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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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1 minute ago, Super Robertman2 Odyssey said:


How? Spider man had a action scene in all the three parts of that movie, with first part being origin. How superman template fits spider-man? I think superman returns is the closest to super man template with 1 big action scene and then just boring mess. 

Also spider-man is the movie, which template is most followed currently, including Wonder woman. Ofcourse SM didn't do it first, but in SH movies it was first. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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1 hour ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

Eh, I am not diminishing it's importance but can't see superman as a good movie in any condition. I think people put rose colored glass on their nose with a strong force. Also sheep effect with it being a classic. Nothing wrong with that ofcourse.

Fair enough, I guess. I really don't see nostalgia goggles here or anything - I just think it's a selection of good, well made, heartfelt films that, sure, don't stand the test of time visually and are pretty cheesy, but their heart is clearly in the right place altogether. But that's just me. Again, to each their own.

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Sorry @MCKillswitch123 if I offended you with that comment. Just like every debate that starts with subjective opinions, this will not reach a conclusion. Let's end it here.

By the way, avatar did $2.8 billion WW and nothing has come even close to it. I think avatar 2 will do $400m dom and $2.4 billion OS to remain flat.

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4 hours ago, The Stingray said:


Yeah, Zack Snyder would never have done such an awful thing.

I'm sorry, is there any evidence Snyder is that type of guy?


Or are we doing "all men are sexual predators until proven innocent" shtick.


Don't care about the Whedon "news". It happens, people cheat. Get over it.

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1 hour ago, Goffe said:

I'm sorry, is there any evidence Snyder is that type of guy?


Or are we doing "all men are sexual predators until proven innocent" shtick.


Don't care about the Whedon "news". It happens, people cheat. Get over it.

Whedon is not only a cheater. He's a creep. God, his letter was cringe worthy. 

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7 hours ago, Emerald kikyou said:

What is watchable and what is unwatchable is up to each individual and his/her taste. I think the Force Awakens is unwatchable but many disagree with me. BvS is one of my favorite movies and I've watched it 8 times in the cinema and another three times on DVD.

I think Suicide Squad is trash but it's still watchable because of some great casting. Many people think Smallville ( TV serious ) is unwatchable but I think it gave us the best version of Lex and the best version of Lois.


Smallville is pretty bad...but I watched every episode.   I agree about Lex and Lois.   If they had made Clark a bit less whiny, I would put him up there with any actor who played Supes too.

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All sexually active people are sexual predators unless it's proven otherwise is pretty much my stance on these things unless proven otherwise. I don't believe in monogamy in Hollywood, if it's made behind their significant others or not are a different story. 

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7 hours ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

Sorry @MCKillswitch123 if I offended you with that comment. Just like every debate that starts with subjective opinions, this will not reach a conclusion. Let's end it here.

By the way, avatar did $2.8 billion WW and nothing has come even close to it. I think avatar 2 will do $400m dom and $2.4 billion OS to remain flat.

Cameron plays by his own rules. Avatar 2 is making over 3 billion

Edited by DlAMONDZ
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7 hours ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

How? Spider man had a action scene in all the three parts of that movie, with first part being origin. How superman template fits spider-man? I think superman returns is the closest to super man template with 1 big action scene and then just boring mess. 

Also spider-man is the movie, which template is most followed currently, including Wonder woman. Ofcourse SM didn't do it first, but in SH movies it was first. Correct me if I'm wrong.

All three of Raimi's SM films followed the template from the first three Superman films, and he has admitted as much in interviews. SM1 is the epic origin story. SM2 has Parker temporarily losing his powers, only to triumphantly get them back. SM3 has Parker turning into a darker version of himself, just as Reeve did in SUPERMAN III. I'd also say that BATMAN BEGINS and WONDER WOMAN also reference the original Donner film.

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John Campea out of all people said something about the whole situation with Joss Whedon's personal news that came out that I feel it's valid for people following Justice League here to listen and understand:




TL;DW: Everything will be fine. 

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Disgruntled ex-wife washes her dirty laundry in public ?

Also, Joss Whedon used his postition of power to lure young girls into his bed ?

That never happened before, in any walk of life, and that will probably never happen again.


