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Weekend Estimates: Annabelle - 37.2M | Gone Girl - 38M | Equalizer - 19M | Maze Runner - 12M | Left Behind - 6.8M

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2010 and 2009 were such great fucking years. Shutter Island, Toy Story 3, The Social Network, Inception, 127 Hours, Buried, Black Swan, Blue Valentine, Exit Through the Gift Shop, The King's Speech, The Fighter in 2010, and Basterds, District 9, Up in the Air, A Serious Man, The Hurt Locker, 500 Days of Summer, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Up in 2009. 2011 had 50/50 and those two awesome George Clooney movies but felt like such a comedown.


On a positive note, at least there was no movie as shitty as The Blind Side or Incredibly Loud and What the Fuck Ever nominated for Best Picture this year.

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James Wan really seems to put a lot of scary puppets and dolls on film, there was Billy in Saw, Dead Silence is about puppets, Insidious has the creepy porcelain dolls, of course we have Annabelle in 2 movies now, and even his twitter handle is @creepypuppet

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James Wan really seems to put a lot of scary puppets and dolls on film, there was Billy in Saw, Dead Silence is about puppets, Insidious has the creepy porcelain dolls, of course we have Annabelle in 2 movies now, and even his twitter handle is @creepypuppet


So what you're telling me is this guy's the secret star of FAST 7?



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I'm actually thinking that Alexander will open pretty well.  They put a lot of focus on Steve Carell in the previews I've seen and I know a lot of people who are fans of his.  They're not playing up the kiddy aspect of the movie too much in trailers and I think that combination is going to draw in people who are fans of Carell's normal goofball stuff.  At the very least it shouldn't be too off-putting to parents like some kiddy fare.


And he has shown he can do kid-friendly comedy successfully.  Despicable Me did very well and the sequel blew its predecessor's take way out of the water (Fourth Highest animated film, third highest box office of 2013).  I'm not much for live action family stuff, but I'm going to give this one the benefit of the doubt where box office take is concerned.


That said, I really hope it doesn't knock Book of Life flat.  I think the two movies will have different secondary audiences (though they both obviously share the kiddie demographic).

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