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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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Planning on going to the movies with my dad and brother and asked him if he'd rather see The Gift or Fantastic Four. He's not the type to know a movie's reception but he said he saw online that Fantastic Four was awful and that The Gift looked pretty good. Can't remember the last time bad WOM affected someone I know from seeing a movie.

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If MBJ had been cast as the Human Torch in a Marvel-produced Fantastic Four I'm pretty sure people like BKB would praise it as "celebrating racial diversity."

Yeah, did Samuel L Jackson ruin The Avengers for you because they changed Nick Fury's skin color from white to black? Didn't think so lol

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To be fair, I do not believe that racism toward people of color motivated everyone who was having a problem with MBJ. I am pretty sure some of the same people lost their shit about the rumors that Shredder was going to be William Fichtner instead of being Japanese. (And I've read some analyses of the final cut that theorize that this may not have been an inaccurate rumor, that the Fichtner character and Shredder may have been one and the same during principal photography, and it was changed in reshoots.) Hell, some of the geeks complaining about that accused Bay/Liebesman/etc. of racism/whitewashing over those rumors (though not sure if it was the same people).

Some people are just utterly stubborn about source fidelity, and tone-deaf to the fact that it makes them look racist.

Anyone who got mad about Shredder possibly being cast as a white, American man had every right to be. Shredder's entire character is based around him being Japanese. If that were changed, he isn't Shredder. The skin color is not as much of a problem as the loss of his culture would have been.

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If MBJ had been cast as the Human Torch in a Marvel-produced Fantastic Four I'm pretty sure people like BKB would praise it as "celebrating racial diversity."

Yeah, did Samuel L Jackson ruin The Avengers for you because they changed Nick Fury's skin color from white to black? Didn't think so lol


Shit man, they complain about it in Marvel movies too.


There were people who were mad cuz friggin Larry Fish was cast as Superman's editor


Stupidity knows no franchise allegiance

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The fact that you consider different skin colour to be a "radical divergence" makes me 99.999% certain you're racist.


You clearly have a reading comprehension problem. I said whether you like it OR not...clearly you don't like this, so you're resorting to personal attacks.


Would it be "racist" if Marvel cast a white actor for Black Panther? I wonder if you and other loud minority type posters who congregate these forums would be hating and attacking then? Would you be fine with such a casting choice? Are you implying you don't care at all about what fans think? Fans who largely helped make these comic movies a reality?


Do you even realize how the casting of Jordan changed the story, before attacking me?


Samuel L. Jackson is an amazing Nick Fury. Racism has nothing to do with this. Go try your petty personal attacks and playing the race card on someone else.


It's a comic book, seriously lol.

Guys like you treat it like it's the fucking Bible.


Wrong. I'm not a hardcore fan by any means. I'm explaining exactly how hardcore fans view this entire situation. You can either accept it or not. I'm a very casual Marvel fan.


Why is it a "radical divergence"?






It is because by definition of the English language, it is. Nothing deeper than that.


The casting of Michael B. Jordan meant that Johnny Storm could NOT be a biological brother to Susan Storm. That's not racist. That's just scientific fact. Therefore they had to change one of the fundamental story aspects of The Fantastic Four and make them adopted brother and sister.


If MBJ had been cast as the Human Torch in a Marvel-produced Fantastic Four I'm pretty sure people like BKB would praise it as "celebrating racial diversity."

Yeah, did Samuel L Jackson ruin The Avengers for you because they changed Nick Fury's skin color from white to black? Didn't think so lol


Wrong again. Nick Fury has been portrayed as BOTH a white and black man in the comics.


It's that the general audience has rejected the movie. It's really as simple as that. 


Correction: fans rejected this first. Then the word of mouth spread, which quickly reached the general audience, and accelerated the flop process for this. Fan word of mouth is influential to the general audience.


Are you going to tell me crazy loonie fan appreciation did not help push films like The Avengers?

Edited by Null
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Anyone who got mad about Shredder possibly being cast as a white, American man had every right to be. Shredder's entire character is based around him being Japanese. If that were changed, he isn't Shredder. The skin color is not as much of a problem as the loss of his culture would have been.

That was exactly my point, demands of rigid adherence to source material =/= racism. They just came out looking like dicks in the eyes of some because they were complaining about a white->POC change (while a POC->white character change would anger the geeks AND the people accusing the geeks of being racist over not being on board with white->POC changes).

Personally, I think Fichtner=Shredder would have been monumentally stupid regardless of it being a race change, while I have always been all for MBJ as Johnny so long as it's a good performance of a compelling character in a good movie. IMO, the fact that this is (apparently) not the case has nothing to do with MBJ being black, or even not being able to portray a comics-accurate characterization, so much as that he was (apparently) not given a compelling character to play - nor was (apparently) anyone else, for that matter.

Edited by TServo2049
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TS3, maybe the highest rated both critically and General Audience rated animated movie of all time. If not, it's very close. I can name 4 or 5 scenes in TS3 of the greatest scenes in animated history. From Spanish mode Buzz, to Ken and Barbie, to the little tikes not playing with the toys the right way. Then you have the trash burning scene not to mention Andy growing up and leaving for college at the end. I don't know a parent who didn't get moved by that.

TS3 was the rare film, animated or live action, that has everything you could want in a movie.


If TS3 is a perfect film that has everything you could want in a movie, why don't I have any interest in seeing it?




Lol, admittedly really damn funny in hindsight

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The casting of Michael B. Jordan meant that Johnny Storm could NOT be a biological brother to Susan Storm. That's not racist. That's just scientific fact. Therefore they had to change one of the fundamental story aspects of The Fantastic Four and make them adopted brother and sister.

How does that change the story in any way? Can you please tell me why adopted siblings are different from biological siblings.

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The fact that they apparently gave MBJ very few lines and didn't let him play a charismatic, snarky character would be a radical divergence


That's never what these people mean

Jamie Bell doesn't have many lines either.

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