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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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3 minutes ago, Giesi said:


I don't know if this was already posted before. I need to see the scene with Kylo in the Millennium Falcon, oh and the snowspeeder scene. Fortunately, JJ picked the opening shot we can see in the movie...

Only one that would work well at all is the Leia conversation with the Republic senator, just as clarification for the relationship between the Republic and the Resistance.

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I don't know if this has been discussed or not...


We all know JJ is a master of misdirection (the trailers made it seem like Finn was the main Jedi in the movie, Captian Phasma was marketed like a bigger role...etc..).  In the movie, it is mentioned that Luke was training the new generation of Jedi and that one of them betrayed him and killed the others.  Since Han Solo is telling that story and we just learned tha Kylo Ren is his son a couple scenes before this, we are supposed to assume that Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo is the one that betrayed Luke.  Could it be possible that Snoke was the apprentice that betrayed Luke?   Snoke is deformed and Jedi Masters are experts at crimpling Sith Lords (Mace Windu with Palpatine/Sidious & Obi Wan with Anakin/Vader). 


Do they specify in either the movie or the novelization that Kylo Ren was the student that betrayed Luke or was it simply inferred?


Things I want to see explained in EP 8:

Who is Snoke?

Why the need for a mask for Kylo Ren?  Fashion?

Rey's relation with the Solos and Skywalkers.  Where did she learn the Wookie language?

How was Luke's fire lightsaber recovered from Cloud City?

Link between the First Order and the old empire.  Was Snoke in the Empire?

When did the Jedi massacre happen?  How old was Rey at the time?  Where was she? 

If the massacre happened when she was 4-5 years old, then Ben Solo/Kylo Ren was around 14-15 years old.  Pretty young to lead a massacre...

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20 minutes ago, Chewy said:


How did Batman get back to Gotham??


He flew with Kal-El airlines.  He also asked Green Lantern to put some gas on the side of a big building in the shape of his bat signature.   

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1 hour ago, Ethan Hunt said:


Not exactly much competition, outside of Leia/Han.


Aiken/Padme? Yeah no


Luke/Leia? Gross






Rey/Finn (I actually like them, they have good chemistry.  Not as great as Finn-Poe, but good chemistry)


Also some ships that picked up on Tumblr



Kylo's Ren/Hux





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3 hours ago, langer said:

I don't know if this has been discussed or not...


We all know JJ is a master of misdirection (the trailers made it seem like Finn was the main Jedi in the movie, Captian Phasma was marketed like a bigger role...etc..).  In the movie, it is mentioned that Luke was training the new generation of Jedi and that one of them betrayed him and killed the others.  Since Han Solo is telling that story and we just learned tha Kylo Ren is his son a couple scenes before this, we are supposed to assume that Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo is the one that betrayed Luke.  Could it be possible that Snoke was the apprentice that betrayed Luke?   Snoke is deformed and Jedi Masters are experts at crimpling Sith Lords (Mace Windu with Palpatine/Sidious & Obi Wan with Anakin/Vader). 


Do they specify in either the movie or the novelization that Kylo Ren was the student that betrayed Luke or was it simply inferred?


Things I want to see explained in EP 8:

Who is Snoke?

Why the need for a mask for Kylo Ren?  Fashion?

Rey's relation with the Solos and Skywalkers.  Where did she learn the Wookie language?

How was Luke's fire lightsaber recovered from Cloud City?

Link between the First Order and the old empire.  Was Snoke in the Empire?

When did the Jedi massacre happen?  How old was Rey at the time?  Where was she? 

If the massacre happened when she was 4-5 years old, then Ben Solo/Kylo Ren was around 14-15 years old.  Pretty young to lead a massacre...


He wears the mask because he's a Vader wanna be. He idolizes Vader. Hence, he wears a mask. 

He also does it to freak people out lol


Thats it. It's that simple. 


The rest of your questions I'm looking forward to finding out as well. 

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Kylo definitely betrayed Luke....Han says a young boy betrayed him.  Then Han says to Leia that there is too much Vader in him, then you see Rey's flashback to Kylo wiping out the Jedi.

