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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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2 minutes ago, Obi-Wan Telemachos said:


:lol: I don't think it's an F. But imma be really pissed if the third act of Ep9 is anything like JW. :ph34r:


You mean full of awesome scenes that just make you happy? Yeah I could see why that would piss you off.  I loved Jurassic World a lot but I'm actually not sure yet about Treverrow as the director for Episode 9. Jurassic World might have been a fun epic awesome crowdpleaser but....the main Star Wars episode directors should be able to bring the goods. I would have preferred if Treverrow was doing a Star Wars spin-off film.


I'm interested to see The Book of Henry. I have yet to see Safety Not Guaranteed and I doubt I will so The Book of Henry will be Treverrow's test on whether I think he's capable of more, if that makes sense.

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Yes.. the force is calling to Rey. The force needs to balance itself once again. All in all though, it'll turn out she's Lukes daughter. Ive said this before, I know, but there's no way a SKYWALKER is NOT making out of this trilogy. Luke is not surviving this.. to not have the name SKYWALKER in the next trilogy... it just won't happen. Setting up that FINN doesn't have a last name is kind of perfect, since their kid(If she ends up with him) will just take her last name.


Yes, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren is part of the Skywalker family... but he's not a SKYWALKER. That name has so much meaning to not exist after this trilogy. SAGA films = Skywalker films.

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3 minutes ago, DAJK said:

Not a spoiler for Episode 7 but rather for ROTJ.


Did Vader actually die not knowing that his daughter was Leia?


"Sister... So, you have a twin sister. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not be turned, then perhaps she will."


No, he knew.

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1 minute ago, DAJK said:

Not a spoiler for Episode 7 but rather for ROTJ.


Did Vader actually die not knowing that his daughter was Leia?


No. He knew it was Leia.  He got that info from force mind reading Luke's mind. In fact, when Vader was like "I'm just going to find her and turn her to the dark side instead" is when Luke attacked him and "defeated" him.

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5 minutes ago, Obi-Wan Telemachos said:


"Sister... So, you have a twin sister. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not be turned, then perhaps she will."


No, he knew.

True but he never did mention her by name.

"Tell your sister, you were right."

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1 minute ago, DAJK said:

True but he never did mention her by name.

"Tell your sister, you were right."


I'm guessing Lawrence Kasdan trusted the audiences to realize that when  Vader said sister he meant "Leia" since y'know it was established earlier in the movie.

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I guess I just don't care that Rey is a total badass.  Some people are just more gifted at certain things than others are.  Who knows, maybe that's part of the backstory.  Maybe while training, Rey showed insane levels of gift and Ren has a little of his grandfather in him and became insanely jealous and that's what turned him?


I know having someone be perfect at things isn't great drama, but this shit happens for real.  I can't explain how, in my sophomore year of high school I was making low B's and high C's in Algebra 1, then turned around the next year and got nothing but straight A's in Algebra 2 and Geometry.  I literally never got anything below an A in any math class again.  I can't explain it, it just clicked with me.  There are child prodigies that can play the violin flawlessly at age 5 without any practice.


Shit happens.  

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9 hours ago, Dephira said:

Well now that I have finally seen this as well, some of my thoughts on the movie:


The Good:

- The new characters Rey and Finn, really liked what both of them brought to the table. Acting and chemistry between them was superb. Rey is certainly one of my favorite characters of the franchise.

- Poe Dameron was sgood too, if a bit underutilized. I hope to see more of him in the sequels.

- The lightsaber battles were epic. They were like a marriage of the best aspects of both trilogies: battles that internalize significant relationships and character developments, but are at the same time stylishly filmed and choreographed without seeming to much like a dance showcase. I really enjoyed Finn's first battle against the stormtrooper too, where he is just barely keeping up. It looked exactly like how I'd expect someone with no lightsaber training and force sensitivty to fight and it made the threat seem real. I do think Rey was a bit too strong against Kylo; in a perfect world, she would've just barely escaped after Kylo tries to seduce her to the dark side, instead of cutting him down like that.


- Harrison Ford was pretty great in this, seemed like his heart was actually in this movie. Mark Hamill was good too; his role is tiny of course but I think they really nailed the old wise Jedi hermit look. I've heard a lot of hate against Carrie Fisher, but I think she was fine too.

- LOVED the scenes where Rey is alone in the base after captured. That battle of wills against Kylo was amazing, and the scene with Daniel Craig's stormtrooper was great.

- Character interactions in general were highly believable throughout, without exception; Han and Leia, Rey and Finn, REY AND KYLO, Poe and Finn all act like real human beings and emote.


The Bad:

- Did we seriously need another superweapon that's exactly like what we've seen but 5 times as deadly? I mean what's next, in episode VIII they build a new, larger version that destroys not 5 but 10 planets at once?

- Also the way the Republic fleet destroys Starkiller is lame, derivative, and almost distracting from the actually interesting fights going on inside.

- A little more political talk would not have hurt. It's obvious they evaded anything remotely political, but it's all a bit confusing if you think about it. How did the First Order rise from the Empire? Why does the Republic still act like rebels even though now apparently they are the established order?

- I like how General Snoke is gigantic at first and then turns out to be a projection, but I didn't like his design overall. Doesn't seem Star Wars-y to me.


Overall I thought the movie was exceptionally effective at handing over the franchise to the new characters, and it was a great thrill ride that really felt like Star Wars. I'll definitely want to go back and see it more times. For the next movies I'd like to see the calmer, character-driven scenes extended even a bit more; there's still plenty of action to go around as is.

