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Alien: Covenant | 5/19/2017 | Who needs mystery?

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I think the engineers planet won't be until 3. I read somewhere they are taking this second one to earth (and Shaw possibly dies?). Apparently the alien ship Shaw is or was in is gunned down. This was a rumor I heard.

That makes zero sense since Shaw and David are going nowhere near Earth but are seeking the Engineers.

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This is still in the "I'll believe it when I see it" category for me.  Lots of "talk" about it, but no concrete evidence that it's definitely, actually, physically going ahead in any immediate upcoming time-frame.  Remember what happened to the Tron sequel?


And yes, I think Scott is clearly using his ego and pull with FOX to get his own project in production first, before Blomkamp's. He's probably jealous that Blomkamp apparently came up with more of a "go" idea (that also attracted Weaver right away) for the universe than anything he could...

Edited by Macleod
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Prometheus was a mess of a plot, but God dammit...it delivered on visuals and atmosphere and many of its cast.

I welcome the sequel.

Granted, I'm not one of those "you're movie raped my childhood" whiners. There's potential here, even if the first misfired on many levels. But it was hardly a through and through fail. There's lots of good, mixed with the bad, in Prometheus.

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Prometheus is one of those shitty movies I really want to see a sequel for.


LOL, hey it is not easy to make a film about God-like creatures, alien biology, existential questions, and somehow segue into one of the most beloved, respected scifi franchises ever. Having said that, I am really looking forward to see how Scott & Fox would correct the issues in the beautifullly shot but haphazardly written original

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LOL, hey it is not easy to make a film about God-like creatures, alien biology, existential questions, and somehow segue into one of the most beloved, respected scifi franchises ever. Having said that, I am really looking forward to see how Scott & Fox would correct the issues in the beautifullly shot but haphazardly written original

With Lindelof apparently writing the sequel there's no hope for any fixes. Frankly, I don't want Scott to fix a damned thing anyway. Prometheus was the most unintentionally hilarious film I've ever seen. I'd gladly buy a ticket to PToo just to see more scientists enticing genital-shaped aliens, comically stupid sprints in front of rolling spaceships, inexplicable poisonings and the like. The first one made me laugh until tears were streaming down my face. If the second is even half as funny it'll be money well spent.

The Martian looks great, but I wish that Scott would give up on this and the Blade Runner reboot/sequel. The originals were masterpieces. It's best not to sully them with inferior follow-ups.

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Prometheus was a mess, however I love the Alien franchise too much not to look forward to P2.


If anything, Prometheus made me appreciate the original Alien even more. Some of the things Prometheus failed at (tone, atmosphere, characterization etc.), Alien nailed completely.
Edited by The Stingray
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Prometheus while not perfect is dope. It promised a smarter plot, but oh well. I have fun watching it. The making of is also 4 hrs long and amazing.

wow, and I thought 1 hour long making offs were already way too long. I hate when I'm watching them and someone is saying how creative, kind, genius, great, revolutionary x person is. Fuck this filler, give me what really happened on set or don't say anything at all. I like when they are focused on technical obstacles and problems, not some bs of who came up with the idea, who made the project happen, who had the groundbreaking vision or how it was a great and collaborative process :puke:

I rarely watch them because of that.

Anyway, I loved Promtheus and I think it's 2012 top 10 material. The criticisms people have with the film never bothered me to a significant degree.

Edited by Goffe
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Prometheus is amazing despite its flaws and all the haters really need to get over their major hangups on some of minuscule issues with it (if I hear the crew was stupid so the whole movie is one more time...). We get it, you hated it. Not sure why they constantly feel the need to trash it whenever anyone else expresses a favorable view. 

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