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AVENGERS Official Wknd Estimates: 191M - Disney

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It amazes me how you guys never learn. It WAS unrealistic to think this would surpass the first on OW. Typically franchises (we'll call the Avengers its own franchise for argument's sake) don't hit their ceiling with the first movie, but The Avengers did. 



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The damn negativity on this board is getting to me. Never in a million years is this a bad ow. Yet, it somehow feels that way bc of all the potter twerps and nolanites!

Lol how does it feel to be wrong about mostly everything? Nice weekend for us pessimists

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It amazes me how you guys never learn. It WAS unrealistic to think this would surpass the first on OW. Typically franchises (we'll call the Avengers its own franchise for argument's sake) don't hit their ceiling with the first movie, but The Avengers did. 


Fuck you and your common sense!

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I think there's a chance it hits 190 and the attitude on this board turns around considerably. I think Sunday is being underestimated. I think the fight, in combination with game 7 AND the Derby, hurt me than people think. CNN's front page yesterday said "Sporturday!" for God's sake, and that's at a time where shit is actually happening in the world. Every sports fan had been hyping this up to be the greatest single sports day in a LONG time- and with sports being such a major part of Americans identity (no matter how much this board pretends they don't matter sometimes), that's huge. People will stay home for the king of all sports days. And looking at social media metrics, crowd reports, and preliminary buys/revenue info, turns out the fight was even bigger than I kept arguing it would be. So yea, Sunday is going to bounce back big. 


Exactly. People will head out to watch the movie today.

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You might be right but Disney is already giving it a pretty generous hold of 20% on Sunday. TA1 had 18% with phenomenal WOM and a bunch of spillover from too many sellouts on Friday/Saturday. Excluding previews, it is performing more like IM3 than TA1. IM3 dropped 30% on Sunday, so it seems Disney is already accounting for at least some of the "bounceback" effect you're talking about.

Oh wow, I thought the Saturday number was still 59/60 mill, not 57. So yea, under that logic, they are already giving it a better hold than I thought. I still think it could uptick a mill or two- yesterday was HUGE for sports fan. 

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