You almost mirror my thoughts.   I too am a bit curious about the politics.   Hate to ask for more of that after the Prequels, but a little explanation wouldn't hurt I think.


4 hours ago, Tubes said:

Luke is repeatedly mentioned as being an excellent bush pilot and being able to hit small targets using his T-16's laser cannon.


Anakin winning the pod race (something he's never done) is convenient, but he's raced in them before.


I didn't mind Rey being able to pilot the Falcon or winning the respect of Han (both possible Sue-ish traits).  I just found it a bit off that she was able to pull out Force powers and beat a Sith (who, as a Dark Side practicioner, thrives on emotion and anger to drive his power) without having some kind of tutelage first.


This isn't the first time the franchise had criticism for overpowered author avatars.  You could pick apart Luke as a self insert character.  Had the prequels came first, we would have.


I admit I had the same thoughts as you at first.  (I put it in my review)   But seeing it the second time resolves it pretty well I think.


You say you believe Luke was a good pilot because it was mentioned.   ...It was also mentioned that Rey was a pilot.  ("We need a pilot!"   "We've got one!")


I think it's also made clear that she is very capable in a fight and has had some training there.   Finn has been trained in fighting since birth right?   She takes him out easily.    So when it comes to fight training, Rey is FAR FAR more trained and skillful than Luke the farmboy was.


Add in that Snoke actually mentions that Ren is not fully trained yet.    I think the most misleading thing about Ren is how he is portrayed as an unstoppable force in the early battle scene.   In truth, we should downgrade our opinion of his training and upgrade our opinion of Rey and Finn's training.   Neither of them are novices to training.   We also see Finn in a sword fight with another Stormtrooper so obviously that's part of their training.


Rey's use of the Force is greatly helped for me by that incredible mental battle scene between her and Ren.   I'm totally buying that she is a special Force user and made a quantum leap.   Their great acting there sold me.


4 hours ago, Jay Salahi said:

My problem isn't really her winning, but her force moment is lame to me. The shot is held for WAY to long. They both look like they are just holding lightsabers by there face. It doesn't not seem at all like they are straining each other trying to push the other back. They both are "waiting". Plus he goes all teach you the force and then she's like "oh yeah. the force, I'll try, thanks for the advance Kylo!"


I caught it the second time that Ren was hesitating at that moment because he wanted to turn her.   He was waiting on purpose and actually trying to get her to think about the Force.   Snope....like the Emperor in the OT....wanted her brought to him.   That means he has to bring her in alive obviously.


Something else that helps me buy into Rey's capabilities is the fact that she trained so hard for this role and it shows up in her performance.   She looks and moves like a person in tip-top shape because that's what she really is.   You can't fake being in great shape.   (Note to Boyega....it wouldn't hurt you to work out a little for the next one...take a cue from your co-star...it helps the performance)


Here she talks about training 5 hours a day to get ready.   So obviously the character is meant to be physically capable:



Another interesting thing she says is how Star Wars culture found its way into her brain even though she isn't a big fan.   That illustrates the power of Star Wars right there.

Edited by Harpospoke
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13 minutes ago, Obi-Wan Telemachos said:


"Sister... So, you have a twin sister. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not be turned, then perhaps she will."


No, he knew.


How come he couldn't sense who she was at the very beginning of A New Hope? He was in very close quarters with her and even interrogated her. This is the biggest plot hole in Lucas retconning the story after the original movie to make them all related to each other. But overall it works amazingly well. Best retcon ever, haha.

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Just now, redfirebird2008 said:


How come he couldn't sense who she was at the very beginning of A New Hope? He was in very close quarters with her and even interrogated her. This is the biggest plot hole in Lucas retconning the story after the original movie to make them all related to each other. But overall it works amazingly well. Best retcon ever, haha.


I would assume it's because he didn't know she existed and she thought her father was Bail Organa. 

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7 minutes ago, Darth Rallax said:


I would assume it's because he didn't know she existed and she thought her father was Bail Organa. 


The problem with this is once he gets into closer quarters with Luke he knows exactly who it is. That's because by this point (ESB) Lucas had already come up with the retcon. Vader is supposed to be an incredibly powerful force user and should have known damn well that one of his children was in his presence at the beginning of ANH. Other than the whole incest thing, it's probably the strongest evidence of a retcon. If those two elements weren't there, you would never guess that the story didn't already exist as it unfolded in ESB/ROTJ. Greatest retcon of all-time.

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7 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


The problem with this is once he gets into closer quarters with Luke he knows exactly who it is. That's because by this point (ESB) Lucas had already come up with the retcon. Vader is supposed to be an incredibly powerful force user and should have known damn well that one of his children was in his presence at the beginning of ANH. Other than the whole incest thing, it's probably the strongest evidence of a retcon. If those two elements weren't there, you would never guess that the story didn't already exist as it unfolded in ESB/ROTJ. Greatest retcon of all-time.


12 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


How come he couldn't sense who she was at the very beginning of A New Hope? He was in very close quarters with her and even interrogated her. This is the biggest plot hole in Lucas retconning the story after the original movie to make them all related to each other. But overall it works amazingly well. Best retcon ever, haha.



Beginning of ANH he didn't know he had any children. He was told of Padme dying in childbirth, one assumes that he presumed the child died with her. (He didn't know Padme was having twins either)

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