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7 hours ago, straggler said:

Katniss was a great character because she was both strong and vulnerable. There was a certain realness to her, flaws, immaturity. She wasn't played like Joan of Arc, which is why she was in spite of herself. Katniss was someone that moviegoers should have hated but it was perfectly balanced. Rey is presented as a superhero, completely one note,and that is how she is played. No depth or humanity. She is written to be the new Luke without having to do any growth. It is a cheat. Movies are fake of course and there are scripts and effects but you don't want the film to ram a character down your throat because then you see the strings. Frankly none of the new characters meant anything. This one was the new Luke. This one was the new Han. This one was the new Vader. Thank god the real ones showed up to save it.    


I don't want this to sound like a SJW rant, but is it possible this complaint is because she's female?


I say that because no one ever needed a backstory to believe that Han Solo was physically and mentally capable and strong.   Rey is given much more backstory than Han to explain why she is such a strong fighter and why she would be mentally tough.   So why isn't that enough for her when much less was enough to buy into Han?


She ISN'T like Luke in that respect so I disagree that she is written like the "new Luke".   It's this little detail that fuels a lot of the "Mary Sue" stuff.   So many are equating her to Luke when she is much more capable than he was.  She would beat the crap out of Luke and is "street smart" and worldly.   Other than being the main protagonist and living on a desert world, I don't see them as being the same character at all.   Maybe some are guilty of looking at her superficially?


6 hours ago, Ethan Hunt said:


No Jar Jar :P


I lol'ed.   Well played.


6 hours ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

All of this Rey nonsense is just that... Nonsense. There are far more compelling gripes with Force Awakens. I'm not really sure why so many are hung up on her... http://birthmoviesdeath.com/2015/12/28/star-wars-storytelling-and-fixing-it-in-post


Wow...hope those make it onto a special DC or something.   The Leia scene would have cleared up the "not enough politics" complaint.


Ok...anyone catch this quote from Abrams?

"I’m not a huge fan of directors’ cuts and modifications to a movie. I feel the movie that comes out is the movie that should be the intended final product."


Wonder what Lucas thinks of that one?



3 hours ago, langer said:

I don't know if this has been discussed or not...


We all know JJ is a master of misdirection (the trailers made it seem like Finn was the main Jedi in the movie, Captian Phasma was marketed like a bigger role...etc..).  In the movie, it is mentioned that Luke was training the new generation of Jedi and that one of them betrayed him and killed the others.  Since Han Solo is telling that story and we just learned tha Kylo Ren is his son a couple scenes before this, we are supposed to assume that Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo is the one that betrayed Luke.  Could it be possible that Snoke was the apprentice that betrayed Luke?   Snoke is deformed and Jedi Masters are experts at crimpling Sith Lords (Mace Windu with Palpatine/Sidious & Obi Wan with Anakin/Vader). 


Do they specify in either the movie or the novelization that Kylo Ren was the student that betrayed Luke or was it simply inferred?


Things I want to see explained in EP 8:

Who is Snoke?

Why the need for a mask for Kylo Ren?  Fashion?

Rey's relation with the Solos and Skywalkers.  Where did she learn the Wookie language?

How was Luke's fire lightsaber recovered from Cloud City?

Link between the First Order and the old empire.  Was Snoke in the Empire?

When did the Jedi massacre happen?  How old was Rey at the time?  Where was she? 

If the massacre happened when she was 4-5 years old, then Ben Solo/Kylo Ren was around 14-15 years old.  Pretty young to lead a massacre...


That's why I can't wait for the next movie.

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2 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:

Kylo definitely betrayed Luke....Han says a young boy betrayed him.  Then Han says to Leia that there is too much Vader in him, then you see Rey's flashback to Kylo wiping out the Jedi.


Thanks for the reminder,  even though I've seen it twice, I don't remember the exact quote. 

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It annoyed me how they basically reset the expanded universe & went back to rebels vs the empire. Say what you want about Lucas & his scripts & directing being basic but his vision for the Star Wars universe even 20-30 years ago seems a lot grander then anything we were treated to in TFA. Needs a lot more expansion in Rogue One & the next installment.

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