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Weekend Estimates | TF4 - 100M (Paramount sticking to 100M for the Wknd Est)| More Numbers on Page 1

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You don't need to elevate the material. You need to strip away all the extraneous shit and take a direct-to-video approach. It's fucking robots beating the shit out of each other. You don't need a complicated plot. You don't need to make this this epoch-spanning universe thing. You don't need it to be 2.5 hours long. Lean, mean, 2 hours or less, don't beat around the bush, and have fun with your explosions and chaos.


I feel the first Transformers got pretty much all of this right, except for the running time thing of course. The plot was simple, the human element actually flowed well with the introduction of the Transformers (even if it was silly itself) and the action scenes weren't ridiculously drawn out.

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You don't need to elevate the material. You need to strip away all the extraneous shit and take a direct-to-video approach. It's fucking robots beating the shit out of each other. You don't need a complicated plot. You don't need to make this this epoch-spanning universe thing. You don't need it to be 2.5 hours long. Lean, mean, 2 hours or less, don't beat around the bush, and have fun with your explosions and chaos.

what I'd like to know is, how did the transformers come to exist? an origin story could clear that all right up, and telling it in a dark and maybe somewhat, i don't know, gritty fashion is what the franchise needs.

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So you basically need to have Pacific Rim? No, just no. That sounds horrendous. I prefer Transformers. 



Yeah, for all the hype Pacific Rim got of being a proper Transformers and whatever else it was bigged up to be, it was just complete shit.

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You know... the girl in Transformers 4 played Katara in the live-action movie.


Cap 2. Spider-Man. Godzilla. X-Men. Long ago, BOF lived together with great predictions. Then, everything changed when the 90M OW curse began. Only the Head Admin, master of all insider information, could stop it, but when the forums needed him most, he vanished. Now a month has passed, and my friends and I have discovered a new Head Admin, a Water Bottle named... Water Bottle. And although his predicting are great, he's got a lot to learn before he's ready to help us. But I believe Water Bottle can save the box office.




VERY clever for those who are familiar with Avatar The Last Airbender.  :bravo:

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Execs at Sony:


"Let's give ASM2 a bigger budget."

"Why not also more villains?"

"And a big death scene."

"A bigger marketing campaign?"

"Giraffe Garfield."

"Emma Stone."

"Electric shock waves!"





Execs at Disney:



"More Jolie."

"Why not even more Jolie?"

"Did I mention Jolie yet?"




ASM2: $200m

Maleficent: $220m


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Jolie & Potter fanatics unite.




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what I'd like to know is, how did the transformers come to exist? an origin story could clear that all right up, and telling it in a dark and maybe somewhat, i don't know, gritty fashion is what the franchise needs.


Hopefully they'll stick closer to the original source material too. I don't want a NEW origin story or anything, think about how horrible that would be

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what I'd like to know is, how did the transformers come to exist? an origin story could clear that all right up, and telling it in a dark and maybe somewhat, i don't know, gritty fashion is what the franchise needs.


Optimus was a human bitten by a robot. His love interest, Alice, dumped him for a human Shia LaBeouf. That's why out of his virgin shame, he transforms into trailers, cars, lorries and other things with no feelings. It just helps the pain.

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Looking at the banned and suspended users, Movieman must hold some kind of record for most number of accounts


HowardButface/West Hollywood/MovieDog/MovieMan/Truman/CaptainBiSexual)/robocob deluxe/archiebunker704/Movie Freak/delcoat04

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Speaking of absurdity, The Dissolve's Forgotbusters this week features Tango and Cash.


Simply brilliant:




I imagine screenwriter Randy Feldman running his ideas by a pal:
“Of course, as quickly as possible, we’ll want to get these macho cops, Stallone and Russell, into a place where there are no women, only sweaty, musclebound men half-mad with sexual frustration. They can greet our heroes with a profane chorus of sexual threats. I know! A prison! They’ll both be in prison within the first 20 minutes. It’ll be like a women’s-prison movie, only with dudes, and a cop movie.”
“I don’t know about that.” 
“And of course the heroes will have to strip for a shower scene, and we’ll have to get a good, long look at their bare asses in the process.”
“I’m not really sure that’s necessary.”
“And then they’ll escape in the pounding rain, and they’ll be all stripped-down and soaking wet and desperate. I get chills just thinking how sexy it’s going to look.”
“And then when they get out, Russell will have to dress up in women’s clothing to elude the cops. Yeah, that’ll be great. Russell is going to look so sexy, almost like Jessica Rabbit. You’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking about how Kurt Russell would look in a skirt, and I can assure you: hot.” 
“I think we’re kind of losing focus of what’s important in an action-movie script here.” 
“And, I don’t know, there’s a girl, I guess, that one of them wants to go on a date with or something.” 
“Good! Because for a second there, the film was sounding kind of homoerotic.”
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