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10 hours ago, DMan7 said:


Too bad Affleck got sucked down with BvS.   He was the only thing I liked in that movie.   :sadben:


8 hours ago, mredman said:


even more strange Robbie WON A CRITICS CHOICE AWARD. So if she is is nominated for a razzie for the same role she won a critic choice award just makes the razzie even more a joke


Critics?    Are they back to being trustworthy?   I lose track.



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10 hours ago, DMan7 said:


Even if Snyder was using "Batman getting raped in prison" as an example for setting a particular tone for his movie, couldn't he have chosen a far less vulgar example. I mean the first idea of the example of a tone for your movie is the titular character getting raped? This is the same guy WB invested in to sheppherd their cinematic universe?



That is besides the point. He didn't say he would make a movie where Batman is raped, and that's what robertman was saying. 

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Honestly the Marvel critic reception and the DC critic reception is enough to make me never use rotten tomatoes again.


Also we need something other than superhero movies as our blockbusters, it's getting irritating. If Locust did sws 7 I'm sure I would have something else to watch but currently it's just cape movies over and over.


Edited by IronJimbo
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I dunna, if it means anything. Most directors have a dud or two in their filmography. Will have to see how his Batman film turns out before we can declare his directing career as being in a downward spiral. 

Personally if I did have any interest in an Affleck Batman, it's gone now that he doesn't have a perfect track record. I'm far less confident in his ability to make magic from DC mediocrity
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8 minutes ago, tribefan695 said:


Personally if I did have any interest in an Affleck Batman, it's gone now that he doesn't have a perfect track record. I'm far less confident in his ability to make magic from DC mediocrity



I'm more worried the film being potentially executive meddled with more than anything, personally. 

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I'm still living in my own world where marvel and DC both thrive and exist. They both do something different than the other.  DC has a long way to go to really get the "critics" on their page and their RT scores up.  But honestly, RT scores are fun to follow, but who gives a fuck in the long run.  You're going to like a movie or not- hopefully all here don't get influenced by other people.  Marvel does their shit right.  But, man they better start coming up with some new approaches, because I know just talking to people-the general movie go-er is over this prolonged galaxy of movies.  That in lies the problem for DC.  People are already tired of the ...watch this marvel movie to see how it connects to the next.  I like em' all because I grew up loving spidey, and hulk, and batman, and supes.  But a lot of people don't care. They really don't.  They want singular, good movies.  


I was so pumped for Dr Strange...but then it went right back to the marvel universe...pissed me off. If DC tries, like they're saying to go "lighter" and all this garbage to just ultimately make more money, I think that's a terrible move.  It was never the darkness or the doom and gloom people didn't like about DC stuff...it's they weren't made that great.  The worst thing, Imo, would be DC really tries to become marvel and does the whole "hey, lets put out quips for every action scene".  Hey lets have fun, light hearted characters when they're not at all those characters.  Be true to ur characters and do it well.  I have my marvel...I'll see them all and like/love them but it needs to be different because the characters are different.  Hopefully, all sides see just good movies going forward...b/c shit, I haven't seen a comic book movie I actually loved for awhile. Civil War - yes, entertaining, but so much more of the same.  BvS - I was entertained but it could've been so much more.  I just hope they can both make a singular, great movie without having to "connect" to their universes.  Just make an awesome movie. 

Edited by holcs
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TBH, the main problem for the DCEU isn't the tone (I would have loved a darker universe) but the writers. However I still remain hopeful and excited for future installments. I hope the fanboys from both sides will finally shut up and stop their ? measuring contest.

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17 hours ago, tribefan695 said:


Personally if I did have any interest in an Affleck Batman, it's gone now that he doesn't have a perfect track record. I'm far less confident in his ability to make magic from DC mediocrity



That doesn't even make sense lol Because no director in MCU have a perfect track record either. Are you ok with that ? Hell most directors even high profile ones have had failures

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13 minutes ago, mredman said:


That doesn't even make sense lol Because no director in MCU have a perfect track record either. Are you ok with that ? Hell most directors even high profile ones have had failures


Well, a perfect track record would be the only reason I'd be interested in DC at all at this point

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1 hour ago, Finnick said:

Ben Affleck Has Had Enough Of Being Asked About THE BATMAN; "It's Such A Pain In The Ass"



Not necessarily saying I don't sympathize with Ben here, or that I'm not on his side, but maybe DC and Warner Bros. should actually release some concrete info about the movie already so that people wouldn't have to ask. You know, like a release date or if it's actually happening. 


All I see right now is that the best part or character of the mess that is the DC Extended Universe so far is the only one who doesn't have his own movie penciled in yet. Instead, I have to watch Batman come out of nowhere to fight Superman and round up the Justice League first.


It's all so out of whack man. I don't blame Ben here. Warner Bros. just has to get its shit together.

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4 hours ago, tribefan695 said:


Well, a perfect track record would be the only reason I'd be interested in DC at all at this point


That doesn't make sense and its so full of bias that its absolutely ridicluos


2 hours ago, JB33 said:


Not necessarily saying I don't sympathize with Ben here, or that I'm not on his side, but maybe DC and Warner Bros. should actually release some concrete info about the movie already so that people wouldn't have to ask. You know, like a release date or if it's actually happening. 


All I see right now is that the best part or character of the mess that is the DC Extended Universe so far is the only one who doesn't have his own movie penciled in yet. Instead, I have to watch Batman come out of nowhere to fight Superman and round up the Justice League first.


It's all so out of whack man. I don't blame Ben here. Warner Bros. just has to get its shit together.


What are you talking about they have said it LOUDLY that Batman is coming. Ben has said it in interviews on 2 big talkshows now and now this one as well what the hell do the clickbait sites and haters want more of confirmation. The only thing that is a mess is your bias against DC.

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36 minutes ago, mredman said:


That doesn't make sense and its so full of bias that its absolutely ridicluos



What are you talking about they have said it LOUDLY that Batman is coming. Ben has said it in interviews on 2 big talkshows now and now this one as well what the hell do the clickbait sites and haters want more of confirmation. The only thing that is a mess is your bias against DC.

Their disappointment doesn't make them bias, JB33 just want to know when it comes out and Tribefan695 wants better movies in his opinion but both don't have an agenda against the DCEU and hope for the best. And before you say I have a bias against DC for defending them, I fell the same way about DCEU as the MCU when it first started: hopeful since each had one film I liked/loved (SS/IM1), one hated (BvS/TIH), and one mixed (MoS/IM2).

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3 hours ago, JB33 said:


Not necessarily saying I don't sympathize with Ben here, or that I'm not on his side, but maybe DC and Warner Bros. should actually release some concrete info about the movie already so that people wouldn't have to ask. You know, like a release date or if it's actually happening. 




Why should they have too? they obviously don't have everything set yet. Studies don't need to cater to fan boys with news. 

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I think all this attention towards Affleck directing The Batman is great free publicity for the movie which is years off and unlike the other previous DCeU offerings it isn't negative attention leading up to the movie.

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The Batman from Affleck I think is coming out either July 2018 or June 2019. I think if it's gets great reception (and maybe has Joker/Deadshot) it could do a $200M opening.

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I am convinced Ben Affleck doesn't really want the pressure of doing a Batman movie.


He has everything going against him :


- First Batman solo movie since the Nolans


- BvS reception hurt his ego.


- DCEU being on life support


Good luck Ben !

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