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Weekend Estimates | TF4 - 100M (Paramount sticking to 100M for the Wknd Est)| More Numbers on Page 1

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Viacom owns Paramount. If I was a big stockholder for Viacom, I wouldn't be too happy with this. Paramount (and Viacom) is being called to the carpet by their rivals in the industry for lying by as much as $2m on the opening weekend. Might sound like chump change but the SEC wouldn't think so.

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Viacom owns Paramount. If I was a big stockholder for Viacom, I wouldn't be too happy with this. Paramount (and Viacom) is being called to the carpet by their rivals in the industry for lying by as much as $2m on the opening weekend. Might sound like chump change but the SEC wouldn't think so.


Yeah, they would. They'd sweep this under the table so fast.

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Anita aint playin. Dont fuck with her. 

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She's a naive idiot.


Trying to stir shit up when the studios have been doing this since the beginning of time. You're behind the times and no Nikki.

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What does Paramount Pictures say to all this conundrum? “We reported our number based on the estimates we received from the theaters this morning. This is our final number,” said a Paramount spokeswoman. $100.038M? “Yes.”


Translation: "We cheated our way to 100m and we don't care because fuck you."

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.10Th UPDATE, MONDAY, 9:43 AM: The first big controversy of box office in the sixth months since I’ve been reporting erupted this AM as Paramount Pictures put the final three-day domestic cume of Transformers: Age of Extinction at $100.038M as its opening weekend for the fourth installment. “They’re lying,” said one distribution head at a major studio. Said another, “I don’t get get it.  Is it just arrogance? What is the point of inflating your box office numbers? So they can claim the first $100M movie opening of the year? Oh please, who cares? It’s a great opening anyway.”

One distribution executive put it this way, “Looking at Rentrak, at this time the average for the three-days is $22.964M, representing a total gross for three days of $97.76M. Rentrak collected 97% of the grosses for the three days.  In my humble opinion, it would be impossible for $100M to be reported.”

However, despite all other industry estimates that had the opening ofTransformers anywhere from $97.5M to $98M+, Paramount is defying the general reporting and stated that they have reached $100.038M. The last time I saw this happen was many years ago and the studio that did it was also called out by others in the industry for fudging numbers — that was Fox with Minority Reportand was called on the carpet by others in the industry.

Another distribution head at a major studio, asked, “What are they doing?” and just laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.

“I don’t care what they report, if they want to lie go ahead. I’d like to lie and say we did better than numbers than we did, but I can’t,” said another distribution head. “What they’ll probably do is shave a couple of million off the mid-week number and then pad it out. I do think it’s a little crazy that they are stretching like this.”

“I don’t know what they are doing. There is no way they could reach that number looking at the numbers I have sitting in front of me,” said another distribution head at a public company. And there in lies the rub. These are public companies and under SEC guidelines regulating disclosure requirements for  publicly-held companies, Paramount must put forth true and accurate numbers to the public.

What does Paramount Pictures say to all this conundrum? “We reported our number based on the estimates we received from the theaters this morning. This is our final number,” said a Paramount spokeswoman. $100.038M? “Yes.”

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.10Th UPDATE, MONDAY, 9:43 AM: The first big controversy of box office in the sixth months since I’ve been reporting erupted this AM as Paramount Pictures put the final three-day domestic cume of Transformers: Age of Extinction at $100.038M as its opening weekend for the fourth installment. “They’re lying,” said one distribution head at a major studio. Said another, “I don’t get get it.  Is it just arrogance? What is the point of inflating your box office numbers? So they can claim the first $100M movie opening of the year? Oh please, who cares? It’s a great opening anyway.”

One distribution executive put it this way, “Looking at Rentrak, at this time the average for the three-days is $22.964M, representing a total gross for three days of $97.76M. Rentrak collected 97% of the grosses for the three days.  In my humble opinion, it would be impossible for $100M to be reported.”

However, despite all other industry estimates that had the opening ofTransformers anywhere from $97.5M to $98M+, Paramount is defying the general reporting and stated that they have reached $100.038M. The last time I saw this happen was many years ago and the studio that did it was also called out by others in the industry for fudging numbers — that was Fox with Minority Reportand was called on the carpet by others in the industry.

Another distribution head at a major studio, asked, “What are they doing?” and just laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.

“I don’t care what they report, if they want to lie go ahead. I’d like to lie and say we did better than numbers than we did, but I can’t,” said another distribution head. “What they’ll probably do is shave a couple of million off the mid-week number and then pad it out. I do think it’s a little crazy that they are stretching like this.”

“I don’t know what they are doing. There is no way they could reach that number looking at the numbers I have sitting in front of me,” said another distribution head at a public company. And there in lies the rub. These are public companies and under SEC guidelines regulating disclosure requirements for  publicly-held companies, Paramount must put forth true and accurate numbers to the public.

What does Paramount Pictures say to all this conundrum? “We reported our number based on the estimates we received from the theaters this morning. This is our final number,” said a Paramount spokeswoman. $100.038M? “Yes.”


I like it how they try to cover it up under the words estimates in case real numbers come out.  After all the article has mentioned can't lied about how much money was made especially to the investors.  Just like inflating how much profit was made by the company in hopes of increasing the value of the stock.

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Actually, IM3 may be worse. They had 5-10 extra minutes featuring Chinese actors which was shown only in China.

And those 5-10 minutes contained important plot elements.  :unsure:

Edited by Mulder
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