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Ready Player One | March 29, 2018 | Spielberg directing | No untagged spoilers allowed

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2 hours ago, dashrendar44 said:

Raiders of The Lost Ark's ending always felt creepy to me.


That shot of the Ark Of Covenant being unceremoniously boxed after all we've witnessed of its power among many other millenial relics in a gigantic anonymous warehouse, it's like the seeds of Hell are all being secretly kept somewhere unbeknowst to us for eons in wooden crates. Williams chilling theme "Miracle Of The Ark" keeps on resonating after that shot lingered in my head. You're supposed to be relieved "Yeah Indiana and Marion saved the day except...The cradle of Apocalypse is still sitting in a Washington DC's basement among many others collecting dust".



I always got a more satirish vibe from it in the sense that "oh yeah we have top guys working on this.....yeah no we're gonna bury this thing so far deep in bureaucratic red tape that no one will ever be able to make heads or tails of where this thing went. We know how these mystical artifact research quests end up"

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2 hours ago, MrPink said:

It was really starting with Minority Report that his endings started feeling all weird for me. Minority Report, War of the Worlds, Lincoln, the Post were all films that had endings I didn't care for or stretched itself too long.


The end of Munich was nicely done, if a bit on the nose, we just had to wade through an incredibly awkward sex scene to get there.

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4 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:


The end of Munich was nicely done, if a bit on the nose, we just had to wade through an incredibly awkward sex scene to get there.


Yeah I left it off because I thought the ending was generally appropriate. Though yes, a bit on the nose. I don't really remember how Bridge of Spies ended. I think it was fine?

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12 minutes ago, MrPink said:

I don't really remember how Bridge of Spies ended. I think it was fine?

IIRC it was a heavy-handed shot of Hanks on the train looking out and seeing some kids climbing over a wall or whatever. Kinda hacky and I'd prefer it if it had ended right after the exchange of prisoners but it's not nearly as damaging as Lincoln's ending for example. 

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49 minutes ago, captainwondyful said:

Someone finally said it!  Spielberg is, without question, one of the biggest influences on pop culture in the 20th Century.  He shaped the childhood of millions of Western Centric children and filmmakers.  You can still feel that influence in their work when you watch stuff by like the Duffer Brothers and/or JJ Abrams.  


But it's the 21st Century.  What has he done in the past ten years that would excite a younger demo (that this movie will desperately need to succeed) to go to the theater just because it's SPIELBERG?  Maybe Jurassic World?  His excellent work on movies Lincoln were totally for adults.  And it doesn't help that it felt like he phoned in The Post.  That could still be on people's minds.


This movie feels OLD, and feels like it will only excite the 25+ Male Demo.  If that's the case, it's wicked doubtful is will exceed 100M DOM.  


I also question the movie's marketing decision to focus on the homage/nostalgia aspect of the story, instead of the very timely and interesting theme of escapism in a dystopian setting.  Makes it feel like a giant game of Where's Waldo instead of a real story.

And yet weirdly we just had a super hit movie that dined hard from the 1980s fantasy/space opera milieu in RAGNAROK which outside of Marvel’s typical viewership targets that same “old” demo. That take what you will.

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33 minutes ago, Jake Gittes said:

IIRC it was a heavy-handed shot of Hanks on the train looking out and seeing some kids climbing over a wall or whatever. Kinda hacky and I'd prefer it if it had ended right after the exchange of prisoners but it's not nearly as damaging as Lincoln's ending for example. 

I turn off Lincoln after the shot of him walking down the stairs. That ending was perfect, but then there was apparently more for some reason. Not as bad as AI, I think by the time that film got to its final ending I had already completely checked out.

Edited by Orestes
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The biggest problem with AI can be summed up with needing to ask you to be more specific.


edit: Should probably clarify I haven't seen AI since it was in theaters and I only vaguely remember two of the endings, one of which may actually be the final ending.

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10 minutes ago, Jake Gittes said:

AI's ending is brilliant and really makes it the masterpiece it is.

And it did feel like it kind of goes into a bit of an possible explanation of that 2001 a Space Odyssey ending, by how similar they are.

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4 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

Sooo...anyone seen this? It’s pretty entertaining but damn if isn’t absolutely savage. 


This movie really has the potential to be the butt of so many jokes if it ends up being bad or mediocre. 

There are advance screenings in two weeks in some places like the UK so we'll get reactions from audiences then and I wouldn't be shocked if we get social media reactions fairly soon since the film is at SXSW although they haven't said if it's screening or not.

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first @Telehilation 's hatred that the 80s references in this movie weren't for the 1880s is tainting this thread, and now his love of Disney got a thread closed.  My, how things change after his name was no longer blue  




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Yeah, I'm VERY curious to see the reactions to this movie. For something that only a couple of years ago seemed like it had potential to be a mini Hunger Games (at least from the buzz that I could garner), this has fallen so hard on its face in terms of widespread excitement that it's not even funny. I'm still curious to watch it, but yeah, it's not hard to see why so many people are pessimistic about this.


Right now, the film universe feels like bizarro world. A Spielberg blockbuster and a DuVarnay blockbuster w/Disney's stamp of approval could be critical (and perhaps commercial) flops, while a video game movie is looking to have solid wom and could be the breakout of the admitedly emptiest looking March in years :rofl:

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2 hours ago, filmscholar said:


I said "Inconsistent" but that doesn't mean bad.   


I didn't mean inconsistent, I meant old.  As in, I don't think Spielberg's name is enough to get youngsters into the theater to see this.  To quote Janet, "What have you done for me lately?"


1 hour ago, RRA said:

And yet weirdly we just had a super hit movie that dined hard from the 1980s fantasy/space opera milieu in RAGNAROK which outside of Marvel’s typical viewership targets that same “old” demo. That take what you will.

That was a threequel with a built-in female audience.  What about RPO's marketing screams: "Ladies, new fandom alert!"?

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8 minutes ago, bangbingchan said:

I heard this one is excellent.The problem is buzz is not very strong.Though The release date is not BAD.

I imagine we'll hear reaction fairly soon. I think that'll turn the tide on the RPO bashing.

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6 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Right now, the film universe feels like bizarro world. A Spielberg blockbuster and a DuVarnay blockbuster w/Disney's stamp of approval could be critical (and perhaps commercial) flops, while a video game movie is looking to have solid wom and could be the breakout of the admitedly emptiest looking March in years :rofl:

To be fair, no one here has seen the finished film, we'll get a clearer picture once the film starts being screened to critics and bloggers.

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1 minute ago, Jonwo said:

I imagine we'll hear reaction fairly soon. I think that'll turn the tide on the RPO bashing.


nah, I don't htink that will ever happen.  It could have a BP type run and it would still be bashed :P


of course, not saying anyone needs to like it or even say it looks good. :) 

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