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5 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

I'm going to be buying the season pass for MvC and Injustice 2 very soon. And yes, I know, I'm an idiot. :lol: 


I got the steelbooks for both games, along with a bunch of others. I'm far worse, lol

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It finally happened. After a courtship of almost 78 years, Batman and Catwoman are getting hitched in the comics! (proper in continuity comics)




This is pretty HUGE for these two legendary icons










With Selina's pretty central position in the DCEU intro line-up, cannot wait for her return to the big screen. Harley who? :P 



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9 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:

It finally happened. After a courtship of almost 78 years, Batman and Catwoman are getting hitched in the comics! (proper in continuity comics)




This is pretty HUGE for these two legendary icons










With Selina's pretty central position in the DCEU intro line-up, cannot wait for her return to the big screen. Harley who? :P 






I love Tom King's Batman. But 1) This is bound to not last. C'mon, from the writer of the Vision and I Am Gotham, which I love but there's an obvious twist coming eventually. Longer it goes, the harder will be the fall and 2) youngsters clearly don't know their comic book history, do they? I mean, this isn't the first time. Hell, it isn't even the second time:










I mean, I'm excited and I'm buying it. But this screams storyline, not character development, and it's completely fine. Neither these characters should be in a relationship indefinitely, but as a storyline? Hell yes. 

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All of those other examples are from out of continuity stories. And King's doing great work with Batman, actually exploring his PTSD instead of just glorifying the empty brooding. His approach by wedding Bruce/Selina is to have them grapple with true happiness, a concept that's alien to them unlike the grimdark doom and gloom. It seems a refreshing concept and about damn time.

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1 minute ago, Spidey Freak said:

All of those other examples are from out of continuity stories. And King's doing great work with Batman, actually exploring his PTSD instead of just glorifying the empty brooding. His approach by wedding Bruce/Selina is to have them grapple with true happiness, a concept that's alien to them unlike the grimdark doom and gloom. It seems a refreshing concept and about damn time.

I love King's Batman. But I don't see this lasting at all. I don't see how either characters would benefit from that. But as a storyline? Hell yes. It's great, and I'm ready for the rollercoaster. Thinking it will be all true happiness and rainbows when they are both Batman and Catwoman seems naivety to me, but whatever works for you. 

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Just now, Spidey Freak said:

All of those other examples are from out of continuity stories. And King's doing great work with Batman, actually exploring his PTSD instead of just glorifying the empty brooding. His approach by wedding Bruce/Selina is to have them grapple with true happiness, a concept that's alien to them unlike the grimdark doom and gloom. It seems a refreshing concept and about damn time.

Forget it.

Fanboys never want their precious superheroes to be married/be in love/stay in relationships.

It's a almost a requirement/ tradition of being a fanboy: "How dare they have my superhero get married? I am the one who knows what's good for this character! This will never work!" :D 

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7 minutes ago, Cochofles said:

Forget it.

Fanboys never want their precious superheroes to be married/be in love/stay in relationships.

It's a almost a requirement/ tradition of being a fanboy: "How dare they have my superhero get married? I am the one who knows what's good for this character! This will never work!" :D 

That's flat out wrong. Most comic book fans WANT their beloved superheroes to grow old with them. They want them to mature with them and that's a very human and relatable feeling that I definitely simpathize with. Hell, you are talking with a guy that literally started collecting comics with Spider-Man marrying Mary Jane. 


With that said, I approach these characters via a brand/business standpoint now. If Batman and Catwoman were an indie comic or even something like The Walking Dead, sure, that would be something I could see it sticking until one of them were well, dead, in Walking Dead's case. I want one day write these characters because I love them so fucking much and I want the experience of contribuiting to the mythos, but I understand now that all we get from them is actually the illusion of change, not character development at all. And I've made my peace with that. Once I was younger than Peter Parker and he was a married dude. Now I am older than Peter and he isn't married anymore and was not even married to begin with because well, comics. 


When I say this I understand that upset most of the general fanboy crowd. They wish these characters could grow up and develop with them, but the truth is that they can't. And there's nothing wrong with that. The marriage of Spidey and MJ was important to me until it wasn't. The result was that we got better Spider-Man stories after OMD (which was atrocious) and as long as the characters keep getting great stories, I'm very much okay with them never getting old. I feel like this kind of understanding comes from my desire of one day working in the field AND my own way to cope with the fact that these characters will literally never get old. So does it matter if Batman and Catwoman marriage doesn't last forever? No, because even if their marriage doesn't last forever, these characters will, and we will not. It's my way of making my peace with the fact that these characters are literally never changing and regardless how much someone says that it happened "in continuity" that very concept is very fluid and subjectable to change 

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On 03/10/2017 at 0:50 PM, cax16 said:

On the bright side, I watched the gifted last night and that was good at least. 

