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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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4 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

Imagine thinking Marvel learned SINCERITY from DC.. when Captain America exists.

His sincerity is played up as the joke. "Look how square this guy is, isn't it funny and quaint?" A sincere character in a movie doesn't mean the movie is sincere. Also, we're comparing CUs vs individual movies, say what you want about the quality of DCEU movies, on average they've been far more serious ever since Nolan's Batman. 


31 minutes ago, JB33 said:

I think it's more a Russos/Markus & McFeely thing. Those guys know how to take these stories seriously.

Truth. They've made my favorite MCU movies next to Ragnarok (which worked for me because it was straight comedy). IW was also at its best when it wasn't quipping. Dr. Strange was also decent for the same reason, although credit probably goes more to BC for nailing the role than the director.


1 hour ago, vc2002 said:


This arguement is as solid as your other posts on BOT.

Thanks for the compliment but next time just click the "thanks" reaction emoji.

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2 hours ago, dudalb said:

I don't think the MCU needed to borrow from the DCEU.

And why the hell should they given MCU has been more successful then the DCEU....

This is rich after accusing Jimbo fans of conflating box office success with film quality (which we don't).

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3 hours ago, Pure Spirit said:

Not really, WW had sincerity at its core, more a DCEU thing than an MCU thing. More in common with Superman/DCEU movies than MCU ones. If anything, IW finally borrowed from the DCEU to its great credit.



This shit so hilarious it needs extra gifs to convey how much I laughed at it






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If you are unable to have an intelligent discussion you shouldn't sign up to a discussion forum. It's so rude to come to a thread only to mock other member's opinions.


The world is so crazy right now, people completely lost respect and civility.

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3 hours ago, Pure Spirit said:

Not really, WW had sincerity at its core, more a DCEU thing than an MCU thing. More in common with Superman/DCEU movies than MCU ones. If anything, IW finally borrowed from the DCEU to its great credit.

All I saw in Wonder Woman is slooooow motion. The first avenger basically destroys it and actually shows the era it’s is supposed to take place , unlike Wonder Woman. I mean they use captain America as a living ad for war bonds. I get that Wonder Woman is like citizen Kane/The Godfather/apocalypse now all rolled into one for desperate dc fans but at its core it’s a very average film that just happened to rally the butthurt, from ghostbusters2016, feminists in the U.S. 


How on earth films like the dccu films have sincerity, from pa Kent advising Clark that he should have let a bus full of kids die to Batman being a homicide maniac to Superman being an unlikeable God, I have no idea. 


This thread is amazing though, hadn’t read it for a long time and didn’t know that it has reached such amazing levels of entertainment 😂

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1 hour ago, Pure Spirit said:

His sincerity is played up as the joke. "Look how square this guy is, isn't it funny and quaint?"

I think that reaction says more about you than about the movie. Key line: "People might just need a little old fashioned."

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17 minutes ago, Murgatroyd said:

I think that reaction says more about you than about the movie. Key line: "People might just need a little old fashioned."

You're backing up my point, lampshading humor is the opposite of sincerity. As long as we're on the subject of CA:


Nick Fury: Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there, but we thought it'd be easier to break it to you slowly.
Captain America/Steve Rogers: Break what?
Nick Fury: You've been asleep, Cap. For almost seventy years...You gonna be okay?
Captain America/Steve Rogers: Yeah, it's just...I had a date.


Is that funny? Yes. Is it cute? Sure. Is it winking at the audience? Yes.


Self-aware quips were becoming cinematic tics, the MCU equivalent of the Dreamworks face, so it was refreshing to see at no point did Thanos make one. It made him a better villain and IW a better movie. 

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7 hours ago, The Futurist said:

I am merely saying the DNA of Wonder Woman & a MCU movie match at 95% & Kevin probably clapped at Wondy when the credits rolled.

He did.


You’ve said multiple times that you are happy to see all other comic-book movies succeed because any average audience doesn’t know the difference between DC and Marvel. What was your experience watching Wonder Woman? Did you go opening weekend?


My experience watching Wonder Woman was that I had a great time at the movies. I’m sure it was opening weekend. There are great superhero moments in that movie that I loved. I love the reverse on the Donner Superman alleyway scene where she gets the bullet. I loved the World War I trench where she’s like, “Hey, people are in trouble over there.” [Feige, imitating the naysayers] “Can’t go over there—we’ve been here for a year.” She’s just like [re-enacts Wonder Woman climbing out of the trench] and goes right up into it. That’s a superhero moment, and all the other guys are like, “I guess we gotta follow.” Great. I almost got chills thinking about it. Great.

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With the Feds approvals today of the Disney/Fox Deal and with the Fox Marvel properties most likely coming into the MCU I would like to make a request that while I feel like the Main X-Men will be recast I would like Marvel to make sure that Dafne Keene as X-23 would remain and especially Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool too (For @Nova and @LOGAN'sLuckyRun). Hopefully they will listen.

Edited by manny1234
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8 minutes ago, cax16 said:

It’s Always entertaining reading this thread and seeing how insecure people are. 

For participating in a thread called fanboy wars ? Seriously ? I’d say the insecure people are the ones that feel the need to always keep their seriousness and “coolness”, I mean who the fuck cares it’s fanboy Wars and we are going to have some good online battles damn it !!!

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I also have a feeling with this deal soon to be completed that while Dark Phoenix most likely will make it to theaters, that New Mutants most likely will be dumped on streaming since it might be a one-off movie.

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8 minutes ago, Pure Spirit said:

You're backing up my point, lampshading humor is the opposite of sincerity. As long as we're on the subject of CA:


Nick Fury: Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there, but we thought it'd be easier to break it to you slowly.
Captain America/Steve Rogers: Break what?
Nick Fury: You've been asleep, Cap. For almost seventy years...You gonna be okay?
Captain America/Steve Rogers: Yeah, it's just...I had a date.


Is that funny? Yes. Is it cute? Sure. Is it winking at the audience? Yes.


Self-aware quips were becoming cinematic tics, the MCU equivalent of the Dreamworks face, so it was refreshing to see at no point did Thanos make one. It made him a better villain and IW a better movie. 

If you think that scene is played for humor you're clueless

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2 minutes ago, Thrylos 7 said:

For participating in a thread called fanboy wars ? Seriously ? I’d say the insecure people are the ones that feel the need to always keep their seriousness and “coolness”, I mean who the fuck cares it’s fanboy Wars and we are going to have some good online battles damn it !!!

Sure, if you say so.

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1 minute ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:








Remember it good.

It’s very true. I don’t know why people can’t be civil, most people enjoy most things but unfortunately you have a few bad apples here and there. 

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