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2015 Best Picture predictions!

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mad max wont get any noms

not oscar fare at all

the martian is way behind spotlight. martian is 93% 7.9/10 RT. Spotlight is 98% 9.0/10, a different class of film altogether. revenant, brooklyn,hateful eight look like better films than the martian

Edited by Halba
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12 minutes ago, Kalo said:


It's getting nominated in almost every awards competition so far though, I mean sure not 100% but I have a gut feeling about it and the awards so far seem to be leaning in that direction. 


I think it'll get nominated, but I don't think it's a lock.


Also, The Big Short is getting a wave of extremely positive reviews, many of them talking about the movie's importance and approach.  If Spotlight fails, The Big Short is winning.

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36 minutes ago, The Panda said:


I think it'll get nominated, but I don't think it's a lock.


Also, The Big Short is getting a wave of extremely positive reviews, many of them talking about the movie's importance and approach.  If Spotlight fails, The Big Short is winning.

You're putting too much stock into The Big Short. It has no shot of winning. It could definitely get nominated, but that's its reward. The reviews are very good but not undeniable in anyway, and the director is a guy who whose only previous experience behind the camera is nothing but goofy Will Ferrell comedies (who is not even venturing too far outside of his comfort zone because The Big Short is, for the most part, a comedy), so it's not like there is some great urgency to reward those involved. If Spotlight is going to falter (and let's be honest, it's not at this point), it's not going to be to Adam McKay's first stab at a movie that is at least semi-serious.

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On 2/12/2015 11:17:07, stripe said:


Update. Creed's momentum is huge, while it looks like Bridge of Spies buzz is fading. Mad Max is also gaining strength. And Brooklyn is doing better than I thought.


Inside Out 357M

The Martian 230M

Mad Max 153M

Creed 140M

Joy 85M

Spotlight 35M

Revenant 30M

Carol 30M

Brooklyn 25M

Room 10M



Time to make an update after globes, sag and precursors. Surprised with The Big Short resurgence. Joy is out of the race. Keep in mind those are grosses before nominations are announced. I made a bold statement in March:  the sum of the BO gross of all nominees this year will let the average gross for each movie to be over 100M before the nominations are even announced


Inside Out 357M

The Martian 230M

Mad Max 153M

Creed 130M

Spotlight 35M

Revenant 30M

Carol 30M

The Big Short 30M

Brooklyn 25M

Room 10M


This is my top 10, but I only feel confident with the bolded films. Still see Straight Outta Compton, Hateful Eight, SW7, Bridge of Spies, Steve Jobs or Trumbo as contenders. In that order.

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DGA noms are announced January 12. PGA noms are announced January 5. BAFTA noms are announced January 8. Critics Choice Awards nominees are announced December 14.


Might want to wait for these groups to weigh in before saying it 100% won't get a nom.


If it shows up on the PGA noms, it is in. If it shows up at the DGA noms, it is probably in. If it shows up at BAFTA or Critics Choice, its' chances are good.

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yep big short gets in. its critically acclaimed


1. spotlight

2. the revenant

3. the martian

4. the big short

5. brooklyn

6. carol

7. hateful eight

8. room

9. bridge of spies

10. inside out


alts- mad max if they feel like a token nom.

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I'm betting on the BP field having 9 nominees this year.


1. Spotlight

2. The Revenant

3. The Martian

4. Carol

5. Mad Max: Fury Road

6. The Big Short

7. Room

8. The Hateful Eight

9. Inside Out


Brooklyn is probably the best possibility of the alternates, but the lack of love outside of Ronan's performance should keep it outside the BP field. Creed has a small chance of making it in if Academy members really like it, but I don't see it happening (for now). Trumbo, Straight Outta Compton and Beasts of No Nation got a boost from their SAG ensemble nominations, so they could be possible spoilers. And while it's probably wishful thinking at this point, if Star Wars: The Force Awakens ends up being absolutely amazing, then I could see it becoming the 10th nominee.

Edited by Alpha
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I don't see Bridge of Spies missing in an expanded field, especially when War Horse didn't. I'd still put it as the most likely 6th nom after the 5 we basically know are getting in (Spotlight, Revenant, Martian, Room, Carol). Too much going for it compared to most of the other contenders. Hateful Eight is probably out of contention with the Globes snubs. Tarantino films have never missed on the big categories there but then gotten them at the Oscars. 

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32 minutes ago, ThatOneGuy said:


Maybe editing? 

That also, but I can't see it getting any other major noms is the thing. Music films are rarely nominated for screenplay and I don't see anyone saying anything about a standout performance. Ditto on director.

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1 hour ago, Blankments said:

I just don't see Spotlight winning since as far as I'm aware, there's no strong emotional appeal to it like most of the Academy's winners in recent years.


Nonsense. It's a subtle film, but just about every scene featuring the victims is quietly heartbreaking. The audience with which I saw it was definitely moved (though, to be fair, the setting predisposes New Englanders to have a stronger reaction than the average viewer).

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