very little complains about Jhonny Storm being black, or Nick Fury being black instead of white like in the comics.



1) There were loads of complaints about Johnny Storm and his parents being African-American. Dumb complaints, but a lot of them, even here.


2) MCU Fury is based on Ultimate Comics Fury who was deliberately drawn to look like Samuel L. Jackson

Edited by 4815162342
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Ok so, Snow White wasn't good.  It looked great though, and Rupert has only made that movie I've seen.


So, I am hoping we can get a slick scifi action movie out of this.  With some thought on the thematic potential this story has.  It'll be actioned up I'm sure...but...is there a chance this could actually be good?  Cause it'd be amazing if it was...ScarJo isn't my all time fave but monotone cyborg seems like a role she could do well.


I am curious how they handle the story.  It's a bit more heady than most scifi action blockbusters, so how much of that will they actually retain?  I am, overall, curious.  Guess we'll have to wait and see.  I'm not really optimistic about this.  If some awesome director was driving this as a a passion project I'd be more so, but shit you never know.

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7 hours ago, filmscholar said:

Love Scar Joe, really do but the whitewashing has to stop.  "Ghost is the shell" is JAPANESE PERIOD.   There is no debate, there is no dispute and people trying to defend it exactly why Hollywood continues to get to called out by Asians, blacks and other minorities.  There's rumors they are trying to whitewash "Akira" too which is why it's in development hell and will be D.O.A. if they go through with it.  "Gods of Egypt" should be the final wake up call.   Just like how disasterous "Dragon Ball" Was, I mean you have a  franchise that's HUGE that could of generated Hundreds of millions at the box office and serveral sequels but Hollywood decides White Washing the characters was a better idea.   


Does any of this mean the movie can't be good? Of course not but I expect anime fans to reject it and those are the fans this movie needs because they know the source material. There are plenty of asian actors that could of been cast for the role and the movie has other characters that you could of casted as White if you really wanted to.   Of course Scar Joe is a known name but that doesn't excuse this.  This idea that audiences would not have watched a Japanese and or Asian lead is B.S.   It would be like casting a white woman in makeup for "Memoirs of a Geshia" but did they do that?  No they didn't, they had an Asian lead because that's what the source matieral was about.  


Just because that was autobiograhpical and this is a cartoon doesn't change my point.    "Ghost in the Shell" source material is why Scar Joe is a miscast for this role.  The whole story takes place in Japan and deals with Japan's advancement in technology and all the characters have Japanese names.    We are in 2016, we have progressed.   This isn't the 1950's so yellow face is unnessary just as it was back then.   It's also been leaked they were trying to use CGI to make characters look more Asian.   Even if they didn't go through with it, the fact that it was even considered is pathetic.   These are the same excuse they try to use against Black Actors (Sony Leak) as far as Box Office and using Non-white leads.   The Girl from "Pacific Rim" would of been perfect for this role:






Will you raise just as big a stink if Idra Elbas plays Roland Deschain in the Dark Tower movies? Because at least according to the books Roland is definitely white. 

BTW at least based on that picture of the main character she looks hafu at best regardless of her name.

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I'm sorry but Rinko, and I like her, is not a good choice for an English language adaptation.


And I'm not even referring to the fact that this movie wouldn't even exist if she was the lead.  But it wouldn't.  Neither would it if some random white chick was cast either.  This is not a Ghost in the Shell movie first...this is a ScarJo vehicle first...

Edited by kowhite
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8 minutes ago, Belakor said:

First week of production and already has a whitewashing scandal? :lol:.  TBH  SJ looks bad, too bulky.


This was a whitewashing scandal long time before production.


Oh shit, I said long time...is that racist?

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I think the big issue here is that they're usually not even trying to cast actors of a similar ethnicity.  It's also all well and good to say that people don't complain when a studio casts a white characters as black (which is also false, people do complain a lot), but the fact of the matter is that roles for ethnic minorities are extremely rare, so why not at least try to cast one instead of casting the same white actor from a dozen other films?  Considering the number of reboots lately, if they didn't make characters races other than white, there wouldn't really be a lot of roles for non-white actors in anything other than low budget and indy films.


This could be improved somewhat by studios investing more in original films with minority characters, but frankly that's not likely to happen.

Edited by Sal
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41 minutes ago, Ryan Reynolds said:

Max Landis defends Scarlett Johansson's casting in Ghost in the Shell


Where was this asshole when MBJ was cast as Human Torch. Overrated screenwriter, who is constantly promoting himself on various internet movie shows and having too many connections in hollywood thanks to his murderer father. A two face hypocrite.


I hope this is a massive bomb even if good because fuck the bloody two face director and this was a chance for the studio to give some asian actress or unknown asian the lead kinda like Life of Pi and The Jungle Book. Both movies did very well without any star power becase of the overall look of the movie, marketing and reception..and no the voices in JB don't count as starpower even if they were amazing in it. But the problem is i hate the director so i couldn't care less. This needs to tank just because he is involved.



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kinda indicative of the problem that rinko kikuchi is literally the only actress the entire internet can suggest for the part. (she's not a bad actor btw she's bene great in smaller films but i don't think she suits action roles. didn't like her in pacrim)

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