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Toy Story 4 | June 20, 2019 | 6th most profitable movie of 2019. Disney does it again!

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6 minutes ago, FlashMaster659 said:

How many reviews did it take for Zootopia to get its first rotten? Depending on the number, perhaps that might the O/U on when TS4 gets it assuming it doesn't hold on to 100%.

I'm trying to remember how many TS3 had before it got back-to-back rotten reviews. I thought it was around the mark TS4 is at now but maybe it was closer to 150?

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Wow, those reviews.

I think most critics were like me...very skeptical of this film because TS 3 was such a perfect end to the trilogy and did not see they could go anyplace new with this one,,,just recycle the old films, but apparently Pixar has brought something new to the table with this one.

As for no short cartoon, if Pixar felt they could not come up with a good one,I think they were wise not do one. A couple of the more recent ones felt really forced.....though I did like Bao. But, yeah, the quality of the shorts has been very hit and miss lately,and good for Pixar to say "If we can't come up with something that at least has the chance of being really good, we just won't do one".

Edited by dudalb
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12 minutes ago, superduperm said:

I'm trying to remember how many TS3 had before it got back-to-back rotten reviews. I thought it was around the mark TS4 is at now but maybe it was closer to 150?


On 6/15/2019 at 12:32 PM, Porthos said:

IF RT's threading is any guide, and I don't think it necessarily is, around 130 reviews in:




(interestingly enough, it has one more negative review right before it).




FWIW, TS3 current has 8 "rotten" reviews.  As I scan them, at least a couple of them are 99.9995% guaranteed to drop a rotten on TS4 since they things they hate in TS3 are even more prevalent in TS4.


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I also read that Pixar is not planning on doing any more sequels for a few years.

I sort of regret not getting another Incredible movies,  but though I  liked I2 just fine, I was a little disappointed they pretty much just rehashed the first film. It was much better then most rehashes but still not the film it could have been.

I wonder if Lassiter departing the company (one of the most highly placed victims of Harveygate) had something to do with this decision. I know that a number of people at Pixar felt it was losing it "Rolls Royce" image  with some inferior products like Cars 2 and some dissapointments like "The Good Dinosaur" and that Lassiter had sort of lost the way..not from a business point of view but from a filmmaking point of view.

I know one thing:one reason that TS4 apparently turned out so good was the people making it knew they had a great tradition to maintain, and even a just "pretty good" TS film would sort of stain the franchise. And it is a legendary franchise; it made Pixar a major player in Hollywood over night and Toy Story turned out to be the most revolutionary animated film since "Snow White" if Snow White proved the feature length animatation was a viable product,the first Toy Story changed the way animtation would be done;for better or worse within a decade of  Toy Story's release, cell animation was pretty much a thing of the past.

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7 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I think the fact that so many were skeptical means this might be even better than reviews already suggest. I know a lot of people were going to be very hard to please with this.

I  being one of them. I was concerned it would have nothing really new to say, and just rehash the previous films, and be like "Monsters U" entertaining enough, "Pretty Good" but not anywhere near as good as the original. And Pretty Good is not anywhere near good enough for a Toy Story movie.

But the people at Emeryvills, perhaps for this very reason..the pressure was on...delivered.

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I think Lasseter’s scandal was probably the best thing that could have happened for Pixar going forward. Not getting into his personal life, the guy is legendary in terms of what he did for the animation industry, however he had definitely lost his way in his older age. I mean he genuinely believed that the Cars sequels were stories that needed to be told based on some of his quotes, and that’s pretty concerning right there. I think a lot of Pixar’s creative disappointments this decade have their roots in Lasseter’s guidance. It was time for him to go, scandal or not.

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12 hours ago, cannastop said:

No movie should have 100% on rotten tomatoes with 97 reviews.

I think it is surprising it is not more common (to have 0% or 100%), who is outthere thinking that Groundhog Days is not a 6/10 movie.

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9 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I mean he genuinely believed that the Cars sequels were stories that needed to be told based on some of his quotes, and that’s pretty concerning right there.

Believed Car was one of the biggest merchandising sellers of all time was probably more what they thought.

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8 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

No no, Lasseter actually seemed convinced that Cars had several stories that “needed” to be told. 

Lasseter had talking Cars in mind way way before talking Toys.

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1 hour ago, Barnack said:

Believed Car was one of the biggest merchandising sellers of all time was probably more what they thought.

