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Weekend Actuals: Inside Out - 90.44M | Jurassic World - 106.59M

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I will trek out to Los Angeles in a dark suit and black armband.


If his family lets me into his funeral, I'll say I was wrong.  If they're sane and they keep the mourning for family and friends, then it proves the point.

James Horner, or Steven Spielberg, or Colin Trevorrow, or Chris Pratt, or Robin Williams, or Whitney Houston or Michael Jackson are total strangers.  We like the shit they sell, but they don't care about you, they don't even know you, and wouldn't want to know you. 


And it is well-established scentific theory that you don't care about them, either. 


Get in touch with reality.



Says the guy without an empathic bone in his entire body.



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Ok guys here's the thing - David ain't completely wrong. The truth is celebrity or not, we don't mourn for anyone. We don't cry because we cared so much. Its always because of our own selfish reasons that we mourn. " 'We' won't be able to listen to new music from him" "Oh 'I' wanted to watch MJ live one last time"....even the seemingly selfless reasons of mourning are actually not at all selfless "Father's dead...how are 'we' gonna live now. Who's gonna take care of 'us'?", "Oh she had such a wonderful smile. 'I' will never see it again", " 'I' wanted to ask so many more questions about him. 'I' feel like 'I' hardly knew him", " Bruto would never again lick 'my' face" and so on. We don't mourn for them. We mourn for ourselves, for what 'we' lost. Mourning is always selfish.

As for the ones who died? Who knows what happened to them? If hell/heaven exist than he must have gone in either of them depending on 'his' good or bad deeds. It doesn't concern us. Everybody dies. What about it is so sad for them? The only thing I can think of is the momentary, and unknown, pain of death. If there indeed is an afterlife then maybe he's living (or non-living?) quite happily. If so only because he deserved it. Or maybe he's non-living in hellish pain. If so that too would only be because he deserved it. In the first case there's no reason to mourn for 'him'. In the second case the person doesn't deserve to be mourned for. Thus, Mourning, even if it is actual, selfless sympathy for the dead, is useless.

P.S I am not saying it like I am above all this. This is just my philosophy that I wanted to share. It doesn't mean I have the power to abide to it even myself.

Edited by Infernus
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Ok guys here's the thing - David ain't completely wrong. The truth is celebrity or not, we don't mourn for anyone. We don't cry because we cared so much. Its always because of our own selfish reasons that we mourn. " 'We' won't be able to listen to new music from him" "Oh 'I' wanted to watch MJ live one last time"....even the seemingly selfless reasons of mourning are actually not at all selfless "Father's dead...how are 'we' gonna live now. Who's gonna take care of 'us'?", "Oh she had such a wonderful smile. 'I' will never see it again", " 'I' wanted to ask so many more questions about him. 'I' feel like 'I' hardly knew him", " Bruto would never again lick 'my' face" and so on. We don't mourn for them. We mourn for ourselves, for what 'we' lost. Mourning is always selfish.

As for the ones who died? Who knows what happened to them? If hell/heaven exist than he must have gone in either of them depending on 'his' good or bad deeds. It doesn't concern us. Everybody dies. What about it is so sad for them? The only thing I can think of is the momentary, and unknown, pain of death. If there indeed is an afterlife then maybe he's living (or non-living?) quite happily. If so only because he deserved it. Or maybe he's non-living in hellish pain. If so that too would only be because he deserved it. In the first case there's no reason to mourn for 'him'. In the second case the person doesn't deserve to be mourned for. Mourning is useless.

P.S i am not saying it like I am above all this. This is just my philosophy that I wanted to share. It doesn't mean I have the power to abide to it even myself.


Regardless, we are human, not Vulcan or Robots. Humans have feelings and emotions, which means that just because you may have a point, or are even 100% correct, it still doesn't make you right.

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Regardless, we are human, not Vulcan or Robots. Humans have feelings and emotions, which means that just because you may have a point, or are even 100% correct, it still doesn't make you right.

Yes, indeed. Only the true wise abide to what is really 'right'. Us mere humans, happy and sad at simplest of things, can not hope to do so. I was just laying out my point and wanted to see what others think of it.

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Ok guys here's the thing - David ain't completely wrong. The truth is celebrity or not, we don't mourn for anyone. We don't cry because we cared so much. Its always because of our own selfish reasons that we mourn. " 'We' won't be able to listen to new music from him" "Oh 'I' wanted to watch MJ live one last time"....even the seemingly selfless reasons of mourning are actually not at all selfless "Father's dead...how are 'we' gonna live now. Who's gonna take care of 'us'?", "Oh she had such a wonderful smile. 'I' will never see it again", " 'I' wanted to ask so many more questions about him. 'I' feel like 'I' hardly knew him", " Bruto would never again lick 'my' face" and so on. We don't mourn for them. We mourn for ourselves, for what 'we' lost. Mourning is always selfish.

As for the ones who died? Who knows what happened to them? If hell/heaven exist than he must have gone in either of them depending on 'his' good or bad deeds. It doesn't concern us. Everybody dies. What about it is so sad for them? The only thing I can think of is the momentary, and unknown, pain of death. If there indeed is an afterlife then maybe he's living (or non-living?) quite happily. If so only because he deserved it. Or maybe he's non-living in hellish pain. If so that too would only be because he deserved it. In the first case there's no reason to mourn for 'him'. In the second case the person doesn't deserve to be mourned for. Thus, Mourning, even if it is actual, selfless sympathy for the dead, is useless.

P.S I am not saying it like I am above all this. This is just my philosophy that I wanted to share. It doesn't mean I have the power to abide to it even myself.

Wrong. You don't get to redefine mourning. Edited by PDC1987
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Wrong. You don't get to redefine mourning.

Why and what? Huh? What's there to define? Mourning is defined as 'the act of expresiing sorrow or regret'. The def doesn't include 'what for?' I am simply saying what I think its for.

Edited by Infernus
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Why and what?

You honestly think a person can't mourn anyone? A parent who loses a child? A close friend? Not everyone is a user that only likes people for what they get out of them. It's a ridiculous notion that surpasses cynicism and ventures in to sociopathy.

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You honestly think a person can't mourn anyone? A parent who loses a child? A close friend? Not everyone is a user that only likes people for what they get out of them. It's a ridiculous notion that surpasses cynicism and ventures in to sociopathy.

Thats ridiculous... Why are people so stubborn? Anyways... why do you think he'd mourn for him? For his smile? For his talks? For his playfulness and joyfulness and chuckling that so filled his heart with bliss? Even if it somehow is for selfless reasons didn't I just tell how even that is useless?

You may say - "What bad or good would a child have done?" This makes me believe in reincarnation. I believe that because someone did wrong in his previous birth he got to live such a little life. And now in such a short life he obviously couldn't be paid for all his good deeds or pay for all his bad ones. Thus, he'll be reborn or sent to hel or heaven, temporarily. In any case as long as he keeps doing karma the cycle of rebirths, and joys and pains, will continue. Only enlightenment, freedom from karma cycle by stopping doing any karma and paying or getting paid for all previous ones will lead to break from thus cycle and eternal bliss. But this is all off-topic.

As for another reason I believe in this rebirth thing - why else would everything be so unfair and unequal? Why would some be born rich and some poor? Some healthy and some not? Se blind and some deaf? Some live 100 years and some 20 years? Some born in Denmark and some in Syria? I can only think its because of deeds done in previous birth.

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