Holy shit dude, I just watched this because you said it was good and I'm literally stunned here.


It's not "at least" good, I'd argue that next to Deadpool and Logan this is the best live action adaptation that Fox has ever fucking made. Is the X-Men? No. But it feels more like an X-Men story than literally anything else in the Singerverse, and that's INCLUDING Logan, which I do think it's great and the perfect end song to the Singerverse.


Perfect end song until now, that is. Gifted throws a wrench into my desire of Singerverse ending and it made me even more conflicted about the way that the X-Men are treated by Singer.


Let me explain: I'm forever greatful to Singer for X-Men and X-2, those films proved that a film based on a superhero team could not only be possible, but great. I always thought that he shouldn't be involved with this franchise any longer and I'm still very much against the Dark Phoenix film. Keeping the cast of First Class from the sixties to the nineties doesn't make an iota of sense to me. Days of Future Past seemed like the perfect caper for Singer's take and fixed those films continuity problems. Then Apocalypse happened and it was a fucking mess, although Deadpool showed what the true potential of what these characters are capable of doing both creatively and at box office.


Legion I haven't watched everything but it's a brilliant and crazy show, exactly like a Legion translation to the big screen should be. Now Gifted... HOLY SHIT.


HOLY SHIT, this is exactly what I wish I'd see they going for after DoFP. Stay in the present, same timeline as Deadpool, find a way to make the X-Men not showing up to work, at least at the very beginning. I don't want to judge this series for one episode alone, but this was literally FLAWLESS to me as an X-Men fan. I honestly wish that this was their version of the Agents of SHIELD because I honestly don't think that even Legion or ANY of the Marvel OR DC tv series have a start as strong and great as this one. I honestly couldn't recommend it enough to X-Men fans to check this one out, and stick to the very end because yes even the stinger for this works like literally nothing that Fox has ever done, and I include even Deadpool. It's that fucking brilliant. Can they keep up? Am I bound to get disappointed. I don't know. All I know is that it makes me even more infuriated at Fox and Singer himself. How the hell can you get a touchdown this fucking hard and not see how stupid to keep going with the past timeline after DoFP is? How can they nail this fucking hard an X-Men story even WITHOUT the X-Men with elegant enough effects and tension that I literally NEVER FELT with any of the Singer films? It pisses the fuck out of me.


X-Men and superhero fans, we have one of the best things that came out of this genre in this first episode of Gifted. Make sure to check this shit out. Go as spoiler free as possible.

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On 05/10/2017 at 9:51 AM, AndyK said:

Just reading that Empire article.


There's going to be a lot of fun on social media when people discover that Infinity War is essentially the same film as Justice League.



Don't worry, Marvel fans are used to this, as Civil War was a discount Batman v Superman.

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On 10/4/2017 at 8:13 AM, iJackSparrow said:



I love Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite and to me it's the best fighting game of literally the decade, but Injustice 2 is doing a literal INSANE job introducing new DLC characters and it's easily the most successful fighting game of the year. It has almost one million sales already and it's a freaking monster. And NRS is doing easily the best job promoting it. Exciting times for a fighting games lover like me. 

I hope WB lets NR try at another MK vs DC game. The first one didn't really get the budget it needed for it to succeed

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Early days for The Gifted but so far liked everything I saw in the premiere. Or maybe it was my love of Amy Acker lol. But if The Gifted can keep this quality up Fox will be 2/2 with their X-Men shows.


As much as I'm excited for the new Justice League trailer won't its buzz be drowned out by The Last Jedi trailer the following day?

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53 minutes ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:



As much as I'm excited for the new Justice League trailer won't its buzz be drowned out by The Last Jedi trailer the following day?

JL is never going to compare to the TLJ either way so it doesn’t matter.


They only have a small timeframe left now to promote the movie and nows the time. They’ll release the trailer this morning and get most of the trailer views/hype in the first 24 hours and hope to piggy back on trending on YouTube after TLJ trailer comes out tomorrow. 


The bottom line is that JL has to stand on its own either way to be successful, Thor is coming out before it and there’s is tons coming out after it including TLJ. 

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Notes upon recent CBM rewatches:

Guardians V2 and Wonder Woman are still some of my favorite CBMS.

Homecoming goes down a bit in rewatches.

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