Cars merch doesn't even sell that well anymore. People tend to just reference those big 2011 numbers. Nowadays that shit is rotting on the shelves.



I genuinely believe that the shittiness of Cars 2 killed further interest in the franchise. The movies are doing worse and worse BO wise. And as I said above, the merch is doing less as well.

I'm also sick and goddamn tired of the dumbass myth that Pixar NEEDS to make Cars movies in order to fund their original movies. Pixar has been making movies for over a decade before Cars and they'll continue without it. I find it funny how Cars is "only made for da murch" yet fucking TOY Story isn't. TS3 brought in $2.8B in merch sales and I'm pretty sure Incredibles and Finding Whoever the Fuck did well too. Cars may be the highest selling one but I'm not sure why it's the only Pixar film that gets this scapegoat. The very same could be said for virtually ANY family film. 

This isn't really directed at you Barnack, just ranting.

Edited by LOGAN'sLuckyRun
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Most retired studios execs will be very frank that they greenlit movies they did not personally like and thought were junk because they knew it would be junk people would pay to see. To be a successful studio head, your really need to put aside your own personal likes and dislikes and not reject a potentially lucrative film because it's not the the movie you would choose to see.

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Cars 1 was legitimately good though, 2 is the only terrible one, 3 was ok. The problem with 2 was the focus on Mater and spy shit. It's such a massive departure from the original it's fucking insane. And you can tell that Pixar themselves were ashamed of the film which is why its events were never even referenced in the third movie.

Pixar sequels kinda have a problem with wanting to focus on the sidekick character. Dory didn't need a movie all about her.


And to add on to my earlier post: Cars merch sales might explain why 2 was greenlit but it doesn't explain why the film was so bad. Whether you want to admit it or not, Toy Story films are made with merch in mind but they're still good movies.

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You think Dory and Incredibles2 were bad/rehashes??!!




Wait till you see THIS!! This is a rehash, of the rehash, of the rehash - made by the mother of all rehashes, Pixar. There is no conceivable way it can turn good/original.


But, if for some weird reason you want more of the same (as in good old 1995) - then, yeah, you'll get it.

Edited by shayhiri
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7 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Tbh we can't fully judge directors by their shorts. Peter Sohn did Partly Cloudy, which wasn't one of my faves but it was cute enough, and then his big feature debut happened with..... The Good Dinosaur. Which..... yeah. I mean, sure, TGD was basically a shitdropping from Bob Peterson whose mess was left on Sohn to fix. But then again, the same thing could be said for Josh Cooley and Toy Story 4, after Lasseter and some of the original writers departed the project less than two years ago, and, apparently, the film still came through fine, so I think that TGD looks less excusable in hindsight.


That being said, Piper was so good that I do want Barillaro to get a full feature soon as well. As a matter of fact, it's strange that a lot of directors of far more successful shorts than Partly Cloudy, like Ralph Eggleston (For The Birds) or Jan Pikava (Geri's Game), haven't gotten full features yet. Even Josh Cooley, whose directorial work had been on two feature-related shorts, George And AJ (based on Up) and Riley's First Date, got a Toy Story movie. And Dan Scanlon got the Monsters University gig with his only "major" work for Pixar having been a credit on a fucking Mater short as co-director.

I know it's not likely but I still hope Pete Sohn gets another shot. TGD certainly had one of Pixar's more interesting art designs even if the consensus is it wasn't all the good kind. I'd like to see what he'd do with his own vision.


I don't think it's entirely comparable to the TS4 situation. This movie's delays were all far more in advance, before it had gotten deep into production, while TGD was almost completely torn down and redone less than a year before its initially scheduled release.



Pinkava is long gone from Pixar. He was the original director of Ratatouille before he got the boot. You might use that movie as an indictment on TGD, though I'm also not sure it's entirely fair to compare Sohn to Brad Bird (personal opinions on respective movies excepted).


Yes, you can't predict future success through shorts, or any movies in general for that matter. But if I see something I like I definitely want to see the creator get more opportunities to make stuff, however long it is.

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13 minutes ago, shayhiri said:

You think Dory and Incredibles2 were bad/rehashes??!!




Wait till you see THIS!! This is a rehash, of the rehash, of the rehash - made by the mother of all rehashes, Pixar. There is no conceivable way it can turn good/original.


If you want more of the same (as in good old 1995) - then, yeah, you'll get it.



Edited by LOGAN'sLuckyRun
Changed the pic
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