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The Defenders and Daredevil showrunner speaks about keeping his inner fanboy under control on The Defenders set:



99% of the time, I manage to keep my cool. I’m like, “This is fine. This is a job. I’m a professional. I’m an artist.” But 1% of the time, and I know I’m not the only person that feels this way because I know a lot of the actors and crew feel this way, we can’t believe what we’re able to do. So, that kid would do a couple of back flips, not that I would be capable of doing them, because I wasn’t. That kid would be really, really happy. So, when we’re out shooting in the back alleys of New York, at two in the morning when it’s really cold and everyone is really tired and wants to go home, it’s really smart to remember how excited that kid would be to be there. That’s what gets you through. I don’t want to get emotional or hokey or anything, but it’s also great to see kids fall in love with these characters all over again. At Comic-Con, I saw a young kid come up to Mike Colter and look at him like, “Oh, my god, you’re everything!” It was really touching and wonderful, and it was one of my favorite moments of working on the show. It’s great to be able to continue that legacy.




I wasn’t expecting this job. Not in my wildest dreams, when I was in the room on Daredevil Season 1, did I expect to be the guy standing on stage at Comic-Con when The Defenders premiered. That’s just not something I ever expected. So, when this job came about, it was one of those jump first things. It was absolutely a dream. I can’t talk much about what my vision was except to say that, at that time, I had seen the other shows and I had seen how important the other shows had been to so many people. I had seen how important Jessica Jones has been to so many people in my life, male and female. I had seen how important Luke Cage has been to people. So, beyond getting to work on The Defenders, the opportunity to work with these characters that were so important to so many people, and that clearly had so much to say in the cultural conversation, that’s where I was so excited to do it. I can’t believe I get to write for Jessica Jones. I can’t believe I get to live in Luke Cage’s world and write for Mike Colter and Simone Missick. Part of it was having a very emotional response that I get to do this.

Source: http://collider.com/the-defenders-marco-ramirez-interview-netflix/#daredevil




You did good, Ramirez.


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Alright superhero fans. Marvel and DC loonies. I bear new rumors and I don't like them. I really don't like them. I've shared the same post on both Batman and Joker threads  on "On The Lot" but I want to bring the discussion to the main forum. I think this is something that once would belong on the JL thread, but since that thread is now sacred haven - and I do enjoy what the mods did for that place, I enjoy it one hell fucking lot - so I'm bringing the party to you here on the Franchise Wars thread. 







I have read the thoughts of Jett from BATMAN-ON-FILM on this and I think I'm getting even more worried. He actually likes the idea, and I hate it because if what he is implying here is correct, well. It's just not good news at all for the DCEU. Here's what he said:



Here’s what all this sounds like to me (and I’m also throwing in a bit of “educated guessing”).


Since JUSTICE LEAGUE ends without a cliffhanger or setting up a sequel (it does indeed end with a nice and tight bow on top), it will be the end of the DCEU1.0 that started with MAN OF STEEL back in 2013. The DCEU will continue – the DCEU2.0 – in the form of AQUAMAN and the WONDER WOMAN sequel, but neither will really allude or tie-in to JL or the DCEU1.0.


The writing is on the wall for the DCEU1.0, no?


With all that said, anyone want to bet that this “expanding the canon of DC properties and creating unique storylines with different actors playing icon DC characters” is going to apply to Matt Reeves’ upcoming Batman film(s)? Hell, if I were a betting man (and I’m not – that would be Rick Shew), I’d lay a year’s pay – in MONOPOLY money, as always – that Mr. Reeves’ Batman movies have nothing to do with the DCEU.


In all honestly, this potential new DC on film approach by Warner Bros. sounds a lot like what THE DARK KNIGHT TRILOGY’s Christopher Nolan allegedly recommended to the studio around the time of MAN OF STEEL: (and I paraphrase too) Make as many DC films as you want, but don’t marry them to continuity and let them be their own thing.


When it comes to having continuity-less DC films, I give Warner Bros. my blessing. But, I'm still not sold on a Joker origin film.


Regardless, better late than never.

Source: http://www.batman-on-film.com/dccomics-on-film_film_news_Joker-origin-film-in-the-works_8-22-17.html


So yeah. I don't like even more how this is sounding. And if Jett is correct - and he has been literally spot on with everything regarding JL/Batman throughout this entire year - about Reeves Batman not being related to the DCEU at all, then I hate this news even more. 


If this is the plan that WB has going for it, I'm literally out." 


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