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Monday Numbers: 15.05 M BVS | About a 55% drop, better than F7 Easter Monday. EPIC CJohn meltdown starts Page 18.

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This movie is going to make a ton of $$ for WB... but they might have for sure "left money on the table". This is a huge movie... one that should have happened a long long time ago.. so yeah, even though something like 350m DOM is huge, it seems small for a movie like this.

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but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying


but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying


but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying


Déjà vu.

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Sorry guys but there's really nothing amazing about the whole day yesterday. They are absolutely right where they should be. Look at Easter Mondays in the past.

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Why are some people choosing to ignore that studios get around half of the movie's bo earnings ? So when BvS reaches around 900 million $ , WB will get half of that . How it will be hugely profitable, from its theatrical release, is a mystery to me . The fact that you have to resort to home video sales, tv rights and ..,toys to justify this movie as a financial success speaks volumes .

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57 minutes ago, a2knet said:

BvS was always going to make a profit. Look at the stature of the film. The WW OW showed how big an event this movie was. Even if it crumbled and ended at 800m WW it was gonna make a profit. Add auxiliary sources and maddening merchandising and WB/DC can swim in a pool of BvS profits.


The questions were always around how much can it make. 365-375m Dom, and 925m WW, it's a BIG figure. It's an unqualified success.


However, it's fair to to say that WB left money on the table. Even 350m is a big figure domestic. If it does that, I will be disappointed. 890m is a huge figure WW. If it does that, I will be disappointed. And it's not an immature disappointment. These numbers have been reached by films with less going for it. It's all about expectations.


I remember people being disappointed with PotC 3's 310m Dom or Shrek 3's 320m Dom. That too without 3D.

I remember folks being disappointed by Hobbit 1's 303m Dom. A huge figure but WB left money on table because of length.

AOU's 460m disappointed as hardly anyone was expecting sub 500m.

MJ2's 282m is more than enough to make it a hit and make profits with WW numbers. But missing 300m was disappointing.

KFP3 in China was 150m USD. Huge number. Was a record for a Hollywood animation before ZOOTP came along. But people were disappointed BIG time and it was valid.


Just because a movie does big numbers it does not mean folks are not allowed to feel disappointed if the consensus (not a few fanboy predictions) before the release was that the movie would do more.


Find enough people saying that BvS will do 900m odd WW before the release and I won't feel disappointed.



yes what you say makes perfect sense. I feel the bad reviews definitely turned a lot of people away. 

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4 minutes ago, Baumer said:

Sorry guys but there's really nothing amazing about the whole day yesterday. They are absolutely right where they should be. Look at Easter Mondays in the past.


True. The semi holiday helped matters. 


That also means Zootopia has 80m+ left in the tank when measure against Home from 2015 at the same point.

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24 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying


but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying


but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying


but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying

but not as bad as the reviews were saying


Déjà vu.



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14 minutes ago, hasanahmad said:


Thats about the kind of response I expect from

someone who cannot agree to something but knows it is likely true 


No, it means it's meaningless. People are people. And critics are people too. They have their own preconceptions, their own preferences, their own likes and dislikes. This is not something to be discarded -- it's the very reason why they are chosen to be critics! Because they have a breadth of experience and knowledge and familiarity with (whatever medium they're talking about) and they can express themselves and their opinions vividly and concisely. You may feel those opinions are wrong, and you can discard them as being unhelpful or pointless within the context of what you like and dislike. But that doesn't change the fact that the very concept of criticism is that it is the subjective opinion of the critic.


Even within the context of these specific characters and this specific movie, a large bulk of the written criticism has nothing to do with whether the critic in question felt these were the "right" takes on the characters -- most of it has to do with the fact they felt characterizations presented were weak, flimsy, nonsensical, or absent entirely; that the pacing and tone overall was awkward, shambling, and one-note; that as a whole the movie felt turgid, gloomy, and flat.


You may disagree with those points -- I happen to agree with them, but it didn't matter because I still liked it -- but none of that has anything to do with with bizarre concept that critics must adhere to some sort of character standard that happens to fit your own opinion of the characters. I don't use these words lightly, but attacking critics for being "wrong" about a movie you liked, as if there was some sort of objective "correct truth", is a sort of narcissistic fascism. Who are you (or who am I? or anyone?) to tell someone what they should or should not think about a movie?

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